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days went by, and as every day went by with no message from daniel, Corbyn grew more and more disappointed and hurt. Corbyn started to believe the fact that Daniel had actually given up on him. and even though that is what Corbyn had wished for, for months. but now that it had finally happened, Corbyn regretted everything.

with shaking hands Corbyn pulled out his phone and went straight Daniel's contact in his phone. 'Backstabbing bitch', Corbyn just sighed as he changed the name.

Daniel Seavey

Corbyn Besson
We ignore truths,
For temporary happiness
Delivered  3:59 am.

Corbyn regretted everything once again, because no matter how he tries he just can't stay away from the so-called Daniel Seavey, who had unfortunately won his heart, no matter if he wanted it or not. the heart wants what it wants, both daniel and Corbyn had to learn that the heart way. And Corbyn's heart started speeding up as soon as he felt his phone buzz and heard the very familiar ding.

Daniel Seavey

Daniel Seavey
Did you get it?

Corbyn Besson
Get what?

Daniel Seavey
The temporary happiness.

Corbyn Besson
No, I didn't. Not without you.
Read 4:17 am.

Corbyn's heart hurt as he waited for the reply that never came. Little did he know that Daniel was hurting just as much, as he stared down at this screen in disbelief, not willing to let his mind believe that this was real. But oh boy, was it real.

"oh Corbyn, the things you do to my poor heart, you will officially be the death of me," Daniel whispered into his dark room, that had slowly been consuming him the last few months. Daniel's last few months had felt like hell, the boy that once almost never could be seen without a smile on his face, now rarely smiles, and when he does it's almost always fake. He had kept himself busy with stupid duties that didn't even matter anyway, just to keep him occupied so he wouldn't have time to think and get lost in his mind. Now the only time that Daniel had to get lost in everything, and nothing was at night. Daniel has reached a point where he hardly sleeps, instead, he stays up wondering where he went wrong. He usually would just lay still in his bed, while listening to music that was unhealthy loud, he wouldn't be surprised if his eardrum exploded at some point, but oh well, who cares? he had the money to fix it if that happened anyway. Daniel didn't even cry, it was as if no matter how much he wanted to cry, he couldn't, all he could do was feel angry for a few seconds, where he would normally snap and throw all of his stuff into the wall, and down onto the floor, most of it getting ruined. But the worst thing about all his anger episodes was that it would always leave him numb, unable to feel anything. And to be honest, Daniel wasn't even sure which one is worse yet, well it sucks, being sad & angry, but being numb isn't all that fun either, well at least not in the long run.

and just as all of that happened Daniel let out a quiet scream of anger, not wanting to wake up everyone, so instead all that came out was a hiss, which honestly killed Daniel's throat, but he'd rather deal with that, than his family thinking he was going crazy, which he probably was. Daniel stared down at Corbyn's and his conversation again, before throwing the phone into the wall. Daniel sighed as his hands found their way to his hair, which he pulled at in frustration. The time was nearing 6 am, so Daniel didn't even bother going back to sleep, instead, he just got up, walked to the kitchen, and decided to help the staff preparing breakfast, like he normally did, when he couldn't sleep. The staff wasn't exactly fond of him being there, mostly because they all knew that Daniel's dad was very much against it, but lately he had given up on making him stop. Just like he had given up on making him talk, and join the events. Yeah, Daniel joined them, but he didn't interact with people like he used to, and people had very much started to notice, most people were worried for him, actually, probably everyone besides the people close to him had noticed the change in Daniel, but his dad had just shaken it off, as "oh he's just tired." every time people had asked about it, probably because that's what Daniel told them every time they had asked him how he felt, until they eventually gave up on that as well.

Due to massive loads of homework I don't even have the time to edit this chapter at all, so sorry if it sucks, or if something doesn't make sense at all.

have a good day/night💞

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