Chapter 3 - What Now

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Maya woke up pretty early in her bed and turned around.
She faced a picture of her and Josh which was taken long ago but didn't have any idea how she would get through the day.
It was Thursday which was close to the weekend but not close enough.
Maya was just not sure how she was going to set everything straight and neither was she sure if she could face school today or to make it more clear her dear friend and it's father.
She dragged herself out of bed as she got dressed and eventually went out of the door.

She dragged herself out of bed as she got dressed and eventually went out of the door

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"You're late," Riley said as Maya climbed through her window.
"Late? It's barely seven. I'm on time for once in my life. Besides, I had some thinking to do," Maya said as the two walked to the kitchen.

"Thinking about what?" Cory asked.
"I'm gonna throttle your brother," Maya said and everybody's eyes widened.
"What did you say?" Riley asked.
"Warn your brother Cory. What did Josh do Honey?" Topanga asked.
"What did he do? He said he loves me," Maya said and Cory choked on his coffee.
"Are you sure he said that?" Cory asked as he regained his breathe.
"Yes. I was so embarrassed I immediately ran away. What am I suppose to do guys?" Maya asked as she buried her head in her hands.
"Well figure it out soon enough. Eat then we can go to school," Cory said.


It was about the second class of the day which was obviously History and Cory thought well to give Maya a lesson about love.
She looked at the board where there stood a important lesson.


"Okay kids. It has been said that way back when we didn't have electronics like today that the only way of contacting or talking to each other was through mail or in person. You would go to their home or just send them a simple letter. Back in the days you also had to do that to solve some feelings which are unsolved," Cory said and Maya could feel tears burning behind her head.
"Hector was the first ever human to figure out how to deal with a love issue. And all he did was he talked to the girl of his dreams. That simple. So today I..."

Cory didn't finsih his sentence since he saw Maya was in tears.
He looked at Riley who noticed her best friend basically trying to stop her tears from falling on the desk.

"Maya what is wrong?" Riley asked and Maya sighed.
"Should I get the class out of here, Mr Matthews?" Lucas asked and Cory shook his head.
"It's okay Lucas. Maya why don't you go catch your breathe? I'll excuse you for this lesson," Cory said and Maya went out of the classroom.

Cory signaled Riley that she could go and she immediately went after her best friend.
After a struggle she found Maya in the art room where it was quiet.
She didn't caught her off guard but Maya did caught Riley off guard.
Riley sighed as she pulled Maya close to her.
Of course she hated to see her best friend like this but what could she have done?
Cory said walked into the room and Maya immediately pulled herself away from Riley.

"Are you okay? Should I go talk to Josh for you?" Cory asked and Maya shook her head.
"What's the use? We have to figure this out on our own Mr Matthews. I hate thinking that I'm going to go through the same mess than my mother," Maya said and immediately saw Josh.
"What's going on here?" Josh asked.

Maya immediately got a good fright and ran past Josh to avoid him seeing her tears but it didn't help much.

"What on earth is going on? Why is she crying?" Josh asked.
"Forget about she doing it. I'm gonna throttle you. Why on earth declare your undying love to her at this time of her life?" Riley asked and Jsoh sighed.
"You guys know," Josh said.
"That is why she's in a state. You better fix this up. Before the end of the week," Cory said and Josh sighed.
"Of course I am. That is actually why I'm here but it doesn't seem like I'm gonna get much out of her so I'm going to leave it for tonight. I'll come over to your place. You guys don't have to get her there. I'll figure it out on my own," Josh said.
"Do you think you'll be able to do it?" Riley asked.
"Do I have to a choice? I'm pretty much going to be seeing her for the next four years if not longer so I can't let her run away each time from me. I'll figure it out tonight. I promise."
"Know what Grandma always said about promises," Riley said and Josh sighed.
"I know what she always said Riley. But I can't leave it so this one I'm gonna keep. See you guys tonight then," Josh said and was off.

Picture Maya was looking at 👇

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