Chapter 28

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"I..." The intruder clawed at Theo's arm.

The said guy's eyes shone with silver, and he didn't even blink at the other man's struggles.

I needed a moment to recognize the intruder. What helped was the fact that he had opened a portal not only inside my house, but inside my very bedroom. He was the wizard Skylar; the one who had known about Darlene's involvement. Before I could open my mouth, however, the others came rushing in.

"What's going on?" Rob was the first one to react when they all took in Theo's tight hold on a stranger's throat and me still clenching a shirt to my front.

A little reluctantly I turned my back to Theo, Skylar and the rest of the room and quickly slipped the shirt over my head.

"Let go of him." I turned back around.

"No," Theo growled. "He deserves to die."

"He didn't see anything." I moved over to the two of them and rested my hand on Theo's upper arm. The same arm that was still squeezing Skylar's neck. "Right, Skylar?"

All that came from the wizard was a funny choking sound while he continued to claw at Theo's arm. Only then did I notice the soft blue undertone his skin was starting to develop.

"You know him?"

"He's... an acquaintance. He's been of big help to me in the past, so I kind of owe him."

Theo's knuckles turned another shade paler before he finally let go of him. Skylar crumbled to the ground in a fit of coughs. Seconds ticked by while he fought to regain his breath.

Theo, however, didn't look at all fazed and he even continued to glare down at him. "Whatever debt Gabriela owed you has now been repaid."

I moved to crouch down next to the still struggling Skylar, but Theo harshly pulled me behind his back.

"What are you doing here?" I poked my head from behind Theo's back and watched the wizard sit up. "This is the second time, too. Do you know you aren't actually allowed to open a portal in the house of the High Priestess?"

Skylar pushed his foggy glasses away from his eyes and looked in my direction. "Why?"

"Because as the High Priestess... Oh, forget it. Why are you here?"

"I'm here for you."

Every single one of Theo's muscles contracted at his words, but my softly circling hand on his lower back kept him at bay.

"I'm not going anywhere this time."

This time he couldn't pull me through another portal, especially because I was forbidden from leaving Allium. And I highly doubted the rest of the occupants inside the room would allow me to leave without all of them right behind my heels.

"Oh." Skylar's eyes traveled across the others, but just like with me he wasn't able to look directly into anyone's eyes. "I guess we can talk here then."

"What do we need to talk about?" I moved from behind Theo's back and positioned myself next to him.

Skylar shook his head and then cocked it in the direction of the others. "Who are they?"

"They're my family and friends." I glanced from Rob and Zara's holding hands in the far back to Kasey and Vivian standing shoulder by shoulder a step in the front. "Can you give us a minute?"

While Zara, Rob and Vivian glanced at the open doorway, Kasey folded her arms across her chest. "I'm not going anywhere while he's here."

At her voice, Skylar's eyes jumped in her direction, and he pushed his glasses further up his nose. "Kasey? I see you took my advice."

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