The Attack?

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"W-what is it" I mutter as I wipe my tired eyes and begin to sit up. "There's a noise" Marco says through chattering teeth "I heard it, it sounds like humans or many walkers". It takes my brain a few seconds to process what Marco just said, but when I understand the words that escaped his mouth I quickly sit up and creep over to the window to check. That's when I hear it. The russling of the leaves the snapping of fallen branches. 'Oh shit!' I think to myself as a worry look begins to form of my face.

"What the..." Someone groans from over my shoulder. I turn around and with the help of the natural moon light coming in through the chipped window I can see Violet beginning to sit up and lean back in her chair. "What are you two doing up?" She asks groggily as she looks at Marco to me and then back to Marco again. "Well you see-" I start to answer before I am interrupted. "There's people outside!" Marco hurries to get out that his voice went louder then a whisper. "What?" Violet says all confused like as she stands up and looks out the window to check the perimeter. "There's nothing there" She states as she gives Marco a look of annoyance "No just go back to sleep" She says as she makes her way back over to the chair she was sleeping in only minutes before. Then a bunch of russling can be heard coming from outside. This causes Violet to whip her head around a quickly stumble over to the window and peer out looking for the source of the noise. "What the fuck was that" She says under her breathe. "That's what we heard before" I say as I join Violet Iver by the window and peer out trying to see what's out there.

"It's just the wind you bunch of idoits" A voice says from within the cabin. Violet and I jump in shock, whereas Marco hids under a blanket on the mattress. I turn to see Skylar, sitting pircked on a old coffee table and smirking. "Not. Funny" Violet says in a monotone voice. Skylar stands up and starts to walk over to us "You don't actually thing that there's other survivors out there, it's obviously the wind" She states "But if you two are really that bothered then why don't you go check it out" She says as she chucks a flashlight in our direction. Violet catches it "Where the hell did you get this?" She asks while crossing her arms. "The duffel over there" Skylar scoffs as she gestures over to the duffel near Ruby's feet. "Right..." Violet mutters rather impatiently "Cmon AJ, Stick close to me and you'll be fine" She states as she walks over to the door and turns the handle. "Okay then" I answer, pulling out my knife ready to attack. Violet opens the door and flicks on the flashlight before stepping out into the darkness. I join her, closing the door behind us.

"Remember" Violet says at she raises her cleaver "Stick close".
"You got it" I whisper in response as I pull out my gun just incase we need to take someone down really fast like. Violet slowly begins to edge her way across the cabins creeky decking with me follow close on her tail with my gun raised, with a clip full of bullets. Stepping down off of the decking and onto the grass patch, Violet shines the flashlights beam in direction of the trees "Okay just keep your eyes on the treeline and-" She begins to say but is interrupted by a russle in the hedges the left of us. Violet quickly shines the light in that direction and we both ready our weapons. I expect a walker to stumble out from between the hedges but nothing comes. Yet the leaves continue to russel every so often. "AJ what are you doing" Violet hisses as I slowly approach the treeline. I begin to pull can a few leaf filled branches and begin to see a darken figure just a few trees away. Expecting that it will just be a walker I begin to wlak through the bushes, slipping pass each branch being careful not to make a sound to attract more walker in our direction. But when I get to the other side of the bushes and into a small clearly I'm not greeted by a walker. But a big black bear scratching the bark off of a pine tree. I slowly start to back up in hope sthat it doesn't notice me.


'Great' I think to myself 'Just great' as I look down to see that I've back up right onto a pile of fallen branches and twigs. I look up in fears that the predictor has now noticed me. The sound of a low groan adds to  confirmation that it has, as well at its sharp brown eyes staring me down in the darkness.

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