The Best Man - Ashton

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The flickering lights were draped around the banquet hall, illuminating a peaceful, romantic glow to the crowded space. The tables were set up strategically around the room, the bar at the far left serving up flutes of celebratory champagne. Huddles of people were either sitting at their designated seating arrangements or avoiding to get pulled out into the crowded dance floor. Flowers were scattered amongst the room, the aroma not too overbearing but just enough to leave a pleasant feeling in my nostrils.
I'll give McKenna Hood one thing, she sure knew how to throw a wedding.
I glanced over to the blushing bride, noting her adoring husband Calum next to her as they shared a piece of cake. They seemed to be in their own little world of marital bliss, little tiny hearts were practically surrounding them as they spoke whispered words to each other. It took awhile, but I think I was finally used to seeing Calum in love.
I had been Ashton Fletcher Irwin's girlfriend for much longer than Calum and McKenna had even known each other. During this time, I had seen Calum in many different stages of his life. There were stages when he would go through girls like underwear and points where he wasn't interested in even talking to girls. I'd seen him break many girls' hearts and had even him with his heart broken on occasion. Words couldn't describe how happy the band and I were when McKenna came into the picture.
Of course, we were all shocked when they announced their engagement having only been together for six months. Except Ashton, who became oddly quiet whenever it was brought up. Calum was only 20 for Christ's sake but we kept our judgement to ourselves. Now that I was witnessing the two of them, clearly in love and not seeing one bit of regret in either of their eyes, it seemed worth it.
I felt a pair of unfamiliar hands grasp my shoulders from behind the chair I was currently sitting in. I was expecting my fluffy, sandy haired boyfriend back any second with the flute of champagne I had requested, but the hands holding me definitely didn't belong to him. I could recognize those freakishly long, yet adorable hands anywhere.
I turned in my seat to confront the stranger touching me but gasped at the realization of who it was.
"Jake!" I loudly exclaimed, quickly embracing him in a welcoming hug. "You told me you weren't sure you were going to make it!"
He shrugged when I finally released him from our close hug, ruffling my hair that I had spent so long perfecting in an updo.
"Yeah, well I got back earlier than I expected so I decided to show up." He admitted quietly, seeming a little more reserved since the last time we spoke. He was one of my oldest friends, bumping into each other at Freshmen Orrientation so many years ago. Whenever we see each other again, it always feels like not enough time to catch up. We text back and forth every once and awhile, but we were long overdo for a chat.
"I'm glad," I said, my red painted lips turned up into a smile. "We don't get to see each other as often as I would like." His eyes sparkled down at mine with a hint of tenderness and I felt an odd feeling in the pit of my stomach.
"It might be easier now at least," he suggested, taking a sip from the wine glass he was cradeling. "I know it's probably still all new for you, but I honestly think it's a blessing in disguise."
I furrowed my eyes in confusion, digging around my brain to think of what he was implying. I shrugged my shoulders, shaking my head in bewilderment.
"I'm sorry, I don't know what you're referring to." I stated giving him an apologetic smile. He blinked at me and chuckled.
"You and Ashton." He said, looking at me as if I was an idiot. I gave him a tight lipped smile, shrugging my shoulders again.
"What about us?" I asked, genuinely curious now as to why he would feel the need to bring our relationship up. However, as confused as I was at Jake's peculiar behavior; it didn't come to that much of a surprise.
Jake and Ashton had never gotten along all that well. It was mostly due to Ashton's irrational territorial instincts over me. I didn't know how many times I had to reiterate to Ashton that Jake was JUST a friend. We practically went through puberty together, we had both seen each other during our awkward stages; I was incapable of finding him attractive.
He was too boyish looking, I preferred my men with messy caramel hair with pretty, warm gold eyes. Especially boys with toned, tanned arms that wrap around you in the most delicious of ways and long fingers that can reach places inside you, you didn't know existed. Boys who smell like a combination of sandalwood and vanilla scented candles with laughs that can bring even the most miserly old men to big toothy grins.
"Well you know, you guys went your separate ways." He answered cautiously, expecting me to blow up at the mention of our fictional break up. I looked at him, puzzled at his assumption and shook my head.
"Oh no, we're still together." I said, hesitant for some reason because of his accusation. Who told him that? Ashton and I had been together way longer than any of my past relationships, with no end in sight, so the possibility of us looking unhappy seemed unlikely.
