Horror attack

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Mark's POV:

After finishing my recording of Five Nights at Freddy's 2, I was ready to sleep. Yet I was also slightly paranoid. The house was dark and suspiciously quiet. As I navigated through the pitch black rooms I knew so well, I began to get confused. The mess of pillows we created before I recorded was mysteriously gone. "Maybe (y/n) cleaned up..." I mumbled to myself.

I placed my hand gently on the wall which was slightly closer than I though it was. Further down the hall I heard a door creek as it moved slowly. I jerked my head to look in the direction of the door, but I saw nothing out of the ordinary. Maybe I'm just being paranoid after playing a horror game. I thought, attempting to calm myself.

My shin lightly bumped the first step of a staircase, which startled me making me jump back a bit. I took my first few steps up the staircase when a terrifying childish giggle sounded from behind me. I quickly turned around but saw no one there. My heart beat quickened with fear, and all I wanted to do was get to my room.

As I continued ascending up the stairs, I felt a gentle breeze waft through my hair and along my neck, sending a shiver down my back and along my spine. My arms tingled as goosebumps began to appear. The stairs seemed to go on forever.

I finally reached the top and made a risky dash to my room, only to find my door closed and locked. Out of fear I gripped the door knob harder and shook at it frantically. From somewhere else in the house, a music box started to play a simple, beautiful but unsettling melody. Fear surrounded me and panic was setting in. I banged on my room door, but eventually gave up and sprinted to the bathroom, which to my delight was conveniently unlocked and wide open.

As I closed the door behind me, my heavy breathing was all too noticeable. My brain then decided to remind me that there is working electricity in this house. I mentally face-palmed and reached for the light switch. As soon as my fingers reached the light switch, I began to feel uneasy. Another light breeze sifted through the darkness. I finally found the courage to turn on the lights, but braced myself for whatever was coming next. With my hand on the lights switch I squinted my eyes and slowly, cautiously moved my finger upwards and turned the light on.

A deafening scream filled the room, causing my heart to skip a few beats. I screamed in response and collapsed onto the floor, only to find (y/n) standing above me laughing uncontrollably. "You gave me a heart attack!" I screamed at her, my voice filled with with rage. She suddenly stopped laughing and looked at me concerned. "I was already paranoid and afraid but then you had to go an terrify me worse!" (Y/n) stared at me and her lips sank into a frown.

Your POV:

I was so proud of myself just a few moments ago, but seeing Mark in so much pain crushed my heart. Mark didn't help at all when he was yelling at me and I couldn't help but well up in tears. I thought it would be funny to creep him out and give him a good scare, I didn't even know he had played a horror game and now I felt terrible.

I rushed out of the bathroom, hiding the tears running down my face. I unlocked the door to Mark's room and laid down in a ball under his covers on his bed. I sobbed quietly, making sure I would not be heard. As expected, Mark walked in and sat down on the corner of the bed. He placed his hand gently on my thigh and sat in silence for a moment.

"I'm sorry." He muttered sincerely. I sighed and sat up out of the covers, looking at him with blurred vision. "I-its's okay." I mumbled catching my breath. "I shouldn't have exploded at you like that. It was a terrible thing to do and I am truly sorry for what I have done." I smiled weakly at Mark. I can't stay mad at such a corny doofus.

Eventually I gave in to his apology and leaned in for a hug. "You're such a dork." I chuckled sheepishly as we embraced each other. "But I'm your dork." Mark said matter-of-factly, causing a blush to spread across my face. It's truly amazing how one man can make me feel so many different emotions and yet I never get mad at him. Why are you so perfectly strange Mark?

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