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Love and clichés.
I am genuinely starting to like clichés more than love.
Love is not meant for this star,
It's far and no matter how far
I stretch my hands to reach that,
I get reminded that
It is not enough to get what I crave for.
I built rockets, studied about it for years
And when I finally took off to get that,
I realized that which appeared a little close
Was actually the farthest thing in my life.
Casual life cliché,
That's why I started liking clichés more,
They appear everywhere
And sometimes they're beautiful.
They let me know that I tried something
And I wouldn't be regretting for that,
In any moment of my life.

Some things are beautiful as it is,
And some are cliché as it should be.


This is for you,
Though we don't talk these days,
But I still remember the first time I saw you
Those scared and sad eyes,
But the way you walked was brave enough
Even to fight a hungry lion.
I always wondered why were you here,
Instead of being somewhere you really belonged.
Far away from all those people and things which makes you sad all over again.
You were different from rest of the
Human beings I witnessed.
You were soft, logical, feisty
And kind to all.
I didn't know what really made you sad, or who was taking all your happiness.
I swear if I knew who was it, I would've punched that person right in the face,
You can punch me if it's me.
You taught me to deal with things,
To accept the fact that sometimes it's okay to be not okay.
Your taste in music was far better than me,
But you thought I'll appreciate you?
No, I would rather fight with you.
To be honest, when I sat down with you to talk
I didn't even notice how fast the time flows.
We just kept talking and talking unless someone called us to get home.
Dude we were like the coolest bestfriend ever,
So cool we didn't even needed fan on a hot summer day.
I hate to say this, but I used to get jealous whenever I saw that you were happy and having more fun with others.
You were the best I could ever get.

I couldn't be a good friend or a person,
I'm so sorry that you had to go through my life's harsh phase with me,
I hated that you were suffering with me too.
But now I wish the best for you.
I wish for your happiness and health.
You will always be my number one girl.


Wait, let me get my guitar and
Wear my hoodie cause it's cold outside,
I'm gonna carry another hoodie just in case you might feel cold and ask for my hoodie,
I'll give you mine and wear another one,
Let's head out for a blissful stargazing,
You don't mind me holding your hand
While we reach there right and it's cold too,
I really love these streets on a cold night
All covered with fog and warm hugs,
You know I can walk for hours just to witness these feelings on a cold night,

Do you want something cause my favourite shop is right there,
I usually buy cigarettes, not that I'm fond of it
I just feel a little cold walking alone,
But now that I have you,
I think I don't need it.
Let's get going.

I knew you would love this place,
I would usually come here to stare at those beautiful stars
But now that you're beside me
I don't what who I'll be staring at today
The stars or you,
I'm really glad that you came here with me
You feel cold? See I know you better,
Take this hoodie, I'll wear another one.

Lay down on my guitar cover while I play something for you,
Just relax,
For this night,
You're with me.

**plays chasing cars by snow patrol**


Parallel lines,
We were just like parallel lines
Always walking side by side
giving each other the comfort one needed,
We were shy but
Our minds always found a way to hold hands,
We were not like
"Hey I'll be there for you",
We preferred
"Go away I don't need you"
And then blaming one for going away.
She told me all of her wildest dreams to deepest insecurities
And in return I rode a unicorn with her stating about the beauty she possess,
I told her all of my movie scene wishes and weird jokes
And in return she went on a midnight ice cream adventure with me while laughing at my jokes.
Whenever we layed down to appreciate the stars above,
We found out that no other thing is as beautiful and as shinny as compared to the person beside us, as we caught ourselves starting at each other.

But as I told you,
We were parallel lines,
Though we walked a long way
We weren't meant to be together.
And now I shiver at the thought of love,
As I don't want to be a line again.


It feels so good to think of her,
The way she smiles,
The way she gets mad,
The way she looks at me.
Everything she does is so perfect
That sometimes I think that
Maybe I'm not the one for her.
Then she proves it wrong
Tells me how much precious I am
And how much she loves me.

I can keep staring at her till I die
Cause she looks so
Spectacular every single day.
The way she sings my favorite songs
Makes me wanna just lay down
And listen to her voice till I fall asleep.

I was acetone and she filled me with colours.
She taught me the oracy with her fingers


When I suffocated in my thoughts,
And I tried to remember you,
I felt like I was dead.
I tried to remember your touch but i felt my skin burning,
I tried to feel your kiss but my lips were poisoned.
I kept thinking that you were the one and I still do.
But maybe love smashed us at the wrong time.


My heart pitter-pattered
Whenever you were near me.
As I think think of it now
My heart knew
You were the one,
Before I did.


I wish I was the reason
Behind your smile,
I wish I was the reason
For the love songs on your playlist,
I wish I was the reason
Why you looked at your phone everytime,
I wish I was the the reason
Why you still believed in love,
I wish I was the person
You loved to see everyday.

I wish you knew that
You are my reason.


You will find the love,
You were waiting,
Your whole life.
Just Don't think of
How many people have hurt you,
Think of how many people made you strong
For the right one.
The wait is always
Worth it!

More coming soon ......

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