Jake widened his eyes, nodding his head condescendingly which was a trait I just noticed about him. Maybe he had changed since the last time we'd spoken. Ashton always used to go on about how pompous he thought he was, but I always accounted this to Ashton's jealousy. Perhaps Ashton had a point....
"Ah, my apologies." He said with a smirk, not sounding the least bit sorry. "I just thought since you guys hardly ever see each other with his whole hobby-"
"It's not a hobby, Jake." I interrupted him, narrowing my eyes as I felt my defensive nature flare up, "he's a drummer in a fairly successful band, if you would go to one of their shows like I keep asking you-"
"Oh Y/N, you know I don't like that type of music." He remarked dryly, waving off my invitation as if it was an insect. I scowled and folded my arms across my chest, inwardly praying that Ashton would show up and turn into over protective boyfriend mode.
"Oh yeah, you're a music snob!" I exclaimed mockingly, a flicker of excitement erupting inside of me when I saw his eyes drop. "How could I forget?"
"I know you think I'm being a jerk, Y/N but I'm honestly looking out for you." He said, feigning concern as I fought the urge to laugh in his face. He out of anybody should know how many crappy boyfriends I had had in the past, and to assume that Ashton was like one of them was laughable.
"Jake, I've been seeing Ashton for over 3 years-" but he cut me off while moving closer to me, grasping my forearms.
"Exactly! And he's still hasn't made any move to have a future with you. Last time I checked there's no ring on your finger or a new house key in your pocket." He said, staring intently into my eyes as I felt the stirrings of anger come off of him. I gasped aloud at his admission and tried to shake out of his grasp.
"Excuse you, you have no idea what you're talking about! Don't presume to know anything about him or our relationship!" I exclaimed, starting to draw attention from the huddles of people around us. "If anything it has nothing to do with him, I just don't feel like taking those steps yet."
Jake nodded his head, waving to the other people around us to reassure them everything was fine. Jake apologized and an awkward silence fell over us.
All of a sudden a slow ballad started to pour out through the DJ's speakers. I shuffled my feet as I scanned the perimeter for Ashton's tall form but he was no where in sight. Jake's loud cough interrupted my perusal of the room and I turned my attention towards him.
"Dance with me?" He asked, quirking one eyebrow as I stared at him suspiciously. He rolled his eyes, becoming impatient. "I'm sorry, okay."
"I don't know, Jake." I admitted, more nervous of what Ashton's reaction would be at the sight of another man embracing me, especially one he doesn't like. "I promised Ash I would dance the first set with him."
"Oh come on Y/N, he won't care." He exclaimed, his eyes flaring with frustration.I was just about to challenge him with that statement but he sighed defeatedly. "It's one dance."
I bit my lip, searching around the room one last time for any sign of Ashton before slipping my hand into his. Jake smiled and tucked my hand into the crook of his elbow. He escorted me to the dance floor, only a few other couples dancing there already.
I bumped shoulders with Luke as Jake lead the way to the center of the room. Luke gave us a double take, widening his eyes and slowly shaking his head. I knew what he was thinking, Ashton wasn't going to be pleased. I shrugged my shoulders and continued to follow my friend.
We finally made our way to the center of the dance floor, Jake swooping me up into a close embrace. I wrapped my hands around his neck as his hands found their way at the center of my lower back. For some reason, I started to feel awkward and strange in his presence. Like we weren't on the same page to what this dance actually meant.
"We have to get closer." He whispered in my ear as the hands at my lower back brought our stomachs together. I froze in his embrace, feeling as if I was committing some type of form of cheating.
"Uh...I'm not sure I feel comfortable-"
"God you're so pretty," he whispered, ignoring my request for space as his hands started to travel a little bit lower. "Tell me again how Ashton fucking Irwin managed to steal you away from me?"
"I was never yours, Jake." I mumbled while his warm breath shook me to my core, in a bad way. I felt myself trying to get further and further away from him but he didn't seem to get the message.
"You would've been, if it wasn't for that stupid fucking-"
"I'm cutting in." A familiar voice rumbled from behind me. I felt my heart beat start to quicken, both because of the realization that my boyfriend had returned and because of what he had just witnessed.
I felt the hands that were previously resting on my lower back had been withdrawn, noticing that Ashton had physically removed them. I twisted my head to see his tall, toned form standing behind me. I had sighed aloud when he had emerged from his closet sporting that tux. I had managed to groom his usually disheveled, caramel colored locks and his golden eyes were eerily calm. Staring intently into Jakes, almost as if he was daring him to defy him.
