Knowledge About Death

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When people die as a result of accident - car accident, attack by wild animal, (terror) killing from war or friendly shooting, injury that leads to death, disease that leads to death, victim of nature accident, victim of time accident, error of oral intake (food/drinks/drugs) and many more. If time would permit me to think.....

''All these kind of DEATH caused FEAR to people that will say I don't want to die''. Meanwhile they want to go to HEAVEN to continue their life career.

But when people just die - not by accident, no sickness, no error (poison), no injury and many more to list it. If time would permit me to think......

DEATH becomes a MYSTERY to people. They are lost of words and asked for the reasons to why such death could take place. Even spiritual/religious teachers cannot explain this mystery as if it is a hard thing to know. People who lived before the arrival of ADAM & EVE experienced series of death that, ordinary an appearance of GHOST that threaten them can lead to shock and this shock can many times lead to series of physical challenge and later cause death. All these are origin of our death panic.

I feel bad and sorry for the ignorance of people when they say "may your soul rest in peace". Why they mourn for the lost of their associates? What I think is that, we should be happy when we are facing death but be SAD/SORROWFUL for yourself, friends and family when the FIRST DEATH attack you or them. Cry for mercy and call people and even me to cry with you because such death is FINAL before you depart from this world.

Death, the transition of one place to the other. From one world to the other. It is known by every human that we will all die but we fail in the recognition of those who are already dead before physical death.

Regardless of man comprehension, to my knowledge explained, this statement or my analysis are facts.

From the day that the spirit that dwells in us, reported in the spirit world that we have rejected the order (plan) of salvation and this report has been verified, we are already dead (final) irrespective of our body and mind still busy with the earthly doings - this is termed spiritual death and that's the first death man faced.

From the day our intellect - brain has been tampered by accident and with all medical attention rendered, it could not be revived, we have indeed meet with death because our mind circuit to choose - WILL is reported, has been destroyed. But this may not necessarily mean that we cannot survive to eternity as long as it affects only the circuit of the mind and not the soul. But it is still death. But our soul MAY survive into the mansion world.

And in the physical death, three transition take place in automatic during our mortal life. Check our MIND - BRAIN and our Heart - Soul where a Voice is calling us to a service before the third death trying to identity us as a SURVIVOR. The cause of Lucifer and Satan rebellion is the reason we have to make this choices.

Do so while you can! Why live and not survive, any big deal?

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