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As they ate their cake, Taeyong could feel dread creeping slowly into his heart. He knew the five of them were completely safe in their house together, but what about Sicheng?

What about the poor lithe Chinese boy who chose to drink that night? Would he be okay? He wasn't supernatual by any means, so he didn't have any power to fight against an opponent.

"Jaehyun~" Taeyong smiled as he looked towards the older male. Jaehyun jokingly sighed before he turned his attention away from his cake.


"Will you please go get Sicheng? I feel like something bad is going to happen to him." Taeyong asked. He saw Jaehyun tense when he asked for Sicheng.

Taeyong looked at Jaehyun with huge puppy eyes. "Please?" He asked again, his bottom lip jutting out.

"Ew, Taeyong put your lip back up!" Mark laughed. He gently elbowed Taeyong in the ribs.

"Okay, but only because you asked me to." Jaehyun responds and disappears from the room.

Jaehyun finds himself in an alley beside the bar he saw Sicheng enter. His eyebrows furrowed in confusion as he noticed two red eyes glancing back at him. As he stepped closer, he realized the red eyed man was holding a struggling, and drunk, Sicheng against the brick wall.

"I will not ask again! Where is he?" The male's voice boomed. His eyes glowed even brighter in warning.

"I don't know!" Sicheng drunkenly slurred. His eyes drooping from a lack of oxygen and a high amount of alcohol.

"You have to you foolish mortal! You're in love with him!" Lucifer exclaims. He drops his hold on the boy, who then falls to the ground.

"Come on, Lucy leave him alone." Jaehyun sneers. He steps further into the alley towards the pair.

"Aw but why? We were just having fun!" Lucifer laughs and tosses Sicheng onto his shoulder. He keeps a tight grip on the human teen as he grins at the vampire.

"Why do you care so much about hurting him? He's just a human teen, there's no point in taking him. He's of no use to you, Lucifer." Jaehyun takes another taunting step towards them.

"Oh but he's Taeyong's favorite human! If I have him, I have Taeyong in the palm of my hand!" He laughed loudly.

"Taeyong isn't stupid, he won't come for Sicheng. He knows better."

"But he would do anything for love, Jaehyun. You certainly know that." Lucifer drags his nails against the graffiti on the brick walls. The paint chipped as his nails scratched.

"Then why would you take Sicheng?" Jaehyun pondered aloud. His eyes glanced around at the illegal artwork bored.

"He doesn't heal quickly like you would." Lucifer pouted before his grin came right back. He seemed to always smile, he seemed to always smile a malicious smile.

"Just give me Sicheng, we can sort this out when he isn't drunk."

"Why don't we just ask Sicheng?" Lucifer placed Sicheng on the ground. He seemed to have sobered up slightly.

"Alright Sicheng, it's your choice. Will I take you," Lucifer began as he paced around the alley. "Or will I take Taeyong? Either choice is fine by me." He grins.

"Taeyong doesn't deserve whatever you plan to do to me. He's been through enough already." Sicheng sighed. He held his head and gazed at Lucifer unfazed by the circumstance.

"Alright, fine by me. But first, why don't I play a little with you first Jaehyun? I have to let Taeyong know I'm serious." Lucifer smiles widely and cracks his knuckles. Jaehyun raised one of his eyebrows.

He lunges towards Jaehyun and pins him to the ground. He lands a few stunning hits on Jaehyun's cheeks before he rises up from the grimy ground.

"Tell Taeyong I'll be-" Lucifer was cut off by Jaehyun sharply kicking him in the stomach. The pair heard a sickening crack echo through the otherwise silent alley.

"Alright if that how you want to play, kid." Lucifer grins as a small stream of blood drips from his mouth. His teeth were stained with the crimson liquid. He stands up despite the pain he felt.

"That's how I want to play." Jaehyun smirks. He ducks Lucifer's punch. He sweeps his foot behind Lucifer's. The latter hit the ground with a loud thud.

Jaehyun proceeded to hit him anywhere his hands and feet could reach. Each contact responded with another crack. Lucifer only laughed maniacally as he stood back up.

"You've got a lot of spunk, kid. If you weren't a vampire, you'd made an exceptional demon. Certainly much better than my own son." Lucifer spat out some blood. He wiped his chin before he left angry red scratch marks on Jaehyun's left cheek.

"Those will scar. Anyways, send Taeyong my love! Adios~" Lucifer grins and disappears with Sicheng on his shoulder. Jaehyun shouted.

"What do I do now?" Jaehyun muttered to himself as he kicked a rock. He groaned out of anger and clenched his fists.

Jaehyun closed his eyes and steadied his breathing. He sighed and reappeared in Taeyong's bedroom. The younger was already asleep, being gently held in Yuta's arms.

Jaehyun gently pulled the covers higher over the pair. He was about to leave before he heard Yuta whisper his name.

"What?" Jaehyun softly asked. He didn't want to wake Taeyong up.

"He was worried about you, you know. And it seems he had reason to." Yuta spoke. He gently ran his fingers through Taeyong's white hair.

"I know something must have happened. You came back without Sicheng, but with wounds. Tell me." Yuta continued, both verbally and smoothing Taeyong's hair.

"It can wait until morning, he needs his sleep." Jaehyun dismissed Yuta and turned towards the door.

"Jaehyun don't you dare walk out the door. Taeyong shouldn't wake up next to me if you're back. He needs you to sleep more than he needs me." Yuta says and carefully gets out of the warm blankets.

"He's become dependent on you very quickly. Don't hurt him, Jaehyun." Yuta ruffled Jaehyun's hair as he walked out of the room.

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