"Well we kind of just started dancing-"
"It wasn't a request." Ashton growled, his hands starting to circle around my waist from behind, pulling me from his grasp. I withdrew my hands from Jake's neck and felt myself start to blush at the scene we must've been making.
"Are you serious?" Jake asked, irritated at Ashton's physical removal of me but I fought the urge to laugh. I had never seen Jake so annoyed, it made me kind of glad after the way he had been treating me the whole night.
"Deadly." Ashton stated, his usually friendly eyes were now clouded over with something dark. It looked as if he was promising something physically harmful if Jake dared to challenge him.
"Whatever, text me later Y/N." Jake said, looking at me with hopeful eyes. I opened my mouth to fire back a witty reply but Ashton beat me to it.
"She'll probably be busy later, I keep her up pretty late." Ashton replied, adding a wink for good measure. Jake gaped at us as I unsuccessfully stifled a laugh at my outrageous boyfriend. Jake shook his head and left the dance floor, Ashton scowling after him as his eyes followed his retreating form.
Ashton spun me around, swooping me into an even closer embrace that I was in with Jake. Our entire fronts were pressed against each other as my hands looped around his tanned neck, his hands finding their usual place right above my bottom. He held my body like it was second nature to him, which it was to him by how familiar he is with it. He knew everything about my body, which parts of me have beauty marks, the special places that instantly get me turned on. He had a gift, and it was giving pleasure to me.
"I leave you for five minutes and I find you in the arms of another mans," he shook his head in mock dissapointment, "what am I going to do with you? I can't take you anywhere."
I chuckled, nuzzling my nose into the crook of his shoulder. I felt the rumblings of laughter from his chest and his hands rubbed the small of my back soothingly.
"Honestly, I'm this close to locking you up in my bedroom where no other guys can even look at you besides me." He whispered in my ear as his words sent shivers down my spine.
"Yeah but then what would I do?" I asked, genuinely curious as to what his answer would be to this. He thought about this for a second and smiled.
"Lay in bed all day, think about all the amazing things I can do to your body." He suggested, his hands now grazing lower to cup my bottom. "Wait for me to come home and sink myself into that tight-"
"Ashton Fletcher Irwin! There are children and elders present." I exclaimed, hitting his shoulder at his crude words.
"So?" He asked, shrugging his shoulders while slowly massaging my ass. "They'd do the same thing if they had you as a girlfriend."
"Oh shut up, you're such a typical best man! Always trying to get into the skirts of the bridesmaids." I accused him, my heart tightening as his soft, melodic giggle escaped him. His golden eyes sparkled as he leaned down to kiss my nose.
"Doesn't really count as 'trying' if I already have gotten into your skirt, multiple times actually." He remarked, a thoughtful expression coming over his face. "I might go as far as to say a thousand times.
"I think you've even gotten onto my skirt a few times, jizz is actually surprisingly hard to get out of cotton." I whispered as he choked on his own air. I laughed at his reaction as he tried to compose himself.
"Yeah well that just goes to show that the pull out method doesn't work for us," he remarked, scanning the area for anybody who could've possibly heard us. "Especially when it's in the back of a cab-"
"We need to stop, I feel like we're committing some type of sin." I blushed as I leaned closer towards him. "Isn't there some kind of commandment about talking about sex at a wedding?"
"Chill Y/N, we're not in the church anymore. It's the reception, rules are totally diffident." He stated, as if he actually knew he was talking about.
"So God's going to be cool with this?" I asked, as if he was an angel or something. Ashton laughed and nodded.
"Yeah, I think we're safe from fiery pits of Hell." He answered seriously as I buried my head in his shoulder and laughed.
I didn't know how long we swayed together, sing after song as I nuzzled my face into his neck. I left small kisses there, whispering how much I loved him and how proud I was of him. He kissed my ear and told me how beautiful I looked, how he feels when I walk into a room and that he'll love me forever.
"You're the best thing that's ever happens to me." I whispered, dazed in my love for him as we slowly swayed to the melody. He chuckled and shook his head.
"I'm serious, Ashton." I said, pulling my head from his shoulder and staring up into his golden eyes, filled with admiration for me.
"You have no idea how beautiful you are." I whispered, caressing his cheek as the words flowed out of me. "You not only bring out the best in me, but in everyone. You have such a positive energy and aura, I wish I could find happiness in the little things as much as you do."
