Chapter 9

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I can't believe I forgot about Mike, I feel like such a complete douchebag, even if what he did was ten times worse, atleast he made the effort. While he was probably sitting with high hopes, I was messing around with some stupid guy like i had no worries in the world. Im so freaking stupid.

Quickly I made my way to Vic and Jaimes house, Hopefully Mike would be there and not with Alysha.

I reached their house a little before six,while the sun was on the verge of setting, leaving tinges of orange and pink to mix and melt across the horizon, contrasting with Vics recently painted, pearly white mansion. The sight was one to leave most people breathe less and as much as i wanted to stare at the immense beauty before me i hurried to the front door.

Usually i would just barge in but i felt out of place so I knocked, once, twice, three times and stood waiting for an answer. Soon i heard the bolt slide and the lock click and there stood Jaime, his face contorted with confusion as he looked down at me. Then swinging the door wide open he threw his arms around me and pulled me into a hug. I felt bad for ignoring them over this whole stupid money incident but i just needed to cool down.

"Dude you scared me, why didn't you just come in?" he asked letting go of me and letting me walk through the doors, I noticed he was putting a pistol back into his waistband, pulling his shirt over to disguise it. See what i mean? High risk, you cant even trust people who knock on your door. Thats how far deep We were in the Fuentes family business.

"Is Mike here?" I asked cutting to the chase.

"Don't know, I barely got home" Jaime replied shrugging his shoulders "Good to see you turtle, it feels so depressing around here without you"

I only nodded forming a small grimace on my face because I honestly didnt know if i would be sticking around or not.

"Vic is upstairs in his office dude, just go in. He'll probably freak out if you knock, he's been on the edge lately." Jaime informed me and with that he spun on his heel and led me to the stairs, motioning for me to go up as he made his way deeper into the houses lower level.

I walked up each stair slowly and carefully thinking of what i would possibly say to Vic or even Mike if they were together but my thoughts were racing and I couldnt muster a single thing to say. My thoguhts were so jumbled i began feeling uneasy and sick. Each step i had taken seemed to lengthen by a hundred yards and the top of the stairs seemed miles away.

Eventually I made it to the top and at the beginning of a very long bendy hallway, covered from corner to corner in authentic Mexican art and photographs, none of the family of course, Vic thought it was too dangerous and in case he was ever raided they would have no evidence of anyone that happened to live in this house or any one related to us and that was something i agreed with.

I've been in this house millions of times, and in this particular hallway so many times i could maneuver it with my eyes closed and a million pieces of glass on the floor. It was like breathing, it came naturally for me, The only difference was the art that was occasionally moved around or changed depending on the theme Jaime liked, Jaime always got a say in how the walls of the house were decorated. Vic adored Jaime, so anything he said went. I wasnt complaining though, Jaime had a knack for these types of things, he always kept the house interesting, ontop of inviting.

I spent alot of time in this house, When i first met Vic and Mike and began making trouble with my school i thought it was okay. I was thankful to them and i felt like i owed it to them to hang out with them because they stood up for me, they actually cared about me. At first it was just after school that i would come over and say hi to their parents, then we would go down into the basement and get high and then i would go home, but then it became alot more complicated. I developed feelings for Mike that I shouldn't have. When they would skip school i would stay behind and try to catch up but when i realized that i liked Mike I followed him around like a lost puppy. Anything he wanted to do, i was all for. I eventually started skipping school too. We would spend our days skating around town and getting high but soon we began to vandalize stores, steal from high ranking drug dealers and mess with people who would look at us funny. But i think My breaking point finally came when we almost killed a man.

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