Special Oneshot! - 100 Followers!

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A/n: I can't believe I reached 100 followers! As a thank you to you amazing readers and supports, this is a excerpt from an upcoming Bakugo x Villain! Reader book I'll publish in the next couple of weeks!

This takes place after the internships and before the exams.


For whatever reason, the biggest thing that surprised me was that the house was simple and minimalist. At least, from this angle looking into the living room and kitchen.

"Learn to fucking walk, will you?" Katsuki growled, shoving me out of the way and strutting down a hallway to the left. I glared at the back of his head, even though he couldn't see me.

"Geez. . . This somehow doesn't feel like you're doing me a favor." I muttered, making my way to the dining room and setting my backpack down on a chair. Despite his aggressive, hostile personality, the decor throughout the house seemed delicate and fragile. Maybe that's why there's not a lot of expensive things.

The only thing that strayed from the order and cleanliness of the house was the refrigerator. Creeping up to it, I could see a dozen photographs pinned to the door by magnets.

One that caught my eye was a school picture with a class. I found Katsuki in an instant - he had his chin stuck up and his arms crossed, as if he owned the school. Even as a kid, he's super arrogant. I rolled my eyes.

Then I saw a head full of green hair in the group. Is that. . . Midoriya? I looked closer, and confirmed my suspicions.

They do know each other from before U.A. . . They have such a confusing relationship.

Another picture was a selfie of Katsuki and his mom. She was holding the camera, her arm wrapped around his neck, holding him against her in order to take a picture. And of course, Katsuki was struggling, while his mom was beaming bright. He was maybe four, around the same age as the class photo.

That picture struck a heartchord within me.

I don't think Mother even has pictures of us. Or even of me. It was only evidence that we didn't need to risk being found.

My eyes widened in realization.

If she knew where I was right now. . . I swallowed hard. She'll want to know everything in order to hurt him. . .

I can't do that to Katsuki.

A voice came from behind me, almost directly into my ear - that's how close they were.

"Oi! H - "

With a shriek I turned and slapped their arm, activating my quirk on instinct.

A moment later I opened my eyes, which had been shut tight enough to give me a headache. When did I close my eyes? I exhaled a breath I didn't realize I was holding, trying to release the tension built up in my muscles. Slowly, I looked at the ground, and gasped.


His voice was so quiet. The only reason I could hear it was due to the sheer intensity of his screams. He pounded his fist against my shoe, but it only felt like a small tap.

"Oh my god, Katsuki, I didn't - I mean, - " I stuttered before sharply exhaling in annoyance. "You fucking scared me!"

"Who'd you think I was?! Fucking Stain!? In my own house!?" He exclaimed.

I covered my face with my hands, hoping he didn't see the flash of familiarity cross over my face. No need to get into that again.

A wave of exhaustion rolled over me. My limbs felt heavy, a headache growing immensely. I crouched down. "I'm so, so, sorry, Katsuki. I have no idea when it's gonna wear off."

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