Chapter 1

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"Guyss " jennie shouted as she enter their secret house.
"What?" both taehyung and jimin said in unite causing them to look at each other.
"Jinx, jinx again" both of them said.
"Ahhh well let it be, go on jen" taehyung said making himself comfortable on the couch.

"Ahhh well let it be, go on jen" taehyung said making himself comfortable on the couch

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*Imagine it look something like that*

"So i saw this guy, he looked so good and he was staring at me and i felt like i lost control" jennie said making dramatic hand gestures .

"Wait did he get in your pants through his eyes" jimin said laughing and receiving a high five from taehyung who agreed with him.

"Huhhh i dont sleep with people like you guys, i just make out with them" jennie said letting her body crash on the couch.

"Oh so still a virgin interesting" taehyung said and it was his turn to receive a high five from jimin, they both were laughing.

"Annoying" jennie said getting up and walking to the bar.

"So tonight drinking night" jimin question the others.

"I'm in" taehyung reply and looked toward jennie.

"I guess, will your 'girlfriend' coming" jennie said making quotation with her fingering in the air.

"Oh come on we are just on and off a lot what's wrong with that and yes she is coming" jimin said

"Okay jimin nothing is wrong" jennie said sarcastically.

"Come on i need to get laid, well if you do the job i will stop playing" jimin said looking at jennie and wink

"EWwwwww jimin, taehyung cant you control his hormones" jennie said tapping taehyung back.

"How the fuck am i suppose to do that" taehyung looked at jennie.

"Well tonight going to be fun" jimin said dialing rose number.

"Hey baby buy two pack of beer, two bottle of vodka and two bottle of tequila" he ended the call and looked at taehyung and jennie who were sitting next to each other while taehyung had his leg of jennie thigh.

"Get a room" jimin shouted making both of them jump.

"Oh god jimin what will i do with your perveted mind, okay guys see you later am going to get ready" she said as she got up her seat and walk toward the door.

After a couple of minutes taehyung and jimin left too.

5 hours later.

Jimin was the first one to enter.

Jimin was the first one to enter

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