Chapter 10

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"Look what we have here." A slimy voice sang as I stumbled into the room. "A human Luna and her human friend."

Naia gracefully entered, with two men accompanying her on each side, while my one and only escort forcefully pushed me behind them. The only thing Naia and I had in common was that our hands were bound behind our backs.

The room we found ourselves in was the throne room where far more figures were gathered than I expected. At least a dozen werewolves were frozen around a long table that occupied the usually empty middle of the room. My guess was that they were all Alphas.

Among them I noticed Naia's mate. His eyes turned pitch-black the moment she entered the room, however, the still persistent freezing spell prevented him from shifting.

My eyes instinctively flew to the two thrones on the raised podium, but both of them were empty. Instead, I found Theo sitting on a massive wooden chair at the end of the long table. Just like the other werewolves he was frozen. Opposite to the pitch black eyes of everyone around him, however, his were shining silver.

"Bring over two chairs for the ladies," the same man called out and crossed the distance toward us.

The massive door was closed with a loud bang as the man, who I assumed was in charge, stopped in front of us. He was definitely a werewolf, but at the same time his nauseating stench revealed that he wasn't just any werewolf. 

He was a rogue.

As were the rest of the moving figures inside the room. I counted eleven unfrozen individuals, including the man who approached us. He had short ginger hair which looked like it hadn't been washed for at least a month. His clothes were a pile of worn-out garbs he randomly threw on.

He completely ignored me while he moved over to Naia. The poor girl shuddered as he ran his disgusting hand down her cheek. I barely held myself from sending him flying across the room.

Before he could do anything else, another man carried two chairs over to us, and we were forced to sit down. They positioned the chairs so we were sitting in the middle of the room. A position from where I had a clear view across the long table, right at Theo.

"Now, let me see if I can guess whose Luna you are." The leader with the slimy voice turned to face the Alphas.

While he put on a laughingstock of a show, I focused on the rest of the surrounding rogues. When we had first been apprehended after leaving Naia's room, I couldn't believe that a bunch rogues were behind this. It seemed impossible to even consider that a group of rogues would be stupid enough to come anywhere near the werewolf castle.

Yet here we all were.

The fact that they could move left me with no other option. They had to be the ones behind all of this, otherwise, they would have been frozen like the rest of the werewolves. Whoever had cast the spell had left them untouched for a reason.

Speaking of the witch or wizard, I was sure that they were inside this very room. After all, if something went wrong, the rogues would probably want them near. However, just by a swipe of the room, I couldn't tell who was the other witch or wizard. Whoever they were, they were using a masking spell on top of the freezing spell. This meant that one of the ten rogues inside the room wasn't a rogue. One of them was my kind. And a horrendously powerful one at that.

"... do with them?" I focused back on their leader's words.

He was now standing next to the table of Alphas, visibly enjoying having the most powerful werewolves at his mercy.

I looked sideways at Naia, expecting to find her trembling in fear. Yet she was sitting serenely on the chair with her head held high. She was one tough Luna. It made me wonder if I looked just as composed as she did. I wasn't afraid of the rogues, however, the witch or wizard was a definite concern of mine. They were more powerful than an ordinary one of our kind.

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