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We'd been bestfriends since we were basically born, his mum and my mum grew up together and remained friends through everything also having kids at the same time. Our brothers were the same age and while he was 7 months younger than me I always had a secret crush on him, his eyes, his laugh, his smile basically everything about him drove me wild. I could never admit that I liked him though it would ruin everything, also I would never know if it would because I never made any moves I was just too scared. He meant everything to me. 

I always supported him during his modelling gigs, catwalks or 12 hour photoshoots I was there he always said he wanted me there. "Leah you wanna come to Paris with me?" Lennon asks "For what?" I reply as I sat on his bed "I've got a photoshoot down there and obviously you come to them all so come with" he insists "Yeah you're right" I giggle "Then we can go to dad's gig in Manchester the next night" he says; He continued on talking but I was ignoring him because his eyes and smile were distracting me, I acted like I was listening to him but I really wasn't, "Leah are you even listening?" he giggles I snapped out of my trance "Uh yeah?" I say hesitantly. Lennon laughs pushing his long hair back out of his face "I asked if you wanted to go for dinner" he says "Oh yeah let's go" I reply as I felt my face go red. He grabbed his wallet and I my bag then we walked down the streets of London to our go to spot, Nobu. 

I didn't want to ruin our friendship by telling him how I felt, it made me nervous everytime I thought about what we could be but at the same time it made me happy. We were seated at a table sat across from eachother, he gleamed as he rambled on about what was coming up next for him with modelling again I drifted away looking into his eyes "Leah are you alright?" he laughs, I snapped out of my trance "Oh uh yeah I'm good" I blush feeling my cheeks burn with embarrassment "You've just been kinda out of it lately, are you sure?" Lennon asks concerned. It was now or never Leah, just fucking tell him what's the worst he's gunna say? I inhaled deeply trying to form a coherent thought about what to say to him about it all, "Okay, just hear me out" I begin, Lennon leans in closer still concerned in his face "It's nothing bad it's just" I hesitate again "I've been really starting to grow more than friends feelings for you lately but at the same time I don't want to ruin anything but I just wanna shoot my shot y'know" I say. His eyes widened at me, fuck that went the bad way. Lennon leans back in his chair taking a drink of his pint. as he sets his drink down I see a smile grow on his face as he leans back toward me he places his hand over mine "I've been feeling the same way for awhile I was just waiting for you to pick up the hints" he says with a wink. Holy shit this is not what I was expecting, but also I'm happy he feels the same way; "So should we both shoot our shot?" I ask, now Lennon is leaning over the table his face close to mine "Abso fucking lutely" he whispers placing his lips on mine. 


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