The sun is lost or long gone,
As soon as it's time for dawn.
When I open up my eyes,
Clouds have replaced the clear skies.I lay alone in our empty place,
Beside me is a blank space.
I try to look for you in vain,
But you've already left and it starts to rain.The storm rages on and off,
It's as if even the spirits scoff.
But I don't try to find a roof,
I stand alone and lonely, aloof.I try to find you here and there,
But the whole place is barren and bare.
Slowly, my hope starts to fade,
I think of breaking the promise which I made.Soon after I start to act,
Memories rush and I react.
I cry away all of my pain,
All this chaos makes me go insane.Your name echoes in my head,
I remember all those things that you said.
They curb my anger and my cries,
Emotions in me start to rise.I realise what I could've done,
A lot of damage and then some.
Not only to me but to those few around,
The ones who hold me tight and bound.I try to go on and forget,
But I keep on remembering how we first met,
I travel back to that point,
Where once our paths were inter joint.It's covered in fog and mist,
I look into the clearing amidst,
The thick growth and cover,
You standing there, I discover.I run fast with an outstretched arm,
It passes through you to my alarm.
Turns out it was just an illusion, a memory,
And again, I'm left solitary.~.~.~.~