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Oh shit - these aren't feelings, are they?

After I paid and we said our gratitudes, we jumped back in the car and drove to our next stop. Kohls.

"I think this is unnecessary." Midoriya reasoned as I browsed the selection. "You really don't have to buy all this stuff for me."

"I don't mind. And I can't just steal Max's clothes all the time. He'll notice."

"Yeah, but like - " He flipped the tag on a pair of Adidas joggers. "Look at the price of these! It's insane, and way too much for me to ask you."

I pulled a hoodie off the rack and held it up against Midoriya, ignoring his complaints. "This looks like it'll fit. Try it on."

He sighed, exasperated as he grabbed the hangar from me. "This is $40, (Y/N)."

"So?" I shrugged my shoulders and winked before turning back around to look at more clothes.

It was to hide my rising blush.

Did I really just do that?

Reluctantly, Midoriya tried some clothes I picked out for him, although he refused to even try on something that was more than $45. He called it excessive. Please.

I paid for just a couple of outfits - outfits that he approved the price of, and outfits that I approved of in the good-looks department.

"Thank you, (Y/N)." Midoriya said sincerely while I turned the car on.

"Don't thank me - I honestly don't mind it. Besides, it's nice to get out of the house sometimes."

"Do you have a job or anything? How did you pay?"

"No. I just worked a lot over the summer, and saved some up. The work kept my mind off Felix, before and after we broke up."

"Ah," He said awkwardly, tapping his fingers against the armrest. "Now what?"

I sighed, staring at the car's dashboard, my wrists resting on the steering wheel.

"First, we're getting gas. Then, I have to do some school work. I'm in college classes."

"Wow, that's crazy! Wait - are you in college?"

"Not exactly. There's this cool program around here. During your final two years of high school, you can instead take college classes at the community college, paid for by the high school. So this is my second year. I'm taking physics, calculus IV, and American government. It's pretty hardcore."

"Well, yeah, that's insane! I think I'm in the same year as you, and I'm just beginning calculus this year. Calc IV!? That's amazing, (Y/N)."

"Yeah, so, I need to study. But I don't think studying at home is the best. There's too much of a risk of my mom or Max finding you."

"Right, so that leads us to. . ?"

I sighed. We were still just sitting in the running car in the parking lot with quiet music creeping through the old speakers.

"Let's just go to a Starbucks. Maybe you can try researching ways to get you back home."

He nodded in agreement.
After the quick round trip to get gas and my schoolbag, the two of us found ourselves sitting across from one another outside a Starbucks. I let Midoriya use my laptop in an attempt to find some far-fetched solution. My face was buried in calculus homework.

I groaned, letting my head hit the table.

"This is the dumbest thing." My voice was muffled from my notebook.

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