Chapter 2 - Seeing Him Again

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Joshua Matthews was outside of NYU waiting for his niece and her best friend.
He looked at his watch and was trying to dread out the right time to call Riley.
As soon as he picked him phone up he saw his niece running.

"We're here!" Riley said as she tried to catch her breathe.
"I can see that," Josh said and then he saw Maya.

She looked beautiful but she had also grown a lot since the last time he saw her when she was fourteen.
Not only did she get taller but she also got more beautiful which may have been a bit too much for the eighteen year old.

"Hi Josh," Maya said smiling as Riley was still very out of breathe.
"Hi Maya. How are you?" Josh asked as he gave her a hug.

The two have known each other for a long time and have had a lot to see of each other as well.
Maya was never sure how to act around Josh and this time it was the other way around.

"I'm good," Maya said trying to hide that she has been crying.

Josh didn't need that pressure right now and she knew it.
Riley looked at them who was clearly now full of breathe.
Clearly Josh was this time the one out of breathe but she wanted to get everything over with.

"So, Uncle Josh. You said you wanted to show us around," Riley said.
"Yeah, yeah I want to. Let's get going," Josh said guiding the two girls.

Eventually the entire college knew two high schoolers were going to be at the college and wanted to surprises Josh so three of the most important people came to a place.

"You know high schoolers are banned?" Jasmine said and Maya turned around.
"Jasmine? Hey how are you?" Maya asked giving her a hug.
"I'm good. Wow didn't think I would see you two here again," Jasmine said.
"Charlotte, Andrew how are you guys?" Maya asked.
"We are good. Josh what are they..."
"Just showing them around now that I have a few minutes or the night off," Josh said.
"Well you guys are welcome anytime. He anyway told us you guys are coming to the party. You guys are dressed for it as well. You sure you're friends though? Riley dresses like a fashion girl while you Maya... There is nothing wrong with how you dress but to impress someone... "
"Any guy or person for that fact has to except me for... Well me. I'm not changing for any guy," Maya said.
"A Maya question one hundred persent. Expect that to be every answer," Josh said.
"I would watch my mouth if I was you," Andrew said and Maya smiled.
"I don't see why," Maya said as she stood next to Josh with his hand moving to her waist.
"He knows me too well and knows what my answer would be," Maya said
"Hold on to that one. Even if I say that about Jasmine she hits me over to head," Andrew said.


It was much later the night and was Maya on the top of the roof of the college
She definitely was overwhelmed by the entire party and didn't see forward to having to see yet another college face.
The girls were quite nice but she definitely couldn't say the same of the guys.
They weren't just pushy but way too flirty after her liking as well.
She was now also wearing a jacket since it was getting a lot colder and snow was starting to fall lightly.
She hears footprints coming towards her but doesn't say a word.
She feels as someone lightly pushes herself and gets the fright of her life.

"What the..."

Maya didn't finish her sentence since she turned around finding out it is her dear friend.

"Are you out of your mind, Joshua?" Maya asked as Josh could see she was angry.
"I had to do it. Relax. Be lucky it was me and not one of the college guys," Josh said laughing.
"I got the fright of my life. I thought..."

Maya closed her eyes as a tear slipped away.
Josh looked at Maya noticing that she was crying.
He lightly touched her cheek as he wiped the tear away.
Maya opened her eyes as she faced Josh once again.

"I'm sorry, okay? I didn't mean to scare you," Josh said and Maya let out a sigh.
"Just promise me you won't do it again," Maya said and looked Josh in the eye.
"You thought it was your father," Josh said remembering what the guy wanted to do the last time.
"Yeah," Maya said and Josh pulled her close into him.

The tighter he held her, the saver the felt.
It was the safest she has ever felt in a very long time.
The last time she did feel like that was when her father was himself a very long time ago.
Josh pulled away tucking a piece of Maya's hair behind her ear.

"You okay now?" Josh asked and Maya nod.
"Yeah I'm fine now," Maya said as Josh gave her a kiss on her cheek which totally caught her off guard.
"I love you," Josh said as Maya's eyes widened.

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