6 - Nothing Last Forever

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     MONET WAS HAPPY REALIZINGshe had the entire house to herself

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she had the entire house to herself. Her parents had left without notice, only leaving a note on their kitchen fridge (and honestly, the teenage girl expected nothing less). She was glad that she had some alone time to herself because after everything that had happened of late, she needed it. It also left room for some sleepovers with Jett which she hadn't done in a long time. Speaking of Jett, the boy had been ignoring Monet for the whole day– which made her tremendously worried.

She couldn't help but wonder if she had done or said something to make him mad or if it were some unrelated issues. Whatever it was, she was determined to get to the bottom of it. She headed towards the bomb shelter where they would start the HSM dance choreographies. Upon entering the room, Carlos began kicking everyone out in agitation much to Monet's confusion. She found Ricky and Nini fighting in the corner and she managed to connect the dots. But that was the least of her worries.

Jett brushed past by her, his shoulder colliding with Monet's. If this had been any other day, he would have turned around and apologized profusely. But today– was not like any other day. Although they both really wished it was. Monet tried to get to him but as more students filed out of the room due to Carlos's command, she was pushed to the side and forced to wait the line.

As the students finally filled the hallway, Monet weaved through the small crowd to get to her best-friend. Jett was slouched over the wall, randomly scrolling through his phone. When Monet approached him, she saw his body stiffen, and despite all his best efforts, he continued to ignore her.

"Jett? Please talk to me... I... I miss talking to you. Please tell me if something is wrong." Monet tried to place her hand on his cheek but he swatted it away. Hurt clouded her eyes. She tried to remember the last time Jett was this mad– and she just couldn't. At least, he had never been this mad at her.

"Leave me alone, please." Jett's voice cracked, on the verge of tears. He didn't want to hurt Monet, but the pain that he felt on the inside was beginning to show and he had no control over it. It was all because of the day before. When Ricky put his hands on Monet and pulled her in a hug. Jett wanted to be Ricky in that very moment and he couldn't be. And although he knew jealously was not a good look on him, he couldn't help it. He had loved Monet for as long as he could remember and he was losing her to a guy who couldn't care less.

"Not until you tell me what happened." Monet was always a stubborn one. He really wished she would leave before he said something he would regret. Perhaps, it was too late for that.

"You want to know? Okay then! Truth is– I've been in love with you since like– middle school! But you wouldn't know that because your too busy fawning over a guy who won't notice you because he's still obsessed with his ex-girlfriend!" Jett felt his anger bubble down, now replaced with an emotion he never expected to have when he was around Monet. Sadness. He felt his whole world crumble and as he looked around the hallway, he found all eyes on him.

With tears spilling out of his face, he wiped most of it away with his sleeve. He looked at Monet once more, and huffed before he left. Now, all the eyes were placed on Monet.

She felt her entire being on fire. She was never good at confrontation. Nor was she good at someone yelling at her. It reminded her all too much of her own parents. Gaining a tighter hold on her backpack, she felt her knees tremble. Monet didn't want to admit it but– today might've been the day where she had lost the closest person to her. She had to get out of there before her panic attack consumed her whole in front of all her friends. Nothing good ever last forever. She knew that. But with Jett– it felt like it just might. She was only kidding herself apparently.

She stormed off in the opposite direction, finding a different exit to the school. Once she bursted through the back doors (which were labeled staff use only but she didn't care), she began to walk away from East High. Her walking had quickly turned into running. It had made her exhausted (because let's be honest, she wasn't the most athletic person around) and she found a bench that would have to make due for the moment.

The last thing she needed right now was to be alone with her thoughts. You'd think it'd be the opposite but it wasn't. She didn't want to face the harsh reality that her rather pessimistic mind was convincing her of. Jett had feelings for her. And she didn't even realize until it was too late. Her breathing grew heavier and her tears began to mark little spots on her jeans. Her nose tainted red, and the stinging in her eyes was unbearable.

"Monet?! Are you okay?!" The girl didn't look up. By her feet, she saw the drop of a skateboard and backpack. The voice was recognizable and by the sound of it– it was one of the last people on Earth she wanted to see right now. Ricky grew worried as he sat on the empty seat beside Monet. He didn't know how to comfort a girl, sadly. "Monet, listen to me. I don't know what happened but you can talk to me."

Monet lifted up her head, leaning into the boy besides her. She needed to find some girl-friends to rant to fast because so far— this wasn't working out. "I– I don't know if I can talk about it." She finally said.

Ricky removed the hair that had stuck to her face due to her tears. "I get it. I really do. There's some things I don't like talking about either." He sighed, swatting his own problems away to help his friend. "Let me take you home Parsons. You're a mess."

Monet snorted, a slight smile shining through her distraught mood. "Wow, okay, thanks. You really do know how to make a lady swoon."

Ricky chuckled lightly, glad to have put a small smile on Monet's face. "I try."

OKAY YALL DON'T ATTACK ME I'M SORRY!! I'll let you guys live with this chapter and won't even hint at a brighter future. Awe but Mickey is soaring though... haha bye lovelies.

me writing this chapter upset that my characters are sad but also being the one who wrote it like:

me writing this chapter upset that my characters are sad but also being the one who wrote it like:

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𝐂𝐋𝐀𝐒𝐒 𝐏𝐑𝐄𝐒𝐈𝐃𝐄𝐍𝐓, ricky bowen ✓Where stories live. Discover now