Chapter 17

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1 month later
Maya POV

Tomorrow is Prom and me and the girls decided we will get all dazzled up and drop dead goooorgeous. But before we go I decided to have a talk with Cj.



Me- I-I gotta tell u something.

Cj- What's up baby you can tell me anything.

Me-Well, how do I put this? ummm I-Im pregnant, 1 month to be exact. I said nervously. I thought he would be mad but he looked into my eyes and smiled so big that I thought the nigga teeth was gonna fall out.

Cj- Baby that amazing ima be a Daddy.

Me- Yea u are and ima be a mommy.

Cj- Hey there ik u ain't fully grown in there but I'm your day and ima spoil the shit out yo cute ass.he said rubbing my stomach

Me- You so childish move away.I said giggling.

Cj- But I ik u like it. He said pulling me on his lap as straddled him he rub my but and I leaned in for a kiss. The kiss got deepened and intense and as soon as he was about to take my shirt off.BOOM. We pulled away and looked at the door I see ya-ya, Tasha, and Tonya standing there.

Ya-ya -if y'all horny teenagers don't stawp with that shit u gonna be pregnant.

Tash- To late. Tasha mumbled, I giggled and got up.

Cj- Damnn may wen did this happen. He said grabbing my ass.

Me- Stawwwp.

Tonya- yo if y'all gonna fuck we ganna bounce my nigga.

Me- Blah blah blah I'm driving so wear u gonna go y'all nigga walked here from across the street. It got silent.

Me- O ok bye baby. I turned around and pecked Cj on the lips and grabbed my keys a phone and bounced. We got into my burnt orangs lambo my "dad" gave my mom for when I get older. If you wanna know where my money come from I'm a dancer and I sing a little but ya know gotta grind and getcha money up. I sped off to the Mall. We got there and came out the car when we walked in a bunch eyes were on us. Its probably cause of what we were wearing. Tasha has some curly long hair that's light brown and wearing some black and read leather joggers with a last kings jersey unbutton, with a a gold hunky chain that has lips on it and she had on some infrareds 6. Tonya had on some black high waisted shorts and a long sleeve crop top that says reckless and some Tims and she is blasain so he had her long hair in a bun. Ya-ya had on some shorts overalls and a red shirt that said yungin' in gold, then she had on some spitizkes that just came out and her hair was flat iron and out. Me well I was bomb like damn, I had on some black joggers and red flannel around my waist with a jersey that said boss bitch on on it and it had #1 on the front and back and had on some Jordan retro 13's in red and my hair was in apony tail and had on few gold chains. As we was walking through the store we saw a place that sold dresses called "Benji's Beauty" we walked in there and it was like I was in dress heaven. Then I spotted the most beautiful dresses ( In MM)  there was a blue strap less dress that stop before the knee and was fitted with a bunch a blue studs on it, there was another that was strap less but was like a ball gown still that was studded and in the fitted part and then ahd a belt that had a little flower there and then it starts flowing out in a light blue and a kind of tealis green, then the las dress is like the first 2 dress combined. They all are beautiful and idk which one so asked Tasha.

Me- Tasha?

Tasha- Yesssss?

Me- Which one of these should I get?

Tasha- Umm get the first one and some blue heels with a white bow on the front and have it studded.

Me- Thanks that why u my bitch.

Tasha- Well you know. She said popping her invisible collar. I shook my head and grabbed the dress and shoes and played for it. Since I got that dress the girls decided to go with same theme and get studde dresses. Ya-ya got a white strapless dress with studs at the top where it was fitted and then and I'd flowed out like a ball gown dress but it was short and she got some white and gold heels to go with it. Tasha got this cute dress she got a  black and gold dress that said eyes not hands on the back in gild and she got some red bottom heels her dress stop before here knee. Then my Tonya go a dark blue studded high low dress with studs at the fitted top and some black heels. At prom we gonna be looking bagging.

Cj's POV

I just went to get a tux with my friends Noah, Caleb, and Joshua. When I got back home I saw my brother sitting on the bench and he had his head in him palms.

Me-Chris? He looked up a slightly smiled.

Chris- Look I just wanted to apologize to you I shouldn't have got mad at u cause u was just trying to comfort Maya something I didn't mean to blow off like dat, I really wanna have a relationship with my brother again. Bros?

Me- Bros. We hugged it out and pulled away.

Me- did u get your tux.

Chri- Ya. I nodded and asked if he wanted to come inside and play X-box he said yes and we went inside. A few hours later Maya walks into the house with bags and right behind her was her friends she smiled at me and winked and went upstairs. I smiled and continued to play with Chris.

~next day~

Maya's Pov
OMFFFGGGGGGGG TODAY IS PROM. TURN THE FUCK UUPPP. I woke early this morning and me and the girls went to get our hair,nails and make-up done by my Auntie Keisha salon. So I got up outta bed and went into the guestroom and saw my main bitches dead sleeping.


All- ight holdup. They all got up and did what they need to do and met me downstairs. We walked out the house and got into my BMW. We got to my auntie's place and walked inside.

Me-Auntie KeKe I haven't seen u in like forever.

Keke- ik ik I just been busy. So what y'all want done with y'all hair.

Ya-ya- i want my hair curly and like pulled over to one side.

Tonya- I want my hair flat ironed and like a line in the middle.

Tasha- I want my hair curly and put into a cute bun.

Me- I want my hair flat ironed and like a couple conros on the side and I want the hair to be to one side.

Keke- Ok I gotchu girls I'm like Tasha go in chair number one and Amy will be with you. Tonya chair twi and Naomi will be with you, and Ya-ya Casey will be with you. And Maya sit right in my chair.

Me- ok, so how you been.

Keke- I have bemm good I got a 10 month daughter Princess she so adorable.

Me- Awe I have a baby cousin u know if u need me to babysit I'm hear ma.

Keke- otay, how about you.

Me- I'm ok, I'm expecting I have a boyfriend named Cj he is my bestfriend's twin brother. I explained everything that happened between me and Chris.

Keke- I'm happy for u.

Me- Thanks.

~5 hours later~

We finished our hair and everything and finally got back to my house to get ready. Cj was with Chris and  the girls dates to prom at his house so we have enough time. The girls took a shower and so did I when I got out I lotion and put my underwear and half bra.  I put on my deodorant and my jewelry and then put on my dress. I asked ya-ya to zip up the back of my dress up. Tonight is going to be majical.

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