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This was fucking Izuku Midoriya, the fucking fictional character, and he just happened to show up on my front porch.

"Come in, come in!" I ushered him inside. "The bathroom's this way; I can help you."

Midoriya looked like he was going to start sobbing as he followed me down the hallway. "T-T-Thank you, you are so k-kind, um. . ."


"(Y/N). T-Thank you."

In the bathroom, he immediately began to assess his condition in the mirror. Most of his attention went to the nasty gash on the side of his face. "Stupid villain threw a car at me. And then his friend got too close and transported me here as part of his quirk."

"Sounds like an exciting day for you."

I ran to Max's room and grabbed a pair of joggers and a T-shirt for now. He wouldn't mind.

"Here, just take a shower and change into this. I can help you bandage some of your cuts and shit after that."

Midoriya graciously accepted my offer. "Thank you very much!"

Giving him some space, I closed the door behind me as I walked out. I leaned against the wall as I processed what just happened.

What's his plan? Can he even go back to his world? Why would he show up here out of all the places on earth?

What am I gonna do?

Somehow, this animated, fictional character from what happens to be one of my favorite shows just shows up out of nowhere. Can that really happen? From someone's quirk?

Not to mention, this Midoriya looks older than the Midoriya in the show at the moment. Season four gets released next month. Has he graduated from U.A.?

This is too fucking weird.

The only concrete things I absolutely, 100% know is that this really is Midoriya, and that he's injured from some kind of fight against villains. And knowing Midoriya from the show, he's devoted to people. He's kind and caring, and wouldn't lay a finger on anyone innocent.

I think I can trust him.

It's not like Bakugo was the one who showed up on my doorstep.

I stood tall and headed to the kitchen. It seemed considerate to make Midoriya some food, considering he's probably been through some stuff in the past hour or two.

Halfway through cooking some Mac and Cheese, Midoriya emerged through the doorway, dawning dark gray joggers and a simple, white t-shirt with Max's police unit symbol on the top right.

And yet dotted across his skin were various bruises and cuts: some attended to, others not. There was a cleaned gash on Midoriya's temple, but he hadn't covered it with a bandaid.

I waved him over as I opened a cabinet. "Come here."

He obeyed as I shuffled through the various medications and medical supplies in our first aid cabinet. I found an antibiotic ointment and a bandaid that was big enough for the gash.

Closing the cabinet, I latched onto his hand and dragged him over to the bar, where I forced him to sit on one of the two stools. He was too tall for me to accurately clean and bandage his cut when he was standing. Midoriya complied, watching me as I started applying the ointment to his wound. He winced slightly, but tried to be as quiet as possible. Then I covered it with the bandaid.

"Don't fucking mess with that." I ordered, throwing the trash away as I continued making food.

"Thank you so much, (Y/N). I'm eternally grateful for your hospitality."

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