What Now?

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I slowly reload my gun with some bullets making sure that the entire clip is filled. Just knowing that I have a full clip of bullets ready to use at my disposal, calms me. I woke up a little while ago and Ruby told me we've been in the camper an for around 2 hours now, and judging by the slowly dying sound of the walkers losing interest and then going back to stumbling back into the woods. Marco came over to me and handed back my knife and thanked me for saving him earlier "Your a real hero" He said. Marco is tall for his age at least that's what Clementine told me when we were walking back to the school last time we came over to meet them. He has dark tanned skin, and deep blue eyes. His clothes are made up of more holes then fabric and his trainers are covered in a coating of mud.

Soon sitting in the camper begins to bore me and its clear that everyone else just wants to get out of this cramped space. Leon peers through the curtains and out the window to the outside of the camper "Only around 7 biters left" He states as he continues to peer out the window, almost like he expects more of the death to show up. "We can take them out easy if a small group of us goes out and doesn't fire of a gun then we should be good" Violet chipped in as she walks up to Leon and joins him by the window. "That could work" Leon mutters as he continues to stare out at the walkers "Only not many of my group carry around weapons, we normally keep them all in a cardio box in that tent over there unless we are going out hunting" He gestures over to a deep orange coloured tent. "Well me, Vi and AJ had our weapons" Ruby says as she stands and joins Violet and Leon by the window. "And we can use this broom as a weapon I guess" One of Leon's members say as they grab a broom that was leaning on a wall. "Or we can break the handle of the broom in two and have to blunt spear like weapons" Another chimes in. Leon walks away from the window and takes the broom and snaps the handle of the broom in half over my knee with ease. He hands on of the spear like weapons to a man in a jumpsuit and the other to a teenage girl wearing some leather boots and a bomber jacket that kinda looks like the one Lily was wearing as she escaped her ships explosion. Me and Ruby both ready our knifes as Violet pulls out her cleaver "Everyone ready?" She asks. Looking around it was clear that everyone was prepared to fight if the last remaining walkers. Leon slowly opens the door as quiet as he possible can and then pokes his head round to see if any of the walkers had noticed, luckily they haven't. The few of us with weapons slowly creep out of the camper and walk down the wooden steps leading down from the campers wooden deck. I scan the area and count 6 walkers everyone seems to picked a walker to take down leaving only one walker left for who ever takes down theirs first. Everyone is slowly edging their way towards the walkers and luckily the dead heads don't seem to have notice us. The tall girl is the first one to attack and knocks her walker to the ground with a good wack to the head. 'You've got this AJ, just stay calm"I think to myself. I tap the walker on the back, which causes the walker to turn around and groan, quickly I drive my knife into one of the walkers musty eyes which causes the creature to go limp before it falls to the floor.

After I retrieve my knife I look up to see that everyone has either killed their walker or just finishing them off. I begin to walk over to Violet, when she notices me walking her way she says "Nice job AJ, got skills just like Clementine". I smile at her compliment and she lifts up my cap and ruffles my hair before dropping my cap back down onto my now messy afro. "Thanks you kicked ass too" I say with a smirk. Violet chuckles a little at my statement. "Good job everyone" Leon says after all the walkers are slain "Yeah good fighting everyone" Ruby says as she secures her knife to her belt. The older man also mutters a few words before throwing the broom handle to the ground and walking off to a nearby tent. Ruby and Violet start to walk over to Leon to talk, while all the other survivors exit the camper and make their way over to some tents. "I must admit, you've got moves little dude" A unfamiliar voice states from begin me. I turn around to see its the older girl, the one in a boots and bomber jacket who looks around Clementine's age. "Oh um yeah I guess thanks, you were good aswell" I mutter back to the girl. "Well duh of course I was good" The girl says overconfidently. I awkwardly just look at her for a few seconds before wondering over to Violet and Ruby, who are gathered by a deep orange tent. As I reach them Leon appears from within the tent, holding a small black duffel bag. Leon looks over at me "Violets already explained the situation and I'm more then happier to help out, especially after you three saved a lot of lives here" He says as he drops the duffel bag down of a old picnic bench.

Leon stands on the picnic bench before he says "Everyone please gather round" He pauses for a short moment as he waits for his people to gather around him "Since Violet and her friends saved us from the biter attack and most likely many casualties, I am asking some of you to volunteer and as a thank you I am gifting them some supplies to help them on their mission". At first some of the people begin to murmur in disagreement, someone even yells "Don't waste our supplies on that school full of idiots" The stranger scoffs. "That's enough!" Leon yells alittle to loud, especially this soon after the herd attack "Without them half of us wouldn't be here right now and the other half would be burying the rest" He says. He takes a second to calm himself "Anyway... Is there any volunteers?" He asks. At first there is nothing but a few murmurs. "I-i like to help" Marco says as he pushes his way through the crowd. "Umm... I don't know about that" Leon says. A saddening look begins to form on Marcos face as he starts to turn.

'I know Marco can help out, sure he acts like Tenn sometimes which is dangerous, but he can protect himself' I think to myself. Suddenly I want nothing more then Marco to come with us, he is capable of protecting himself and even if he does slip up I'll be their to protect him. "Cmon Leon, Marco proven that he can fight and he has skills, it wasn't just me, Ruby and Violet who held of the walkers till everyone got inside the camper, He helped aswell" I say as I put my hand on Marcos shoulder and give him a smile. "That's true he was a real help with taking down the walkers" Violet says as she joins me by Marco. Leon looks like he's still on the fence about this. "Please Leon, trust me on this he can kick ass" I plead. "Okay" Leon says, having finally given in "But Marco, be careful ey?"
"You bet" Marco says as a smirk forms on his face, replacing the look of sadness from only moments before. "I'll help em out" A cocky voice buts in. I turn round to see that the voice belongs to the girl who looks to be Clementine's age. She pushes her way over to the front of the group and stares me down before looking at Leon "They all are clearly lacking skill and that's what a got alot of" She says will a sly smirk. "Ah, Okay then Skylar... Anyone else" Leon asks while scanning the crowd for volunteers. Silents.

"What about you Kai? Up for helping them out, They could really use that brain of yours" Leon says as he points over at a tall, skinny tennager. The teen only looks up through his messy long hair for a second before his eyes flicker back down to the ground. He begins to slowly stumble toward "Okay then" He mutters, which wasn't much louder then a weak wind. "Well that should be enough to go scouting for a few days" Leon says before adding "All the adults that don't already have assigned jobs help gather some logs and make a make shift fence that we can slowly begin to re-enforce". The crowd slowly starts to disburse until it only leaves Leon, me, Violet, Ruby and the rest of our group. "Okay so here's what I can give ya" Leon says as he hands Ruby the small duffel. "Oh and you three go and gather any items of your that you would like to bring with you as your gonna be gone for a few days" Leon addresses to the three of his group. In 20 minutes our groups all met back up at the deep orange tent, having all our supplies we all make our way towards the tree line of the woods.

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