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"- and this is the movie theatre, where we don't even spend half as much time as we'd like," bella explained as they entered the last room of the tour. jack gasped as he noticed the candy stash to the right.

"there's so much candy- just leave me here, see you tomorrow," he joked as he walked over there grabbing a bag of haribo gummy bears, daniel laughed as he took a few gummies out of the bag- jack offering some to the others. weirdly enough, normally he didn't even let people near his candy.

"wanna watch a movie?" daniel suggested as he placed himself down in one of the chair/couches looking thingies- daniel had no idea what they were called, but then again, did it really matter?

"sure, dibs on picking!" zach yelled as he threw himself down in one of the other couches on front row, soon after everyone joining him- complaining about the fact that he was gonna choose, mostly because zach often ended up picking something absolutely random that didn't make sense.

"what about now you see me? those movies are amazing," zach suggested, surprising everyone- he had actually not chosen something unusual for once.

"dude i love those movies!" daniel said as he went on netflix, picking out the movie, and pressed play, after everyone had gotten comfortable. i was already 9:30 pm, and the two movies went by in a blur, some of the highlights consisting of:

"i'm in love with jack wilder," from corbyn, which daniel quickly agreed to.

"i don't understand how they do that," quite a mystery.

"god, jack is so fucking hot," he is.

and as movie two finished, jonah was quick to pull his phone out- to see of their was a number three, none of them ready for the movies to just be over.

"oh my god, guys! number 3 will be out this year, we have to watch it together in the cinema once it does!" jonah yelled excitedly as he searched a bit more for the publication date- not able to find it.

"the uh- the cinema?" daniel asked- he had never been in one, didn't even know what they were like.

"don't tell me you have never been in a cinema-" corbyn said- not believing it- how had this guys missed out on so much normal stuff, sure, he was a prince. but how? corbyn had assumed that prince's days were filled to the brim with fun stuff like this- in reality, perhaps they were not, at least what he had learned from watching daniel, indicated that it was definitely not like that.

"well, we don't really do that kinda stuff- i mean i've been to a few premieres, but that's not really the real cinema experience, i guess, how about you bella?" daniel asked as he looked over at bella who nodded after a few seconds.

"i think i've been in a cinema once, when i was like six, but i'm honestly not sure, i've always wanted to see a movie in a cinema though, it seems so fun- so romantic, if that's what you're into," bella winked at daniel as she said the last bit, a blush rising to his cheeks, daniel knew what she was indicating- and honestly he'd love to. and maybe if he and corbyn one day ended up together, he would.

"wow, you guys are really missing out, huh?" jack asked as he thought back to all the things they had mentioned never trying.

"we should make a bucket list, about all the stuff we haven't tried- and then do it together everyone," corbyn suggested, he had a lot of things he wanted to try, and he knew the others did as well, so why not?

"that could literally be so fun," daniel agreed, he had always been alone- which was a part to why he had never done any of these things, he hadn't had the time, and when he did have the time, he hadn't had anyone to do it with, but he had now. so why not take advantage of that? and do it while he still had even just a little bit of time. he didn't know when his father was gonna step down- but when he did, the almost non existent free time he had would become completely non-existent, now he could get away with not showing up for things, he could get away with being immature, he could get away with breaking the rules, but in the future after he got crowned, he would not be able to that. at that time he would have the whole country depending on him, and he knew that no doing his duties as king, would mean him letting his people down, and that is th elast thing daniel wants to do.

"bungee jumping has to be on it, else i don't want it," zach said as he laughed- honestly the thought of bungee jumping scared the shit out of him, and he didn't even know if he would be able to do it if he got the chance.

"fuck guys- it's like 2 am, maybe we should like- not go to sleep but at least like, get ready to sleep?" bella suggested, knowing very well they were expected for breakfast in less than seven hours.

"you're probably right," daniel mumbled as he got up, and showed everyone the way to his room where everything had gotten ready for them, all they had to do was acutally just get ready for bed, which they did pretty quickly. most of them were too lazy to brush their teeth so indteas they just flopped down on their madresses, shedding off a layer of clothes, replacing it with pj's.

it didn't take long before the first person feel asleep. daniel sighed, as he pulled out his phone- he had a plan, something that he had been planning for awhile, he just didn't want to go through with it before now. but in the end daniel just ended up saying screw it-

my heart <3

daniel seavey
your eyes stole my heart,
your smile gives me life,
your prescense makes me high,
your touch leaves me breathless.

daniel seavey
can i show you the
rose garden?
read 3:12 am


it only took me a week to publish a new chapter this time! also guys, this is the second last chapter i think, next one will probably be the ending, and then i'll make an epilogue probably ): i'm really not ready to let this story go.

BUT! i've just published my next story called five seconds which is the one i will be writing (well i've technically already finished it, but yk what i mean) after this one, so you should definitely check that one out :) i love you all.

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