Chapter V

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"So, the game is simple, you will all have a little bell, to  win the challenge, you need to take each other's bells! The one with the most bell win the challenge!"

"I know it looks simple, but don't forget. The more bell you have, the more noise you make, the more noise, the easier it gets to find you, ect...''

We where all listening to Miss Lizy.

-That's easy, I'm gonna win that challenge and destroy all those extras!

Bakugou... Yo can you believe how I hate this guy?

" That's the spirit! But now listen, the winner will get....a Suprise!"

Everyone cheered and looked pretty happy.. except me... She's my teacher.. I know her....

"But the losers will get......a other kind of Suprise" Miss Lizy smiled mischievously..

I could sense some of my classmates fear.. oh boi if only they knew what was coming...

She asked us to meet her outside,  we all went and change to our sport uniform, and I could hear miss Lizy screaming at aizawa sensei, because he was going to stay in class, sleeping.

We went to change and I realized that I already forgot everything Iida said, I mean, I forgot everyone's name!

Anyways, after changing
Everyone had there hero costume, so Capitain Bomb gave everyone a belt.

The bell was hung on a string, and the string hung on the belt, to make it easier to take. She explained that it was forbidden to put the bells anywhere else other than attached on the belt.

(It was really hard for me to explain it? The main reason why I'm writing fanfics is to make my English better, so if you think that I could make this explanation better, than tell me!)

We all went near the forest, the "game" will be set there. A big red circle was placed here, not that far away from the forest, she all asked to go in, and said that you can't take anyone's bell when you're here.

"I'll count to three, and at three everyone will run in the forest, it's your choice to go, follow someone, or not! But don't take their bell yet, when you'll hear a big BOOM then that will announce the beginning. Don't try to cheat, there are eyes everywhere.

When you'll hear a second Boom, it would mean that you'll have to come back here, out of the forest, in the red circle.
You can still take bells tho, you'll be safe when you'll be in the circle,


Everyone nodded, I took a look at Midoriya who was next to me the whole time, he looked determined but.. scared at the same time.

I but my hand on his shoulder and smile briefly.

"Good luck"

"Oh thank you Ev-



I started yelling, I mean, jeez, what a hell man.




Oh right the challenge!

And with a big 'poof' All might appeared out of no where and screamed-


Everyone started running in different directions, some with others, some alone, some where followed, and some where even going in the air!

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