Izuku's Side

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I took a step closer to Momo, my hand finding hers. She gave mine a squeeze.

This is going to be the most difficult part, right?

No, that's not true.

The most difficult part will be when he truly remembers (Y/N), after she's been long gone.

And I'll observe him until then. I know he would do the same for me.

His face scrunched together before his eyes opened, squinting at the lights glaring down at him. His right arm was in a sling (when is it not?) and his left leg was in a cast.

"Hey, Midoriya," Kirishima said with a bright smile on his face. "All of us are here to check in on you, see how you're doing."

His eyes scanned everyone in the class, the lot of us surrounding his bed.

"Thanks for coming, everyone." Midoriya said softly, shaking his head. "Sorry, I don't remember how I ended up here. . . Is everyone okay?"

"Yeah," I said, Momo leaning into me. "Everyone's okay. We wanted to stop by before class."

Midoriya looked at each of us again before his stare locked on me. My stomach sank with his words.

"Where's Ochaco?"

I couldn't look him in the eyes anymore. I turned towards the floor as Momo gave my hand another squeeze.

"Midoriya. . ." Tsu-chan stepped forward nervously. "Have the doctors talked to you about anything?"

He sighed, looking out the window. "They said I don't remember everything, but that's it." He turned back to me. "Just tell me she's okay."

I clenched my free hand into a fist. "We don't know, but. . . there's nothing we can do."

Midoriya didn't react. "Where is she? Is she at her internship right now?"

This is so difficult.

"No, Midoriya. We can talk later. For now, just rest. We have class to get to."

Everyone mumbled in agreement, saying small things to Midoriya as they slowly filed out of the room. Momo said she would wait for me outside. Then it was just Kirishima and I.

Midoriya looked up at us, almost pleading. "Please just tell me where she is."

Kirishima and I exchanged a look before responding to him. He was nearly on the edge of tears.

In hindsight, it's better that he hears it softly from us than how he truly found out.

"Midoriya, let me just say that a lot has happened since the summer, and. . ." I took a steadying breath. "Uraraka was expelled from U.A. because she's a part of the League of Villains."

Midoriya's eyes widened before glancing down at his hand.

"It's okay though," Kirishimia piped in, desperately trying to cheer him up. "It was months ago. She betrayed us, and she betrayed you."

His voice was hollow. "Where is she?"

Kirishima froze, then sighed. Exasperated, I said, "She's gone. I'm sorry."

Midoriya didn't react.

Now imagine if he remembered (Y/N). . . This is better.

"We have to get to class now." Kirishima said. "We'll be back after school, yeah? Stay strong."

Midoriya looked up at us as we left, his lip twitching up into a sad smile, his eyes retaining their sorrow. I felt horrible for telling him about Uraraka.

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