18 - Awkward Encounters

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     RICKY AND MONET WALKEDup to Ashley's front door, something that seemed so plain to any wandering eye— yet made Monet's heart swoon

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up to Ashley's front door, something that seemed so plain to any wandering eye— yet made Monet's heart swoon. She didn't think she'd get so attached to the idea of a boy before but here she was now, more attached than ever. And just being around him, especially it being a constant reminder of their history, it was a big crush at this point.

Why weren't they dating already? Neither of them would be able to tell you. The only answer that made sense was that they weren't ready. There were too many variables to take care of first.

Ricky knocked on the door, and instead of being greeted by the sight of Ashlyn, Nini was the one who had greeted them. "Hey Ricky... and Monet." She added on with a hesitant smile, for she hadn't thought in a million years Monet and Ricky would show up together. Now, it had only gotten her wondering what they were up to earlier that day.

"Hey Nini," Monet responded nonchalantly. She held up a pan of brownies in front of her, showcasing it to Nini. "Ricky and I made last minute brownies before coming here. So, it's rather fresh out of the oven."

"You guys... made... brownies... together?" Nini asked curiously, gently grabbing the brownies out of Monet's hand despite her confusing emotions towards the situation.

Ricky looked at Monet for a moment, an unreadable emotion in his eyes. "Yeah, we had the time so we figured why not? We're going to say hi to everyone else, so I'll talk to you later Nini." Ricky began to walked away, holding Monet's hand as he felt the urge to leave the scene quickly.

"Woah there buddy, why are you rushing all of a sudden?" Monet asked, pulling him aside for a quick breather. He ran his fingers through his hair anxiously, looking back (for what Monet could only assume) to make sure Nini wasn't beside them.

"I haven't really talked to Nini all that much and confronting her is the last thing I want to do right now. I'll talk to her, but right now, can it just be me and you?" Ricky held her hands, a bit embarrassingly as anyone could have walked in.

"I wouldn't have it any other way." Monet lead him deeper into the living room where they were greeted by their friends.

Even Jett was there, and seeing as they hadn't talked to each other in a hot minute, Monet would definitely need to reconnect before the night was over.

Monet was once more tackled by Gina, the two of them growing closer as friends as the days grew longer. At the beginning of the year, if you told Monet that she would fall for her chemistry partner, that she would make more friends and that she'd overthrow her hatred for musicals— she would have laughed in your face. The idea was absurd, but she wouldn't have traded it for the world. For once, she felt happy, the type of happy you feel when everything seems to be working out. The type of happy that makes you forget the last time you were ever mad at the world. That type of happy.

𝐂𝐋𝐀𝐒𝐒 𝐏𝐑𝐄𝐒𝐈𝐃𝐄𝐍𝐓, ricky bowen ✓Where stories live. Discover now