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"Welcome to the castle, Bella and I will be your tour guides for the day, which is very prestigious may I add, so you all better appreciate the fuck out of it," daniel said as the first thing as they walked in, before cracking out in a laugh, and engulfing each of them in a hug, the one he gave Corbyn lasting a bit longer than the others, he had missed being able to wrap his arms around his love whenever he wanted to without having to think about the consequences of it.

"Jesus Christ, can you guys just give me a second to adapt to the fact that feet are right now placed in the fucking castle?" Jonah asked as he looked around, making the others laugh, Daniel couldn't help it, he was so used to the castle, that he forgot how it must feel to people who are used to living in normal homes with normal families.

"Is this how you felt inside on that bus ride?" Corbyn mumbled, thinking back to the day where Daniel had texted him, extremely excited about being inside of something as normal- and annoying according to many others like a bus. 

"Probably," was all Daniel answered with, sending the others into their second wave of laughter, Daniel was scared that it was gonna get awkward, but after all of this he doubted that it would be. 

"Anyways, are you guys ready to see the whole thing- or well probably not the whole thing, I'm too lazy for that, but like- are you ready to see the most important parts?" Bella asked, after she had gained her air and ability to actually breathe back. 

"As ready as I'll ever be," Zach mumbled, and then it was decided, the tour had officially started. the first thing being the throne room, mostly because it was one of the first rooms in the castle.

"I just touched the throne," Tate mumbled in disbelief as she stared at her hand, that had just touched the throne for a split second, her immediately pulling it back as if she had burnt herself. 

"You did," Daniel said, possibly trying to make It more real, trying to remove the doubt that had settled, everything was just too surreal perhaps. 

"This was not what i expected back when i decided to make the noob our friend," Corbyn just mumbled as they made their way to the next room, which was the enormous kitchen.

"bro- how much are the chefs in here worth?" zach mumbled, as he grabbed some food of the plate that quickly got offered to them.

"Some of the best chefs in the world," was all Daniel said, which only added to their amazement, quickly carrying on, if they weren't fast then this could quickly end up lasting hours, hours they didn't have, the king was expecting them soon, which is why Bella and Daniel had decided that they take some of the more official rooms now, and then the more fun rooms later after they had, had dinner, making the whole thing easier, and luckily for them their plan fit well with the way the castle was made, it was actually, when you think about tit, it was as if the castle had been split up in areas, such as the official area, which fit things as the ball room, throne room, and just the more public kind of things in general, and then they had the important area, such as the office, and just all of that stuff in general, then they had a green area, that covered most of the outdoor, and plant kind of stuff, the royal area where all the royal bedrooms were, a place that very few people had been. and then at last the fun area, which contained, the movie theatre, fitness room, the pool all the fun stuff. 

"okay, so let's quickly see the ball room, and then we can go into the dining room, that should fit pretty well with the time schedule," daniel mumbled as he opened the door to the ball room, small gasps were heard, and daniel just smiled, he remembers the feeling he had gotten the first time he entered the room, it was truly magical, even he who was used to it at this point had to admit that. 

"You know what, Daniel? I've been thinking," Jack started off, waiting for Daniel's reaction before continuing, Daniel just nodded as he looked over at Jack, who just sent him a small smirk before continuing what he was saying. 

"If you have such a strict time schedule, that you're used to following, correctly may I add, how the hell did you end up being late so many times in high school?" Jack asked, which drew a chuckle out of Daniel who just shook his head.

"I honestly don't know, I guess I just got used to slacking, and then got used to over sleeping, and not waking uo before 6 am every day," Daniel responded with still laughing a bit.

"Why am I not surpirsed," Bella mumbled, before making her way out of the room, "let's go meet the king," she added, all of them feeling the tension that raised in the room, they were clearly nervous, Daniel didn't blame them, meeting the king was a huge deal, hell even he got nervous, and the king was his dad- being the king was a position he was one day gonna fill, he didn't have room to be nervous.

"hello, and welcome to our home," Daniel's father said as the first thing as they walked in, all of them bowing slowly, which he quickly dismissed, telling them that it wasn't needed.

"A friend of Daniel's is friend of mine," he had added, Daniel smiling tothe others, as the nerves around the room slowly started to slither away.

"anyways, dad, this is Jack, Jonah, Zach, Gabbie, Tate, Christina, and Corbyn," Daniel said introducing all of them, purposely mentioning Corbyn as the last one not sure what his dad's reaction would be.

"Arh, so you're the one who will hopefully be my future son-in-law, it's so nice to meet you." his dad mumbled as he started out shaking  his hand, before following up with the others, welcoming each of them individually. Daniel almost broke out laughing as he saw the look on Corbyn's face, of all the things Daniel had imagined his dad saying to Corbyn, that certainly had not been one of them. 


Hello! My new latop arrived today, and my motivation to write magically appeared together with it, in just two hours I've managed to write both this chapter, and finishing my next story that I'm gonna publish once this one is done! (it's called five seconds, and is a dorbyn fiction, because 95% of my stories somehow always ends up as dorbyn, oopsies) 

and now that we're on the topic of finishing off this story, i'm pretty sure there'll be around 2 or 3 more chapters, and then an epilogue! perhaps, i love you all, thank you for being patient with me and my very slow updates <3 (also yes this is very unedited) 

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