A Clever Plan

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Within a few hours the weak lantern lights of the cabin can be seen through the trees and overgrown shrubbery. I slowly walk into the clearing, with the of rest scavenging group close behind just on my trail. Climbing the porch steps, I let out a heavy sigh.
"What's on your mind kiddo" Ruby asks in a calm tone as she leans against the wooden railing. "D-do you think Violet will be mad?" I stutter out the question which I have been trying to rack my mind around the whole journey back. Ruby scrunches up her face in deep thought before answering. "Well she'll be mad at me as well as you AJ, as we both went out on the mission" She states as she approaches the door "So you won't be facing her wrath alone kiddo". I take a few moments to think it through before joining her by the door. She's right, I'm gonna have to face Violet soon or it can only get worse. I watch as Ruby twists the handle and pushing the door open as we enter.

We are met with the sight of Violet pacing back and forth the cabin floor, while Skylar and Marco sit comfortably on the mattress. "It's about time you got back!" Violet states bluntly "It's way into the early hours of the morning" She continues on, not allowing anytime for anyone else to utter a word. "Relax Vi, their back and in one piece, aren't they?" Skylar comments as she starts to stands. Violets eyes fill with fury "Vi is just for friends to call me and we're definitely not that" She shouts "Secondly, this whole thing is so stupid and the fact that they returned later then we agreed on and probably found nothing..." Violet goes on but is quickly interrupted by Ruby. "Actually we did find something, and it looks quite promising" Ruby states aloud for the whole group to hear. A cold scowl sets on Violets face "Oh so your on their side" She speaks the last two word so matter of factly "Well that's just great" She adds before storming out into the darkness beyond the cabins light.

"Wait you found something" Marco asks, finally deciding to speak up. "Yeah, we found the place" I state "Big, tall strong walls and a field of walkers blocking the entrances". Before anyone else can say anymore about our journey Ruby says "I'll go and check on Vi, make sure she doesn't go too far and try to talk some sense into her" As she quickly hurrys after Violet.

"Okay so you've found the place, does it look like it's got any loot worth scavenging?" Skylar asks as she approaches the table, bringing everyone's attention back to our master scavenging mission. "Hard to tell" Armon states, pulling up a chair to sit "Looked like a factory that produced the canned stuff and there's a high chance that it's all just sitting there, thanks to our flesh eating friends". I must admit though I wasn't on board with the mission in the first place due to such high risks, now I fully agree that we should go along with it. "Armons right, the place looked untouched" Kai adds, Armon plants his hand on Kai shoulder as well as a warm smile in appreciation. "Great with the majority on board I'd say we could start heading there in a few hours" Skylar states, looking rather proud of how things have turned out, and starts to retreat back to the mattress to relax. "Wait not so fast" Armon sturnly states as he grabs her arm, stopping her from walking away "The walkers still pose as a threat".

"I'm sure we can just kill them" Skylar says over confidently. "Nope, not gonna work" Armon stands and walks over to a old set of draws before opening then all, searching through its content. "We're gonna need a better plan then that" Kai states as he scrunched up his acne covered face, clearly making his hard thinking visible. "Exactly" Armon answers, waltzing back over to our small meeting of sorts with a some folded paper. He unfolds the stained piece of parchment revealing it's large size before placing it down on the worn wood of the tables surface. "So what's that for?" Skylar asks with a look of confusion as she stares down at the flimsy piece of textile. "We'll draw out a map of the place so everyone's on an even level with the layout" He states as he uses a small stub of a pencil to draw out some lines until the basic layout of the factory becomes visible on the paper. "So as we all know the place has strong metal and brick walls so there's no way to get through those" Armon states pointing as the walls on his rough drawing "So the doors are the only way in".
"But you told us that there's a herd of walkers" Skylar says confused "So how'd we get pass them?". Everyone goes silent as they try to think of a way to surpass the wall of monsters. I'm about to suggest Clementines trick of covering yourself in their rotting flesh and guts when Ruby and Violet return. "Perfect, your both back" Armon says as they approach the rest of the group "We're just coming up with a strategy that can get some of us into that place" he gestures to the sketch of the factory. "What you got so far" Ruby asks join the group while Violet stays by the door. "We've figured out the only way in is through the main doors but the only issue is the walker" Armon states, filling in all the information that Ruby and Violet missed. "Couldn't we distract them" Ruby suggests as she studies the map. Everyone falls silent, allowing Ruby to states her idea. "If some of us sneak round into this part of the woods just beyond the factory and start to make some noise, either by shooting off some rounds or simply yelling, it would lure them away for the others to sneak inside". I must admit it seems like a good plan at first, then I think into it a begin to see its obvious flaw. "No amount of noise could lure away that amount of walkers" Kai says, obviously coming to the same conclusion as me. Once again everyone falls silent in annoyance as they try to think up other idea.

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