Chapter 12

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I finish my makeup and walk out the door of my bedroom. I see my Dad sitting on the couch. Wasn't really expecting him to be home. He glances over and does a double take. "What are you wearing?" I look down at my shorts and cropped black tank top.

"Clothes," I say simply.

"You sure? Looks like underwear," he says. "We live in New York not Miami."

"Gets hot at parties Dad," I say sounding annoyed. I walk to the kitchen island and grab my purse.

"Are you at least gonna wear a jacket?" He asks. I nod as I grab my Colombia from the coat rack and put it on.

"Happy?" I ask. He shakes his head. "Well I'm leaving anyway," I say putting my hand on the door. He steps in front of me and gives me a stern look.

"You aren't going anywhere young lady," he says crossing his arms.

"This isn't really the time to act like a typical dad, okay?" I say. I get a text from Betty who is waiting to be my ride. "I gotta go, Betty's waiting for me," I say.

"Not until you wear something else, and quit giving me attitude," he says. I roll my eyes and step back to the island. I grab the paper pad that's normally got a note on it from him and start writing. I had it to him with five dollars.

Sorry baby, got called into a party have to go. Here's some money for a sandwich. Love, Stella.

He looks at me and sighs. I raise my eyebrows. "You still wanna play this game?" I ask. He shakes his head.

"Be home by midnight," he says sadly.

"No promises," I say with a bitchy tone. I slam the door behind me and walk down to Betty's car, which is really her Mom's car.

"Why don't we just walk?" I ask looking at the Sedan.

"This is quicker. You know Flash lives further away," she states as I get in. We drive and I text Harry to see if he was going with Brad. I get a reply which is just a picture of him and a very annoyed Flash. I giggle lightly. "What are you laughing at?" I hear from the back. I jump and see we've picked up Ned.

"What's he doing here?" I ask Betty.

"He's my boyfriend," Betty says simply.

"Betty," I say protesting thinking of something to say. "He's gonna ruin everything," I add. Ned looks a little hurt.

"Stella stop being dramatic. Ned may look dorky but he's really cool if he stays quiet," Betty explains. I roll my eyes and listen to Betty discuss what her and Ned are gonna do for homecoming. "Just make sure Peter and MJ are cool with that," she adds at the end.

"I don't know if they are going," Ned says. I furrow my brow confused.

"What do you mean?" I ask basically for Betty.

"I'm not sure Peter is really into dances after the whole thing with Liz," Ned says sounding a little panicked to find an answer.

"I forgot he went with Liz," I think to myself. I sense Peter really close to me and almost feel him about to say something but it goes away. Instead it's replaced by very loud music. I feel overwhelmed again and can hear so much. It's been a couple days since this has happened so I thought I was getting ahold of it. I close my eyes and wince a bit. It's so loud I can barely hear myself think. I try and focus on something. A word or something. Like that first day when I found Peter's shoes.

"Peter," I think to myself. "Peter Parker," I say again. It's starting to calm me down.

"What's wrong with you?" I hear Peter say.

"Please keep talking to me," I think lightly. My head is hurting so bad by the music and chatting getting louder as we get closer to Flash's place. I try to stay composed as Betty parks the car. Peter's gone silent even after what I consider begging him to keep talking to me.

"Stella!" I hear Betty yell. It's booming and almost breaks me. I wince a lot and nod just assuming she wants me out of the car. She locks it and the honking is louder than anything else. Her and Ned go ahead of me and I try to keep walking but the music is crazy loud and I can't focus on one conversation. I hear every typing text and cell phone ring. Every single chew and swallow.

"Stop," I say lightly to myself. I sit by a car, hiding, and cover my ears. "Stop," I say again as everything pours in. Gun fire, yelling, liquor being poured, and shoes tapping on tile floor. Another cell phone rings louder and louder. I realize it's mine. I open my eyes and read Parker. I answer it, but can't say anything.

"You alright?" Peter asks. I sigh and want to say something but everything on his end is just as loud. "Stella," he says quietly. It's the first thing that quiet. Almost not audible. "Focus on my voice," he says even quieter. "Can you still hear me?" He asks. I sense myself breathing heavily and crying a little. "Is the party a little too much?" He asks. I don't answer I do feel weight coming off of me with every word he says. "Stella I can't keep talking I'm gonna run out of things to say," he says in a more normal voice. But it's still quiet. I'm starting to not be able to hear everything else so loudly. "Stella," he says again. "Do you need someone to come get you?" He asks. I wanted to say no. I wanted to go to the party and be normal. I especially didn't want to go home to my dad.

"Yes," is the first word that came out of my mouth. That's not what I thought I would say.

"I'll have Happy-

"No," I say quickly causing some buzzing to come back. I groan as stuff gets louder.

"Stella," he says more quiet. I hear him sigh and can picture him looking around "I'll be there soon," he says.

"Thank you," I say lightly. He hangs up and I sigh. I read a text from Betty as it gets louder and louder. I can barely read her message as I shut my eyes trying to focus on something besides the chaos and noise. I suddenly feel someone near me. I look up and see Spider-Man. He's offering his hand to me. I grab it and he wraps a arm around my waist.

"Hold on," he says lightly. I nod and wrap my arms around his neck as we swing through Queens. The noise gets quieter and it becomes a light buzz again. I feel us drop and my feet touch gravel. I look around letting go of Peter and see it's the roof I've been visiting since I got my powers. I sigh and wipe my face and sit on the cement flat and look out at the bay and city. I sit there for a second and then look over at Peter who's mask is off and he's fixing his hair.

"Thank you," I say lightly. He looks at me and nods. "You didn't have to do that," I add.

"I know," he says simply looking out at the city. I look out as well and sit there for what seems like forever.

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