Just There

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At dawn, I saw.
I saw and fell.
Oh! He was so beautiful.
Beautiful like the first dewdrop,
Falling off a leaf,
Beautiful like the first ray beamed.

At midday, the fall was slow,
Slow but hard.
The abyss was deep,
But I still took a leap,
And fell like a rock.

The ground was rough,
But the landing, soft.
Little did I know,
I was trapped with a lock.
The key couldn't be found,
Even the spring leaves turned brown,
Yet I was stuck.
Stuck in a trap woven by myself.

At daybreak, I started to come around,
Still stuck but not that hard,
It wasn't fast but it happened.
Slowly, I rose,
Stumbling on my feet,
In fear of falling down again,
Into the darkness,
Never to see the light again.

It hurt, oh it hurt so much,
Like fire gnawing my insides,
Silence ate away my being.
Like I was dragged through hell and back,
Like it was all just a dream.

I am tired, oh so tired,
Of trying to keep awake.
All I want is just to,
Lay down in his embrace.

I still try, I try a lot,
To let it go, let him go, but he don't.
He won't.
At times I feel that I can forget him,
But then I know.
I can forget the emotions,
Not the memories.
I can forget the feelings, not him.
Never, him.

It's midnight, and I lay wide-eyed,
Just there.
My thoughts are wild,
Words are formed uncontrolled,
Heart conflicting,
Mind provoked.
But I am there,
Just there.

And as I close my eyes,
I see him,
See him again.
Soon the darkness is lifting,
Light floods in,
But he is there,
Just there.

And so am I.


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