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     Taeyong's pov

   The witch and demon released their hold on Jaehyun. He snarled as I took careful steps closer to him. Once he realized he was free, he leaped from his spot. He latched himself on me as I stood rigid— scared of what may happen.

   My bedroom was dead silent as we all awaited the future events. My heart raced, it's beat almost deafening to me. The entire room heard Jaehyun sigh as he forced himself off of me. He knelt down to pick up the discarded cloth and handed it to me.

   "No." Jaehyun whispered to himself. He began to breathe through his mouth as his eyes scanned my unshielded neck.

   Jaehyun sank his teeth into his own wrist, his hand clenched tightly, then brought it to my lips. I followed suit and took gulps of his blood begrudgingly. I pulled away and grimaced at the metallic flavor. My skin quickly began to heal as a result. I wiped the remaining blood from my neck, then met his eyes.

   "Why didn't—"

   "Why?" Jaehyun cut me off. His eyes were soft and misty. He unclenched his fist, blood slowly dripped from the nail marks he left. They slowly began to heal as he looked at me sadly.

    "I'm too far gone, Jaehyun. I just- I can't go on any longer. Thank you guys, so, so much for keeping me alive thus far, but I can't keep going." I gave the group a tired smile and shrugged my shoulders. Jaehyun's jaw slacked and tears pooled in his eyes.

  "Why do you care so little about yourself, Tae? You- you'd actually let me drain you— kill you?" Jaehyun asked, a tear slowly fell from his right eye. It dropped down his cheek and fell onto the gray carpet under our feet.

   "I can't see a light at the end of the tunnel, Jaehyun. I'm sorry I can't be the lover you seek, or even just happy. These past four months have been hell for me, both physically and emotionally, and I can't stand it any longer." I reached my pale, shaky hands to his cheek and dried the falling tears. Behind me, I could hear Yuta and Sicheng crying softly.

  "Guys, you both had to know this day would come. The day when I finally can't pick myself back up, and just give in." I spoke flatly. My exhausted eyes gazed over the three males crying, then a seething demon. Hansol stepped towards me, his eyes gleaming with anger.

Hansol looks down into my emotionless eyes. He bites his lip then harshly punched my cheek. I fell to the ground and grabbed Jaehyun's hand before he could do anything.

"Taeyong, I know I don't know you or your past, but stop acting like this. You're eighteen right? Stop acting seven. They've worked their asses off keeping you happy, and you're repaying them by tossing it into their faces?" I looked at the ground. My hand still held onto Jaehyun's gently, our fingers interlocked.

"Take a good, long look at Yuta. Do you see how dark his bags are? How sunken in his cheeks have grown? He has woken up nightly, probably even multiple times a night, to calm you down! The second he heard you cry his name it's like he was electrocuted!" Hansol began to scold me. His hands were clenched in tight fists at his hips. They grew slack once Sicheng stepped up behind him. Sicheng gently uncurled Hansol's left fist-the one he punched me with- then held it within his own.

"He jumped up from the couch and immediately poured boiling water into a cup with a tea bag in it. Now, why else would any sane person leave a kettle on at half past two in the morning? Someone who knew his friend would wake up kicking. Screaming. Crying. It's killing him, little angel. Yet he's doing it without asking for anything in return- out of love." Hansol emphasized the last word. He took a deep breath and continued speaking.

"He's slowly killing himself over you, but you're just going to throw it in his face and pop off? And that's only what Yuta has done for you. Sicheng demanded, straight up demanded, that before he would give me another glance I had to come up here and try to fix this mess I made. They both put your needs above their own, but you're just going to kill yourself instead?"

After hearing Hansol's speech, I grew rigid on the carpet. My eyes widened as my light blue orbs gazed towards Hansol's.

"You guys actually care for me- truly? I'm so sorry I'm such a disappointment..." I sobbed out. I held my face in my hands and wept softly. The sobs wracked my body and I heaved for air.

"Taeyong, you're not a disappointment to anyone. Calm down, kid, we'll get through this." Hansol spoke, this time kindly. He knelt beside me on the ground and rubbed circles on my back.

Jaehyun wordlessly sank onto the carpet beside me. I curled myself into his side almost instinctively, sobs still crashing over my body in waves. He only placed his head on my shoulder and allowed me to cry in peace.

"Taeyong, you've never disappointed us. You've scared us half to death, but never disappointed us. We love you." Sicheng says as he and Yuta joined the three of us on the carpet. They wrapped Jaehyun and I in their arms comfortingly.

"Thank you, Hansol. I didn't know I needed that reality check, or the punch in the face, but thanks." I smiled through my tears. He smiled back softly at me.

"Anytime, angel, anytime." He laughed a little. Jaehyun's cold glare shut him up. I softly hit Jaehyun's chest.

"I deserved that hit, Jae. Stop looking at him like you'll kill him. Again." I laughed loudly, the laughs causing me to move slightly with each giggle. I missed noticing how all of their eyes lit up hearing my joy.

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