Chapter 17

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Because I had been born as the daughter of the High Priestess, I was used to the constant eyes on me. Even with such an upbringing, however, some things were just too much. Like Kasey's unblinking eyes trained directly on me from the couch where she was sitting.

"Seriously, stop it already." I jumped to my feet and sent her a glare as she did the same. "I already told you I was sorry. What more do you want me to do?"

There was a simple reason behind her unacceptable behavior. She somehow found out that yesterday I had snuck out of the house. And because she was supposed to keep a constant watch over me, she took it way too personally. She didn't even make allowance for the fact that Theo had been with me. If I was safe with someone, then it was definitely Theo.

Kasey, however, didn't see things that way. All she saw was the fact that I had left without her. This is why she was now keeping an annoyingly close eye on me.

"Don't you have witch business today or something, Ela?" Rob interrupted our glaring match as he entered the living room.

"I'm taking the day off." With a sigh I plopped myself back down onto the armchair.

"Okay..." He glanced between Kasey and me before sitting onto the armchair the furthest away from both of us. "Where's the Alpha King?"

I rolled my eyes at how sour his tone turned the moment he mentioned Theo. These two really needed to find a way to get along.

I pointed at the entrance into the kitchen behind me. "He got a call from the castle."

Despite my nonchalant manner, I was worried what the call was about. I hoped something bad hadn't happened in his absence.

His voice was too muffled for me to hear anything, so I was left to wander in the dark. Of course, Kasey's unblinking eyes weren't helpful in calming me down.

"Oh, screw it." For the first time since I left my room this morning, Kasey moved her eyes away from me.

She jumped to her feet and mouthed a few words that were too quick for me to catch. Then again, chances were she was using a spell I've never heard of. After all, no witch knew every spell of every coven, and this included me.

"There," Kasey focused back on me. "I'm going to literally strangle myself if I have to spend another minute in your boring presence. I've put an invisible barrier around the house, which makes it impossible for you to set a single pinkie outside. And just so you won't try and do something stupid, the barrier also prevents you to channel magic from the outside." With that said she marched out of the room and made her way upstairs.

I, on the other hand, couldn't believe she went as far as to put a spell around the house, just so I wouldn't leave without her.

"What was that about?" Rob wondered. Apparently not everyone was yet aware of yesterday's rendezvous with Theo.

Before I had to explain anything, Theo entered the room. He didn't spare Rob a single glance as he moved toward me and sat down on the armrest of my chair. Then he rested one of his arms across the back of the chair, enveloping me in his proximity.

Rob's lips tightened as he watched Theo's movements, but he didn't make a single peep. It was, after all, something he would need to get used to.

"What's going on?" I looked up at Theo.

He tucked my hair behind my ear while softly caressing my ear in the process. "Yasin found a lead on who might have been behind the rogues' attack. They can't get anything out of the bastard, so they need me back at the castle."

"I guess I'm supposed to help you with that." As if on cue Zara and Effie entered the room. "You want a way to leave Allium and then come back, right?" 

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