"You're kind, and considerate. You have no idea how unbelievably talented you are, you're so creative and well spoken. And you're always patient with children, and I know you worry about not being a good father because you never had one, but i promise you you're going to be the best father a child could ever ask for. You bring light to every room, and you're smile can make anyone's day." I swallowed while Ashton continued to stare down at me, his eyes sparkling with awe. "I just want to thank you, for everything you've done for me. From paying for my school expenses to telling me how much you love me, I couldn't ask for anything greater and-"
His lips cut my words off abruptly, pressing against mine almost violently. I squeezed my eyes shut as he tilted his head to the side and grabbed a fistful of my hair. A moan escaped me as I felt the first swipe of his tongue brush against my lips but I pulled away. Afraid that someone around us would be uncomfortable at our passionate kissing.
Our forheads were still touching, our lips barely centimeters apart when I felt Ashton's warm breath escape him.
"Marry me." He stated, slightly out of breath as his voice was husky with arousal. I froze in his embrace and separated our forheads, blinking up at him in alarm.
"Ashton...," I whispered, feeling tears start to form in my eyes, swallowing when I saw his start to tear up too. "We've talked about this."
"You have to marry me, I won't have it any other way." He stated, gripping onto my forearms as I blinked back my tears.
"Ashton, you know how I feel about marriage. I just don't see how rings and a ceremony should dictate how-"
"Then we'll go to a courthouse, just the two of us. We'll keep it a secret and I won't get you a ring if that's what you want." He stared down at me, desperation in his eyes as he gripped my forearms. "I'll give you whatever you want, name it and it's yours."
"Baby, please I hate doing this. You know I do, but how many times have I told you about my parents? They were down right nasty to each other and I just can't ever see myself-" but he cut me off again.
"I know we've talked about this and I know how badly your parents relationship affected you, but I promise Y/N," he swallowed and cupped my cheeks in his hands, determination settling into his golden eyes. "There will never be a day that goes by that I don't tell you how much I love you."
His words shot me through like a bullet, almost getting to me enough to sound convincing but I just couldn't do it. I just wasn't ready, if I ever will be. I was content at how our relationship was and I didn't need to add anything to it.
"Ashton, I'm sorry but I can't right now." I whispered, tears starting to roll down my face as I tried to mask our voices from the people around us. We were now on the side of the dance floor, trying not to cause attention to ourselves. Probably failing horribly.
"It doesn't have to be right this second, we can wait a few months. Maybe even get that apartment in Mayfair you've always dreamed of. Think of how pretty you'd look in a wedding dress and how happy-" but I spoke too soon.
"I'm sorry, baby. It's just not me. Maybe that's something you've always seen us doing but not me." I admitted, gasping before I realized what I had just said. Ashton's mouth went ajar and winced at the weight if my words.
"Ashton, no. That came out wrong-"
"Let's just enjoy the party okay?" He asked, trying to ignore what I had just said. He held out his hand to grasp mine and I apologized again. He gave me a fake smile and nodded his head, pretending he was fine.
We had just tumbled into the limo, both of us still shivering at the harshness of the weather outside. Leave it to Calum to have a Winter Wedding.
Our hands were still clasped together, his behavior still acting strange from my comment before. The whole rest of the night I felt horrible even though he put on his best "no really I'm fine" face. I knew when he was faking happiness and this was it.
"Can you turn the heat up please?" Ashton requested to the driver as we bundled together for warmth. The driver must've answered him and Ashton pressed a button to put up the partition from the backseat to the front.
My apartment was about 20 minutes downtown from where we were and with traffic who knew what time we'd get home. It was then that I decided I couldn't spend that much amount of time in awkward silence.
I turned my attention from the radio controls to look at Ashton. He was staring outside the window, his beautiful eyes blinking up at the tall sky scrapers above him. He had a thoughtful expression his face, almost a cute little pout on his lips. He looked sleepy and disheveled from our long day but I couldn't help but think how attractive he looked.
"Ashton," I called to him, he turned his attention away from the window and averted my eyes.
"You know I love you more than anything, right?" I asked, looking for any signs of relief. He nodded his head, still not looking very happy though. I bit my lip and inched my self closer to him.
"You know what my favorite feature is on you?" I asked, waiting for him to answer me. He finally met my eyeline and shook his head, no.
