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Blue woke up early in the morning at around 7:30 so that he could get ready for his day, first he had a nice shower then got dressed into some clean clothes that looked the same as his normal attire, after that he made breakfast for everyone who were still asleep but were soon to wake up anytime now. Blue had nothing else to do so he went back up to his room to grab his
Kalimba (thumb piano) and went back down stairs and started to play his favourite song, You are my Sunshine.

Dream started to wake up when he heard a tune playing, he thought it was just in his mind but it never left him in the minute he sat there. Dream got up and walked out to the lounge-room to see Blue peacefully playing the song,

Dream:"you're really good at that Blue" Blue looked up and blushed slightly

Blue:" I've been playing for a while now, i'm sorry if i woke you up"

Dream:" you didn't wake me up Blue i was already awake anyway"

Blue:" okay then, also there are some pancakes on the bench if you would like some" Dream looked over to see a small stack of pancakes on the bench ready to be eaten,

Dream:" thank you Blue" Dream walked over to the kitchen and grabbed a plat and two pancakes, he added some golden syrup to them and sat down on the couch with Blue. they talked for a while when Outer and Ink woke up they were all hoping that today would be fight free but no that could never happen now could it? after everyone was all ready for the day, Dream felt something or someone was off. Nightmare.

Dream:" guys my brother is happy!"everyone looked back at Dream in shock an panic

Ink:"what how is that even possible?!"

Dream:" i don't know but we should just all go check"

Outer:" sorry guys i wont be able to go"

Blue:" what why?"

Outer:" my brother really wants to catch up with me"

Dream:" okay then we'll see you soon" Dream opened up the portal to the AU his brother was in and they all hoped in.

Nightmare was just standing. smiling, knowing that his brother would fall for his trick, you see Nightmare had just got a liquid version of a negativity apple, but, it was only a bite so it might not do as much as a whole apple. Soon he heard the sound of his brothers portals and he was so happy that he had brought his friends.

Dream:"hello Nightmare, just came here to see why you were happy that's all no need to fight us"

Nightmare:"i'm glad you came here Dream, you and one more" the Star Sanses looked confused as for who could that 'one more' be, but before they could ask him about it they were all wrapped up in his weird tentacles things, his grip was very tight on Dream and Ink but not so much on Blue

Nightmare:" Brother have you ever thought of what would happen if a mortal had a bite of a negativity apple?"Dreams face showed anger and surprise.

Dream:"d-don't you DARE t-touch him" Blue was very confused.

Blue:"Dream w-what do you mean?" Nightmare turned his attention on Blue and pulled out a small tube with a black liquid in it, Blue looked very confused but Dream and Ink knew what was about to happen

Ink:" you wouldn't..."

Nightmare:"oh i would and you both know that"

Blue:"can someone please tell me what is happening?!" Nightmare smiled

Nightmare:" i can Berry, you just need to drink this~" Nightmare held up the tube with a small amount of liquid in it and hovered it in front of Blues face.

Dream:" D O N T Blue its the liquid version of a negativity apple!" Blue now knowing the danger he was in, moved his head backwards,

Blue:"n-no thank you Nightmare"

Nightmare:" i knew you were going to say that" Nightmare held Blues jaw and made him open his mouth, Blue was trying to close his mouth but with no luck, Nightmare opened the tube and tilted Blues head and poured the negativity into his mouth. Ink and Dream were screaming at Nightmare and struggling, Blue was trying to spit it out but couldn't he just gagged on it, eventually Nightmare just got bored and forced Blue to drink it. then Nightmare just dropped his brother and ink as well as Berry and left.

Dream:" Blue are you okay?!" Blue just started to cry and gag as he tried to get it out of him, Ink picked Blue up and Dream opened the portal back to there base.

Blue woke up in a strange place, but then he remembered the place. it was the place he first had a chat with Nightmare.

Blue:" N-Nightmare are you here?!" he called out in fear hoping that it wasn't what he was thinking.

Nightmare:" i'm surprised that you remember this place" Nightmare was right in front of Blue

Blue:" what do you want with me Nightmare? all you've done is cause me pain." Nightmare stepped closer to Blue and placed his hands on Blues waist and pulled him closer to him, Blue was trying to get away after their last encounter

Nightmare:"i only wanted to see if i killed you or not,also i don't try to cause pain to you"

Blue:" well i-i'm not d-d-dead so please leave m-me alone" Blue pushed on Nightmares shoulders but he wouldn't move, Blue started to panic and blush.

Nightmare:" its cute when you try~" Blue hated it when Nightmare flirted but it did sometimes work on him.

Blue:" i-i-i s-said leave m-me alone" he kept trying to push Nightmare away but no luck.

Nightmare:"Now that's rude coming from you, you always want a hug~"

Blue:" y-yeah i d-do bu-"

Blues sockets shot open, he just had to wake up didn't he. Blue looked at his hands and body, he sighed in releaf as there was nothing wrong with it. yet. Outer walked into Blues room with some food on a plate.

Outer:" hey Blue how do you feel?"

Blue:"i-i'm fine... b-but can you tell me what happened?"

Outer:" i don't know the whole story but you were forced to drink pure negativity or something and now we are just hoping that it wasn't enough to turn you into something like Nightmare" Blue was taking in all of this information slowly, he would just have to talk to Nightmare again

Blue:" thank you Outer but were is Dream? i need to talk to him in private"

Outer:" he's just down stairs i'll go get 'em" Outer went back stairs to go get Dream. a minute later Dream came in.

Dream:"hey Blue, you wanted to talk?" Dream walked around to the side of the bed to sit next to Blue

Blue:"y-yeah, um can you enter peoples dream/nightmares?"

Dream:" yeah but how did you find that out?"

Blue:"Nightmare's been visiting me in my dreams..." Dream was astonished

Dream:"what! what does he do?!" Blue blushed at the thought of how close they were together and the fact that if Nightmare moved his head any closer they would kiss.

Blue:"h-he's really t-touchy and he gets more and more touchy the more he sees me, and he flirts with me and it works most of the time..."

Dream:"oh no that's really bad!...why don't i, go into your dream and then he can't touch you!?" Blues 'eyes' lit up and a smile grew,

Blue:"that would be perfect bu-" Blue started to cough then started vomiting up black goop and kept on gagging, his 'eyes' were so sore and tears flooded his vision all he could hear was yelling he wanted it to stop. he laid down with his knees up to his chin while he was still vomiting. then nothing. he past out.

hey guys how are ya? well i hope this was good and yes the chapters will be getting longer since school is back in (i'm an Australian) so they will be longer to keep you guys entertained while i'm at school. and with that note have a good week!

word count: 1321

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