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Nightmare woke up in his own bed, he felt refreshed apologising to Blueberry. he never really said 'sorry' in his life since most people would see it as fake. he got out of his bed and looked at his dark room. shades of Blacks, Purples and golden flakes almost every were. but no blue. he would have to change that, but not over the top.
Blue woke up from his first dream in years, it was a lovely dream him and Nightmare just sitting in a forest with autumn leaves falling down on their heads, with flowers wrapping around trees. Blue was a bit sad that he had to wake up since he wasn't with Nightmare. is it weird that he wanted to be close to Nightmare? or was it just another side-effect of the apple? what ever it was he just wanted to be in the present of him. just him and how nice he his depending on who he is with, his smile that would show when he was calm. god that smile. and how much emotion Nightmares kisses feel to Blue, like he really loves him. Blue had fallen far and it hadn't been a week.
Error was in the anti-void making two puppets. one of Nightmare and Blue. he could tell what was going to happen. Blue falls in love very fast and Nightmare is a big softy when he falls in love. they would most likely try to see each other after battles. if they would happen. Ink had stopped creating so that he could help Blue get better. so everyone was just chilling and doing what they want at the moment. i guess they do deserve a break every now and then so this was nice for Error. just to sit down and do what he loves. seeing how forbidden love goes down.

After everyone got dressed in the Star Sanses base Blue went out to the forest. he couldn't go back to Papyrus since well hes gone, so is original Underswap. Blue had to wipe away the tears that formed from thinking back to that day. the cold and empty sockets of his brother. Half way through the forest Blue stopped and looked around he had the feeling of being watched. in which he was because as soon as he finished his 360 turn he was faced with Nightmare. Blue stumbled back a bit from the sudden appearance, but he was caught by Nightmares arms. not his tentacles is arms as if he really did want to catch Blue.
Blue: "Mweh he he! h-hello Nightmare" Blue regained his balance and gave Nightmare a hug, of course Nightmare hugged back.

Nightmare: "hello my Berry,how are you today?" Blue distanced himself from Nightmare so that he would be heard properly.

Blue:"i'm doing good,how are you?"

Nightmare:" perfect seeing you in person" Blue blushed heavily and tried to hide it.

Blue:"mweh he he" Nightmare loved Blues laugh it was cute and simple. but still different.

Nightmare:"mweh" he wanted to see how Berry would react. Blue looked up and smiled.

Blue:"are you trying to copy me?" you could see that Blue was trying to hide his amusement. he was trying to act serious. cute.

Nightmare:"what? no i would never do that." Blue just mumbled about something that Nightmare couldn't hear.

Nightmare:' so what do you want to do?"

Blue:" w-well i have this very special place that i like to go but its better at night. so if y-you would like i could sneak out and show you?"

Nightmare:"sure i would love to. but before can i have a kiss?" Blue looked up and just gave a quick kiss, but Nightmare wanted the kiss to be a bit longer so have gave a more gentle and longer kiss leaving a very flustered Blueberry after."see you in the night Berry~"

-time skip cause uh yeah-

Blue walked around the house to see if everyone was asleep. he looked in each room twice just to make sure everyone was asleep. Blue was just about to open the door when
Dream:" what are you doing?" Blue turned around faster than light to see Dream standing in a not-so-impressed stance.

Blue:" i-i was just going out, go back to bed Dream"

Dream:" don't lie to me Blue, i know you're going to see my brother" Blue could feel the guilt growing around him for being caught sneaking out. if you could even call it that.

Dream:" why do you want to see him Blue? is he happier around you? are you happy with him"

Blue:"yes...i'm sorry if you don't like it..." Blue was on the verge of tears almost whimpering.

Dream:" hey no its okay this is the first time hes ever been in love. go ahead" Blue looked up with joy, jumped into dreams arms and said thank you to many times to count and ran out the door to meet Nightmare.

Nightmare was well a nightmare, he was super worried that Blue wouldn't show up heck was even scared that Blue wanted nothing to do with him, but he was the one who asked Nightmare to come back so Blue had to come. right? he was about to start going back home when he heard a snap of a twig. Blue walked into his view and all his stress just melted away and he gave him a great hug.

Blue:"y-you really missed me?" Nightmare just chuckled and let go handing Blue a single purple rose.

Nightmare:"heh yeah i thought you wouldn't come for a second... or more."

Blue:"i'm the one who invited you so why wouldn't i come!?" Blue flashed a beautiful smile that melted Nightmares heart every time he saw it.

Nightmare:" well Berry lead the way to this fantastic place~" Blue gave a light giggle and started walking deeper into the woods. the further you got into the woods the more of an oasis it looked like, ivy climbing the tall swaying trees to the small blue and gold flowers growing on the ground. this is one of the only places in Snowdin that wasn't covered in snow. in fact this was before it was Snowdin it looked like it was the middle of spring with all the plantation around the forbidden couple. Blue stopped when he got to a small bunch of trees in a crescent moon shape with a patch of flowers in the middle of it like a carpet. he sat down leaving room for Nightmare who happily sat down next to Berry.

Nightmare:" so why do you like this place?" he stared at the blue flowers that slowly swayed with the wind

Blue:"its was my mums favourite place to go when i was 5"

Nightmare:"wait you remember your mum!?"

Blue:" well yeah since i have 'papyrus' and 'sans' code i remember almost everything."

Nightmare:" could you tell me about her? because i only remember having a tree for a mum"

Blue:"uh yeah sure, for mum her name was November but everyone would call her Nova. she would wear this dress that had light blue at the top and faded to dark purple at the end with small golden stars scattered at the ends of it. Dad use to say that i had almost everything about her, from my eyes to my smile. she loved forbidden romance stories, and loved to cook sweets for me and Papyrus, she would make ones without sugar just for me. she was a teacher to me. everything i know now is mostly from my mum a-and *sniff* i really miss her" Nightmare wrapped his arms around Blue making him cry even more. Nightmare not being use to people crying just placed Blue in his lap and started to pat Blues head in a soothing matter. in a few minutes Blue had just gotten down from screaming in pain to sniffles

Nightmare:" sorry that i made you talk about your mum. i shouldn't have made you" Blue just stayed quiet and started nuzzling into Nightmares shirt almost purring as Nightmare cradled Blue in his arms. what a shame that they could't stay like that. Nightmare got up lifting Blue as well in a bridal style carry and teleported into Blues room, carefully laying Blue into his bed after getting him into his pj's. giving a small kiss in the mouth then leaving Nightmare was happy he got to see his Berry again.

omg i am so sorry that it took this long just to get a chapter done, i will try to do more but i also want to work on my Crossberry book so please just be patience. i'm also going to do an art book soon so i can get my art out there. on that not have some more fluff and have a good week~

word count: 1447

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