"Your eyes," I answered, smoothing the hair off his forhead to try and look at the eyes in question. "I love how they look when their happy," I placed a kiss on his right cheek, "when their sad," I placed a kiss on the left cheek, "or when their angry at me for not picking up my clothes off the floor."
I brought my hand to his broad chest, massaging him there as I placed kissed on his jawline. He let out a gasp as I brought my hand to his thigh, slowly going back and forth on the muscle.
"Remember when you made me cum just by me riding your knee?" I asked, pressing open mouthed kisses on his neck as tiny whimpers escaped him. "How did you do that, baby?"
"I-I don't k-know." He stuttered, gasping as I sucked on his Adam's apple. I smiled when I saw his knuckles start to turn white by him restraining himself.
"I love kissing you everywhere, Ashton." I admitted breathlessly, "but do you know where I like kissing you most?"
He slowly shook his head and gulped as I brought my hand from his thigh to the hard bulge in his black slacks.
"This is my favorite part of you to kiss, do you want me to kiss it, Ashton?" I asked, slowly moving down to my knees and situating myself between his thighs. He stared down at me as he slowly nodded his head, swallowing and mumbling a "yes".
"You're already so hard for me, baby." I whispered as I unzipped his pants. Rubbing my hand against his boxer covered dick, that was practically poking out at the waist band. His eyes rolled back and he dropped his head back against the head rest.
I pulled his boxers down and licked my lips at the sight of his thick cock, rising up at full mast against his stomach. A tiny bead of pre cum escaped from the bright red tip and I brought my tongue down to lick it.
"Shit baby," Ashton gasped as his breath escaped him. He groaned when I started delivering tiny kitten licks to the tip of his dick, tasting the salty flavor on my tongue. I brought my hand to the base of his dick, slowly starting to pump him as my mouth sucked the tip of him.
"Please angel," he whispered breathlessly, "put me in your pretty mouth."
I lifted myself off of his dick and stared up at him with wide eyes.
"I'm sorry what was that? What do you want?" I asked, pumping him in my fist at a snails pace. He groaned and dug my hands in my hair.
"Suck me, open for me angel." He said as I brought my whole mouth down on him, never breaking eye contact as I did. He moaned, his fingers digging into my scalp as my mouth descended on his dick.
"Oh my god, don't stop." He whimpered as I started moving my mouth further down, breathing in through my nostrils as I fought the urge to gag.
"You're incredible, I can't believe you're mine." He groaned as he forced a little more of him into my mouth, moaning when he heard me gag around him.
"You look so pretty, angel. I couldn't keep my eyes off you all night." He gasped as I licked the vein that ran down the underside of his cock. I continued to bob my head up and down as more moans tumbled out of him.
"I'm gonna cum soon," he groaned as his face started to scrunch up. "Do you want it or do you want me to pull out?"
I appreciated him asking, considering sometimes he forgot and I'd be stuck washing cum off my shirt. Not as easy as you would think.
I continued to suck him off, hoping he would get the hint that he can let go in my mouth. I brought one of my hands down the massage his balls, his fingers now pulling at my hair as he groaned through gritted teeth.
"Please marry me," he whimpered as his breaths started to turn into pants and his hips started bucking in my mouth, fucking my mouth like he does to my pussy.
"I'll marry you tonight, I'll marry you ten years from now, I just can't live without you." He managed to say as he hit the back of my throat. I brought my mouth back to the tip and massaged his balls as he let out a loud groan signaling his impending orgasm.
He gripped the back of my head, shoving me down as far as I could go before throwing head back in pleasure. His thighs started to shake as the first streams of his essence hit me tongue. I breathed through my nose as I swallowed all of it down, his hands petting my head as he rode out his orgasm.
When I was sure he had been sucked dry, I pulled my mouth off of him, wiping any evidence from my mouth that had escaped. He was still catching his breath when he pulled me up from my knees and embraced me to his lap.
"Thank you, my pretty girl." He whispered in my ear as I pressed a kiss to his cheek.
"Did I do good?" I flirted, knowing that I had just robbed him speechless. Ashton rolled his eyes and scoffed.
"You were incredible, as always. You'll be the death of me one day." He admitted before kissing my hair and hugging me to him. I snuggled closer to him, laughing at what I was about to say. He pinched my bum at my random outburst of laughter.
"What are you giggling about, angel?" He asked with a beautiful smile draped across his face, his dimples prominent.
"Well I was just thinking," I said, staring up into his golden eyes, "how do you feel about a June wedding?"

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