Chapter 30

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"Why are we back in Sliver Moon?" I spun around to first glare at Theo and then back at Kasey.

Not only did they prevent me from finally destroying any chance Darlene had of becoming the High Priestess, they also took me away from Allium. Hadn't they been listening all this time when everyone kept repeating that I wasn't allowed to leave the village?

Instead of answering, Theo spun me back around to him and pulled me against his chest. I didn't even have time to return the hug when he already forced some distance between us and grabbed my chin.

"Did she do this to you?" His eyes shinned silver while he took me in from head to toe.

"Stop it." I swatted his hand away before he could add any more bruises. It already felt like my entire face was swollen. "Why did you bring me back here?"

"The Spirit wizard had a vision shortly after you left," Kasey said. "He warned us to get out of Allium and take you with us. He said that if we didn't, you could have been seriously hurt."

"He must have seen wrong." I shook my head.

"Really? After everything he's predicted, you think he was wrong about this one?" Kasey rolled her eyes.

"And we were already too late." Theo's voice lowered into a growl. "Wait until I get my hands on the bitch."

"You ruined everything." My shoes squeaked as I staggered away from them. "I almost had her. I was just about to tell Effie that she's been channeling life magic."

"It sure didn't look like it when I got there." Kasey cocked her head to the side. "You were being held by two witches and you looked like you turned into someone's punching bag."

"It doesn't matter what I looked like. All I needed to do was tell Effie the truth about Darlene and everything would have been resolved."

"No." Kasey shook her head, refusing to admit that they were the ones in the wrong. "The wizard saw you locked up, so if we hadn't taken you away, Darlene would have become the High Priestess."

My thoughts froze at the news, but I quickly forced myself to continue. "And what do you think will happen now that I'm gone? You think Darlene won't become the High Priestess now when there's no one standing in her way?"

"We know that, but—" Kasey began.

"Enough." Theo stepped in between the two of us. "Let's go back to the castle. You're drenched."

"No." I shook his hand off me and stepped to the side, so I could see Kasey again. "But what? What aren't you telling me?"

"He saw Darlene kill you once she became the High Priestess."

I froze at her words, not believing them. No, it couldn't be true. No matter what, Darlene could never have gotten away with killing me.

"No." I shook my head and took another a step away from them. "I had her. I would have won."

Theo diminished the distance between us and took my face in between his warm hands. "The witch will pay for what she did. But not right now. Right now you need a set of dry clothes."

Before I even had a chance to open my mouth, he spun me around and with his warm hand on my lower back guided me in the direction of the looming castle. Kasey's footsteps followed right behind us, but I didn't get a chance to look back.

Her words kept ringing inside my head, making me almost unaware to the lower and then the upper courtyard we walked through. Skylar saw Darlene kill me. She would have won.

Once we entered the castle it was for the first time warmer inside, then it was outside.

"What happened?" Vivian rushed down the hallway and stopped right beside Kasey while keeping her eyes on me. "Are you okay?"

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