22 - Troy & Gabriella

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     RICKY WAS NOWHERE TObe found, much to Monet's concern

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be found, much to Monet's concern. After finding out that EJ had taken the role as Troy with Nini as Gabriella— she knew something must have happened to Ricky. If this had all stemmed from seeing his mother with another man, then she knew she would console him to no end, but she couldn't get the answers she wanted if she couldn't find the boy who was missing in the first place. EJ and Nini took the spotlight, while Carlos was stuck as playing Chad— which was quite funny.

As scenes came and went, Monet had entered the hallways— and she became dumbfounded as she found Ricky chilling against the lockers. "Richard Bowen! I've been looking everywhere for you!" She called down, skidding to a stop in front of him. "Why aren't you playing Troy? You worked so hard for that role."

"After seeing my mom's new boyfriend, I don't want to be up there and mess up. Especially since you need this musical to go smoothly for your family." He admitted, watching as Monet grew a face of understanding.

"You did that... for me?" Monet found the sentiment to be sweet, but she needed to show him that there were better ideas to express that. "Come on, I'm going to show you something." She grabbed his hand, beginning to lead him through the hallway.

She finally stopped outside the Chemistry door, much to Ricky's confusion. "Why did I bring you here? You might ask."

"To make me relive the worst days of my life? Very cruel Monet." Ricky remarked sarcastically.

"Right where we stand, is where we first met. We were trying to get through the door at the same time and—"

"I moved aside to let you go by." Ricky finished off.

Monet nodded, smiling at the small memory. "In that moment, I realized, you weren't so bad. I mean, I still found you annoying because my locker used to be right next to Nini's and I'd always found you on top of my locker— but you weren't so bad."

"Wow, thanks." Ricky laughed. "But what does this have to do with anything?"

"It has everything to do with everything. Because then, you were willing to move out of the way for someone else, because you thought it was the right thing to do. And now, you're doing the same thing again. But the only difference? Maybe this time it isn't for the best." Monet explained, beginning to lead him back to the auditorium doors.

"It's okay Monet. Really. I'm okay with just... enjoying the show for once." Ricky appreciated the effort, but if it was going to help Monet in the long run, then it would be okay.

"You want to watch? Fine, let's watch together." Monet opened the door, with Ricky on her heel, she kept to the background like a wallflower, watching as EJ and Nini sang on the stage.

As Monet and Ricky walked into the auditorium, Nini became distracted, with someone in the audience who could help better her career and EJ who she didn't feel fit the role at the moment— she just had to much on her mind to sing. She panicked.

𝐂𝐋𝐀𝐒𝐒 𝐏𝐑𝐄𝐒𝐈𝐃𝐄𝐍𝐓, ricky bowen ✓Where stories live. Discover now