2 - Lab Conversations

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     MONET WALKED INTO HER kitchen like routine

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kitchen like routine. She found her parents exchanging hushed whispers over the kitchen island, only coming to a full stop when they noticed Monet walking into the room. An eerie tension settled amongst the Parson's family. Once upon a time, things weren't as tense as they were now, but that might've changed the moment Monet's older brother– Jackson– had left for college.

"Hey honey, how was school?" Monet's mother smiled, letting the wooden chair scrape against the marble floor as she gave her daughter a hug.

Monet deflected the question, not really knowing how to describe her day without taking about the upcoming musical. "What's wrong?" She asked her parents as they gave each other worried glances. Sure, she expected tension every time she walked into her household but never as thick as the one she had just wandered in. Something was clearly wrong.

It was her father's turn to speak, "Nothing you've got to worry about Monnie. It doesn't concern you." There was a slight of intimidation in his voice, trying to let her drop the subject on her own. The thing was, Monet had become independent by the age of nine. And therefore, she knew how to handle things that "didn't concern her".

The silence was strong, not even the sharpest blade could cut through it. Monet choked out a response, feeling her throat tighten as the silence filled her lungs. "I've got homework to do." She managed to say before bolting out of the room in Monet fashion. There was something about her parents not trusting her that hit deep, a cut that did a lot more damage than she thought it would.


The next day rolled around, reminding Monet that she'd have to sit through an endless amount of time watching people audition for a musical she couldn't care less about. On the lesser of both nightmares, she would be able to choose who gets which role, and that made her slightly enthusiastic. The thought that fate rested at the palm of her hands was rather enticing.

But as she sat at her last period class– computer lab– she couldn't help but watch as the clock ticked agonizingly fast. Beside her sat Ricky Bowen, a boy she had only talked to once before because they had been chemistry partners in sophomore year. Monet didn't mean to spy, but the face of Zac Efron in his iconic wildcats basketball outfit in High School Musical was to distracting to look away.

Ricky caught her stare, embarrassed by being caught. "It's not what it looks like." He tried reasoning out to Monet, although it was kind of hard to convince her of something else when she had caught him in the act.

"You're auditioning for the musical?" She queried. "You're auditioning for Troy?" She clarified her question after closer examination. All he had been studying were the Troy scenes.

Ricky sighed, letting the scene wash out in the background. "I guess it is what it looks like."

"I thought you hated musicals?" Monet was surprised that she had remembered that small tidbit of information that she had learned last year about Ricky when the two conversed.

"I'm not doing this because I want to. I'm doing this so Nini could see me in a new light— and I don't even know why I'm telling you this." There has been so many thoughts swirling around the boy's head that he forgot the importance of keeping a few things to himself.

While Monet didn't say it aloud, she knew that Nini had broken up with him not too long ago. It was obvious by the way Nini had deleted every known picture of her old relationship on every social media platform she had and the way she strolled the halls with EJ besides her– otherwise known as her current boyfriend, the senior that many girls fawned over.

The bell rang signaling the end of last period. "I wish you the best of the luck then." Monet smiled before heading towards the drama club room. The walk was long, but sadly, all good things had to come to end.

The room she now stood in was a mess, simply stated. Everyone had been practicing in their own chosen corner of the room, a marked number clipped on their shirts. "People! Make sure your audition number is clearly visible on your clothes. This isn't a game!" Carlos announced as we he walked and inspected the people who were auditioning.

Monet surveyed her surroundings, finding an unlikely face in the midst of the crowd. She began to walk up to her best friend. "Jett? What are you doing here? I didn't know you were auditioning?"

Jett smiled, smoothing out his shirt as Monet approached him. "Yeah– I just figured why not?" He didn't lie, but his true intentions were deeply hidden. He figured that if this was where Monet was going to spend most of her time, he wanted to be right there next to her.

"That's...shocking," Monet replied, knowing that Jett had never shown an interest for school musicals before. Before she could continue to divulge into Jett's mind, she had turned her head and spotted a few people who she had been talking about nearly moments before.

Monet had found Nini, EJ, and Kourtney in their own little space, preparing for their own chance to blow the judge's minds. Miss. Jenn's arrival had been announced by her loud knocking. "Okay, theater people, let's do this!" Everyone cheered and walked into their designated dancing stage, while everyone else watched by the sidelines.

Miss. Jenn, Carlos, and Monet stood overlooking everyone, trying to spot anyone that would catch their eye. As the music began to play in the background, everyone began dancing coordinately, adjusting to the sound of the music. There was one number however that had caught everyone's eyes– Number 1.

She was the exchange student, Monet knew that for certain. Monet was the one who had shown Gina around on orientation day. Gina had come as ambitious and entitled all in one, but she was no doubt talented. She moved to the beat, like she knew the dance on the back of her hand. As the music came to a close, Gina smirked, knowing that she had certainly made an impression.

"Great! That's it for the warm-up!" Carl chuckled excitedly. As the words left his mouth, two people were already sadden by the thought. Nini, being one of them who realized she might have stood no chance if that was just the warm up. And Monet, who wanted this afternoon to end more quickly than others had.

But now, it was time for the auditions. And things were going to get a lot more interesting.

Hello guys! First of all, Happy Thanksgiving! I'm honestly surprised I managed to get another chapter out but let me know what you guys think. I honestly cannot wait to write the auditions chapter but anyways... we're finally introduced to Ricky! At first, that wasn't what their initial meeting would've been but I think it works much better like that. Anyways, have a good day babes!

𝐂𝐋𝐀𝐒𝐒 𝐏𝐑𝐄𝐒𝐈𝐃𝐄𝐍𝐓, ricky bowen ✓Where stories live. Discover now