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"I'm cold."

"Told you you should've brought a jacket." He flashed a coy smile.

I shook my head, trying to act serious when all I could do was laugh. "Felix, we're in your car! Just turn the heat up!"

Felix chuckled, turning on the seat warmers. His hand then rested on my thigh.

The night lights were bright against the dark sky. The farther we drove, the more stars we could see in the sky. Soon enough, the buildings turned into trees that surrounded us, visible in the moonlight.

"Are we almost there?" I poked his side.

Felix grabbed my hand and brought it to his lips, planting a gentle kiss. "Why are you so impatient? I thought you loved car rides!"

"I do! It's just. . ."

"Just what?"

I could feel heat rise in my cheeks as I turned my attention to the window. "Just want to kiss you. . ."

My heart lurched in feelings, pumping wildly in my chest. I bet he could hear it if he turned the radio completely off. It was humming soft melodies just below a lush whisper.

Before I could even react, Felix's hand grabbed the front of my hoodie (his, actually) and pulled me to him, smashing his lips onto mine. He quickly pulled back and let go, leaving me a blushing mess.

"You think I can wait until I park the car to kiss you?" He spoke, his voice smooth like honey. It left butterflies in my stomach.

"I couldn't wait much longer either, darling."

I knew that if I said anything, I would stutter over my words and then Felix would tease me for being 'too adorable.' So I shut my mouth, hiding my red cheeks with my cold hands.

Soon enough, Felix pulled onto the side of the road, on a patch of dirt that overlooked a cliffside. He shut the car off, winking at me before climbing out. I rolled my eyes, trying my best to act unamused by it, then followed him to the front of his car.

Even though summer was just around the corner, the air was sharp as it bit at my nose. Leaning against the hood of Felix's car, I hugged myself for warmth.

He put an arm around me, pulling me closer to his body. "You are so beautiful." He murmured, his fingertips playing with my hair.

I smiled unwillingly. "Thank you."

"How's the view?"

I finally took in our surroundings. The cliff overlooked downtown and the capitol building, along with Capitol Lake. The dome at the top of the capitol was lit up, leading the skyline. Dozens of lights here and there glittered, almost a reflection from the stars up above.

"It's amazing. . ."

"Just like my girlfriend."

I blushed. "Stop it."

"What? I can't be nice to you?" I giggled at his playfulness, to which he pretended to be exasperated, sighing dramatically. That earned more giggles out of me.

He pointed up at the stars. "You see that cluster of stars?"

"I see a lot of stars."

He scoffed. "No, right there. With those three stars in a line, and like a rectangle around that?"

I squinted my eyes. "Okay, and?"

"That's Orion. The hunter." He pointed somewhere else in the sky. "And that sideways W? That's Cassiopeia. She was a queen in Greek Mythology. She was beautiful. Not as beautiful as you though."

I smiled, leaning my head onto Felix's chest as he showed me constellation after constellation. The vibrations from his voice tickled against his chest.

After a while, he fell silent. My freezing-numb fingers intertwined with his warm ones, his thumb rubbing some feeling back into them.

His other hand rested under my chin, turning my face to his. His thumb softly grazed my lips.          "(Y/N). . . " His husky voice whispered. "I love you."

Suddenly, his playfulness was gone. He was serious, his warm, brown eyes seemed to memorize my entire face. "I love you too."

Felix leaned down to meet my lips softly as I closed my eyes. He was full of passion, delicately holding my face, his other hand on my lower back. I sank into the kiss, loving him completely, loving him wholeheartedly.

Nothing could ruin this.

Word count: 743

A/N: new book is out! When my other book Ghostly Flames is finished, then I'll be posting here on a weekly schedule. Next chapter will be posted sometime next week! Thank you for your continued support and appreciation 💖💖

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