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Blue woke up from his long sleep and looked around, he wasn't in his room anymore in fact he was on the couch with a towel on his chest and a bucket beside him. Blue felt like he woke up from an eternal sleep, he moved his arms to his head as he sat up but all that caused was him to cough and vomit more. it didn't hurt as much but it still felt painful to have his soul being corrupted by the second. he looked around to see if he could see anyone but. the house was empty. he didn't feel like moving but he knew he had to at some point. he was just about to stand up when he saw something dark in the corner. he froze as he saw Nightmare standing there.

Nightmare:"hello berry~" one step closer to Blue

Blue:"a-ah Nightmare w-what are you d-doing here?"

Nightmare:" i came to see how you are berry~ and i must say"Nightmare was right in front of Blue at this point."you are very pure. mind if i change that~?" Blues 'eyes' widen as of the thought of what would happen

Blue:"n-no you may n-not!"

Nightmare:"to bad~" Nightmare tilted Blues head up and pressed his 'lips' to Blues 'lips',Blue tried to push Nightmare away but he couldn't due to Nightmares tentacles wrapping around his limbs. Nightmare slipped his tongue into Blues mouth and started to play with Blues tongue. Blue let out a little moan as his spine was rubbed by Nightmares hand. Nightmare deepend the kiss by leaning closer to Blue making him lay back down. Blue kept on trying to get out of Nightmares grasp but it was to strong, he was a blushing mess.Nightmare drew back so that Blue could 'breath'.

Nightmare:"see? that wasn't bad now was it~" Blue was panting, his chest rising in and out while he just looked to the side of him" if you don't answer me i will do more than a kiss~"

Blue:"i-i don't know how to t-took my first k-kiss..." Nightmare smiled

Nightmare:"good~well i have to go they will be here soon, bye my berry~" Nightmare got off Blue and stood there for a second, "also go tell them what i did~" and with that he left leaving a very flustered Blueberry. the front door swung open revealing a worried Dream and a tirured Ink

Dream:"oh Blue you are awake! how are you?" Blue could bearlly speak

Blue:"i-i-i-i'm fine... also Dream can i talk to you?

Ink:"hey why don't you want to talk to me?!"

Blue:"...okay you can join in the topic, b-but you can't judge because it's real"

Ink:"YEAH!" Dream and Ink sat down next to Blue, Blue started to explain to Ink what has been happening for the past week, but then he stopped all of a sudden stopped talking.

Dream:"are you okay Blue?"

Blue:"Nightmare came to visit me before you guys got here"


Blue:"h-he took a bit of my innocence but its fi-"

Ink:"i'm going to kill Nightmare!"

Blue:"wait i think you misunderstood he just kissed me" Blue didn't want them to panic because that would lead him to panicking and he didn't want that

Dream:"what do you mean by kissed? wait hold on show me your tongue." Blue stuck his tongue out he didn't know why Dream wanted to see his tongue. Blues tongue faded into purple and a little N in black.

Dream:"dammit, its to late!"

Blue:"what do you mean 'to late' Dream?!"

Dream:"you are basicly his now"

Blue:"what do you mean 'his' i don't belong to anyone!" Blues 'heart' rate was rising he was panicking, he started to cry he didn't want to be anyones! why him? he just wanted it to end, then he blacked out.

Dream:"NIGHTMARE!" Dream kicked open Nightmares door after getting passed all the others, Dream was beyond pissed at his brother

Nightmare:"HOW THE HELL DID YOU GET IN?!" Nightmare stood up from his desk

Dream:"How dare you touch Blue!"

Nightmare:"..."he walked over to Dream" you cant have everyone Dream!"

Dream:"that doesn't give you the right to touch him!"

Nightmare:" oh i have full right too, have you not bothered to look at the date!?" Dreams 'eyes' widened

Dream:"wait no... wait no i thought... i thought we stopped that tradition!"

Nightmare:" well no we didn't we still have to do it and you should of known that!"

Ink:"Dream what the hell is going on!"

Dream:" we have to go Ink. come on..."

it was silent at the star sanses base with Blue passed out and Ink and Dream talking about what just happened

Ink:"what was Nightmare talking about Dream." Dream hated to talk about this topic but he new that he would have to tell them eventually

Dream:"okay so there is this tradition that me and Nightmare have to follow, we have to find someone to love. this is only so that if we can have a next generation of 'dreams' and 'nightmares'"Ink nodded with the Dream"but we have to get the person in different ways. so i stuck to consent and well Nightmare never participated he is hated by most people but i think he just thinks that Blue would understand him"

Ink:"wait so you have to find someone to love and make you happy? wow so you have your life set out but who are you choosing?"

Dream:"i don't know yet all i know is that i have two months to find someone"

Ink:"can you fake it?"

Dream:"how in the hell can you fake it Ink? we cant just fake it" Dream did have a crush on Ink but he doesn't want to go that far...yet.

hey guys it me just wanted to say sorry for the slow updates i will try my best so don't worry. also if you have any ideas then leave a suggestion on what could happen next, this doesn't mean i will be using it but i might.sorry for it being short. on that note have a good week!

word count: 999

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