Chapter 11

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Before jennie went to sleep, she heard her phone was ringing she looked at her screen it was taehyung he was calling.

Jennie just turn off her phone and went in a bedroom. After a couple of minutes she heard noises from outside, it must be from the living room.

She didnt dare to go and check what it was or who, she was too scared. She locked the bedroom door. For some reason jennie didnt feel sad about what taehyung did, yes she was disappointed but since 7 months taehyung has been acting different and it got to a point where jennie didnt feel hurt by his action as much.


3 weeks later

After waking up she decided to take a shower and then go to buy some groceries.

While walking to the store she saw familiar figure in front of her. She tried to see who it was but she couldnt so she walked as quickly as possible and got infront of the person.

As she out walk the person, she turn around to see who it is.

It was jungkook making jennie stop.

"Oh hey" she said with a smile and received one from him too.

"Where are you going?" jungkook asked her.

"Shopping for some food" she replied, he looked at her and said "Can i come?", jennie looked at him and smile "yeah"

Jennie didnt know why but when she was with jungkook she forgot about every problem she had  and how her life was complicated she felt like she was genuinely smiling after so long.

After shopping she offer jungkook to have dinner with her and he accepted. They went back to the secret home and jennie started preparing dinner. Jungkook told her to sit down as she hasnt cook before, jennie looked at him while he cooked.

Eventually both of them sat down for dinner jennie can't believe how amazing the food was she didnt know jungkook could cook like that.

They both sat down and started talking about life, jungkook asked jennie why she was staying here and jennie told jungkook that taehyung and her broke up, they didnt continue the conversation about taehyung as jungkook could see how uncomfortable jennie was talking about her ex.

They decided to watch a movie, while watching the movie jennie felt asleep on jungkook shoulder, he looked at her beautiful sleepy face and smiled.

He carried her to the bedroom and cover her with blackests. He kissed her on her forehead and walk out of the room.

While walking home he called jisoo as he needed advise, he still like jennie and he didnt know what to do. He asked jisoo what does she think and she told him to go for it as she really like jennie.

When jungkook arrive home he thought to himself he should let things go with the flow she just broke up with her boyfriend she needs time he told himself. If it is meant to be it will be he told himself before crashing in his bed.


The next day jennie woke up in her bed and realise that she slept while watching the movie she text jungkook and asked him if he arrived home safely and thanks him for the amazing night and dinner.

She sat on her bed and thought about all the memories she had with jungkook and remembered how nice he was to her even though she rejected him at the end he didn't ever held a grudge against her, it made jennie appreciate jungkook even more.


9 month later

Jennie and jungkook decided to go to the park, jungkook asked jennie out last month and she said yes. He was so happy he couldnt express it.

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