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    Taeyong's pov

  A few hours later, I gently pushed Jaehyun off of my chest. He gave me a pouty face until I started speaking.

  "We need to get dressed for prom, Jaehyun. I've been waiting for prom since middle school, we can't be late!" I exclaimed as I stood up from my bed. I hid my wings into their tattoo and stretched my back.

   "Do you want to do the movie thing where we don't see each other until we are fully ready?" Jaehyun asked as he grabbed his suit. My eyes widened as I nodded. He smiled at me again.

   "Alright, I'll go get ready in the second bathroom. I'll see you when you're ready to go." Jaehyun spoked and stepped out of my bedroom, closing the door behind him. I took my suit into the bathroom with me.

   My cheeks darkened remembering what had gone down just hours ago. I still couldn't believe he and I had pleasured each other- or rather that he would me. I wasn't really expecting it, but nonetheless glad it had happened. It brought us closer together.

   I shook myself out of my thoughts and quickly pulled my suit on. I applied a small amount of foundation to my face. I then added a rosy colored shadow to my eyes and a dark brown eye liner. I smiled to myself in the mirror and left to meet Jaehyun.


Sicheng's pov

I laid my head on Hansol's chest, just calmly enjoying his presence. He held me close to himself, his hands toying with my hair. Yuta walked in and scoffed, then gave Hansol a glare.

"Why are you still here?" Yuta asked, looking disgusted by the older male. I gave Yuta a confused look.

"He's here because I wanted him, why? Am I not allowed to have happiness this once?" I asked quietly. He looked at me sadly.

"You are, but why him? He's a demon, Sicheng. He doesn't know you like I do, how can he take good care of you?" Yuta asked, his eyes burning with jealousy. He knelt beside me and held my hand.

"No one will love you as much as I do, Si. I want you, I want to be with you, Sicheng. I need you." Yuta spoke, his eyes never once leaving mine. Hansol gently pulled me closer to him, farther away from Yuta.

"I beg to differ, I can show him more then you can even imagine. I can learn things about him as we go." Hansol spoke calmly. He knew I hated arguments.

"I know the spell you performed. It bonded your souls together. You two aren't in love by normal means, this is forced, Sicheng! Why are you allowing it?" Yuta asked, his eyes misty. He gently pulled me up to face him.

"If you don't feel anything from this, fine. Know I tried." Yuta spoke softly before closing in, his lips inching closer to mine. I knew it was wrong, but I allowed Yuta to kiss me, and I kissed back.

"Sicheng, what the hell?" Hansol asked weakly, although it went unnoticed to me as I continued kissing my best friend. I waited until he pulled away first.

He looked into my eyes quizzically. I gave him an apologetic smile on my rosy-from-kissing lips. He sighed as a tear fell down his cheek. I reached up to wipe it away, but Yuta beat me to it as he gently slapped away my hand.

"I'm sorry, but I didn't feel anything from myself. I felt a lot from you, though, and I'm sorry I can't reciprocate your feelings." I spoke, my head bowed as tears rolled down my cheeks. Yuta sighed quietly.

"You've known me since middle school, Sicheng. You've known Hansol for a matter of what was days to you. How have you fallen for him before me?" Yuta asked, his voice sounding as heartbroken as he looked.

"The spell caused it, so I'm not trying to stop it. I decided to just go with the flow and let things happen as they happen. I know it can't be stopped, so I'm just being happy someone loves me too. I just can't control who the lover is." I wept, my head still lowered. I felt a hand rake itself through my hair.

"I know you can't, Si, but it hurts to see you so close to another guy. Now you know, so I must let go." Yuta sighed again and left me to my thoughts and tears. I dropped to my knees on the floor and cried weakly. Hansol sat down beside me and lead my head to lay in his shoulder.


Yuta stood inside the kitchen, tears dripping down his cheeks. His heart ached and so did his head. He hadn't felt any pain close to this in his life, not even when he lost his father.

"God, why do you do this to me? I've never done wrong by you, why can't I be happy with the boy I love?" He cried as he bit his lip. He heard footsteps behind him, so he quickly wiped away his snot and tears.

"Yuta, why are you crying?" Taeyong asked me gently. He wore a beautifully clean white suit, his makeup had been done by himself. He looked handsome. Too handsome to Yuta. New tears welled in Yuta's eyes as he grabbed Taeyong's face gently.

Yuta caressed Taeyong's cheeks then pulled Taeyong forward as he crashed their lips together. Taeyong scrunched his eyes closed tightly, disliking his friend's kiss. He gently tapped Yuta's chest in hopes of the boy stopping, but to no such luck.

Taeyong felt Yuta swipe his tongue over his lips, silently asking for entrance. Yuta held his cheeks in his hands. Yuta pinched Taeyong roughly, making the angel gasp. Yuta took this as his chance and pushed his tongue into Taeyong's mouth, gently fighting for dominance.

By this point, tears were falling down Taeyong's cheeks, mixing with Yuta's. Taeyong weakly punched against Yuta's chest as sobbed wracked his body.

At that moment, Jaehyun walked into the kitchen, his eyes landing on Yuta and Taeyong, who were still lip-locked.

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