Chapter 2

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While sitting on a squeaky bed, I couldn't keep my eyes off Rob. He didn't look any different which made it impossible to tell whether he knew or not.

Judy, Vivian, Rob and I were nestled inside a small bedroom with nothing but three beds and one small closet. And thankfully an adjoining bathroom. Because our stay would last only for  three days, the lack of space wasn't too much to bear.

What presented a much bigger issue, was the fact that we were still inside the werewolf castle. Something I tried hard not to think about.

Instead, I kept my eyes on Judy and Rob, who were sitting on Judy's bed all the way across the room from me. Judy wasn't able to stop fretting around her only son as she had already twice made sure he had enough food to eat and enough clothes to wear.

The million-dollar question I, on the other hand, was struggling to solve was whether Rob knew about werewolves. Him living inside the werewolf castle should have been explanation enough, but I wanted to make sure. After all, he wouldn't be the first person to arrive at the castle and not know a thing about the supernatural world.

If it were up to me, we would have left the moment I realized where exactly we were. However, because neither Judy nor Vivian knew about werewolves, or any other supernatural creatures for that matter, I couldn't come up with a good enough excuse for us to pack our bags and flee as fast as our old sedan could take us.

Being surrounded by werewolves didn't bother me as much as it should have. What actually had me cringing every time I saw one, was the fact that I was a witch inside the werewolf castle. It wasn't a novelty for one of my kind to be here, however, it was the first time the werewolves had no idea about it. As far as they knew I was nothing but an ordinary human.

Despite knowing how close to an execution I would come if they were to figure out my true nature, I didn't even for a moment consider revealing who I was. I was still a wanted witch and telling them who I was, would definitely get me shipped off to Allium, the hidden village of my kind. A place I promised never to set foot into again.

I wrapped my fingers around a glass flask, barely the size of my pinkie which was connected to a black string and securely wrapped around my neck. To an outsider, it would look like nothing other than a necklace, but to me it was so much more. For me it was the reason why my entire charade as a human was even possible. The transparent flask contained four drops of a blue liquid. Despite its unnatural appearance, it was nothing but a simple potion which masked the supernatural component of my scent. Ergo disguising me as an ordinary human.

"Why are you staring at me?" Rob's voice pulled me back to reality.

Because everyone's eyes were focused on me, I concluded that he was talking to me. I was, after all, the one still staring straight at him.

"I'm just not used to seeing you all grown up." I removed my hand from the necklace. "The last time I saw you, you were a fifteen-year-old boy. And now here you are all grown up."

"You're one to talk. I remember you as sticks for legs, but here you are looking like a woman. I'm not sure I like it." The spark lurking in his eyes told me he didn't really mean it. "At least I'm now as tall as you."

"Yes, I've noticed. I'm not sure I like it."

Rob's growth spur had just begun by the time I disappeared as back then he had still been two inches below me.

Judy opened her mouth to most likely scold us when a knock on the door interrupted her. While the three of us froze in surprise, Rob jumped off the bed and flew toward the door.

Without even a second of hesitation, he threw it wide open. "You're just in time."

In the now open doorway stood a smiling young woman. She looked in-between Rob's and Vivian's age, with long honey-colored hair.

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