Chapter 3

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Maya's POV

Me- " O my Jesus, did I smoke to much weed or sumthin cause I'm seeing double"

Both Chriss'- " Yo who are u"

1 Chris - " My is Caleb Jr but they call me CJ for short. Hey your that girl form this morning right?"

Me- " u-um yea b-b-but how"

Chris- " O I see what happened here you thought I was him this morning"

Me- " No duhh Sherlock"

Chris- -____- well then

Now there are 2 Chris's at our school now how I'm suppose to know who is who.

Tasha- "Oooooooo hell nahh there another one of you"

Ya-Ya- " His brother cute don't know what u talking about" *bits lip*

Tasha- " Are you retarded or something they look exactly so your basically calling Chris cute."

Ya-Ya- " yeah yeah yeah, what's your name cutie"

CJ- " Um my name is Caleb Jr but you can call me Cj"

Ya-Ya - " o really if u would like I can show you around school"


CJ- " Um OK, ig I'll see you guys later

All- bye

Chris just was staring into space I mean I would 2 if I found out at school that I had a twin for 17 yrs.

Me- " Chris r-r u OK ?"

Chris- " I gotta go talk to my momma about dis" *walks away*

Ya-Ya- " well....who want some fried chicken cause ik I'm hungry"

Me " Nigga really"

Ya-Ya- "Hey black people gotta eat 2"

Me- " You need help Bruh let's go to lunch before u start eating people"

       ***After lunch***

Me,Tonya,Ya-Ya,& Tasha were just leaving lunch and I still haven't seen Chris since he bumped into Caleb or Cj whatever you call him. So we walked to our locker to get our books for Geometry. The bell rang and we walked into class and sat at the back of the room.

Mrs.Coner- "Alright class today we our starting a new section in our books.

Class- "ugggh"

Mrs.Coner- " Yeah,yeah,yeah shut up and open your books to page 245"

Me- " dis bitch errrrr" I mumbled

Mrs.Coner- " I'm sorry Maya what was that"


Mrs.Coner- " I could've sworn you said something like 'this bitch here' at least there proper way to say it Ms.Simmons"

Me- "-___-"

                ***Bell rings***

This class is finnaly over now I don't gotta here Mrs.Coner mouth correctin me I know what I said with her onion head aih.

I got into my BMW and head off to Chris's house to see if he OK. When I got there there was an extra car have never seen here before I mean like I should know I come here like its my home. I took out my key to his house ( see what I mean got me my own key don't even live here) and open the door.

Im In Love With My Bestfriend's Twin (A Chris Brown love story)Where stories live. Discover now