Peculiar Meetings

212 11 2

E/c = Eye colour

Your POV

You blink, shock overwhelming your body, forcibly muting you.
"She thinks we're freaks. Nobody ever accepts us in the society. Ya know why? Cause we are." One turtle says disappointedly.
After a second or two, you snap out of your dream-like daze. You hesitate to speak, but then choose to object to the red masked turtles statement.
"I don't think you guys freaks! Plus if nobody would've helped me I don't know what would've happened.." Your voice becomes slightly above a whisper at the last part. It was true though, if nobody came to your aid, you may have been in a much more critical condition. Even if the police let out a search party for you, why would they search in the sewers? Your attention is then drawn to another voice.
"Dude, uh, I meant dudette, if it weren't for me helping you out there with my heroic braveness you would've been a goner." The orange clad turtle flexed, answering your said question.
Well I guess you got your answer then, "Thanks for saving me, uh.." you trailed off, you didn't know any of their names.. well this is embarrassing.

The said turtle seemed to get the gist, "The names Mikey, I am totally obsessed pizza and video games! I mean, dude if I could only do two things for the rest of my life, it would be eating pizza and playing video games. Hey, did I mention I love pizza?"
You laugh lightly, "Well thanks for helping me Mikey, my names Y/n." You reply with more confidence.
"Like a turtle do!" Mikey exclaimed happily.

Mikey then introduces you to the others. "These are my bros," he said motioning to the other three. "The red one is Raph, he's a bit of a hothead but on the inside he's a big softie." Raph grumbles at the statement. You hear a few words muttered like "No I'm not." and "Shut up Mikey."
Mikey the continues.
"This is Donnie," Mikey addressed the purple banded turtle, "He's really good with inventing stuff that yours truly, just so happens to name all of his splendid inventions."
Donnie rolled his eyes at the last part.
Mikey then proceeded to the last turtle, "This is Leo, he's our leader and he's also got a reeeaal big thing for Space hero's."

Leo then got embarrassed from Mikey announcing his 'big thing' for Space hero's. Very loudly, you add. Then Raph started saying about how bad the show is. Leo was obviously not happy with his response. He started saying that it was a great show and how he should try watching it sometime. Cue the great battle of fandoms.

General POV

Y/n and Mikey were continuing their engaging conversation throughout all the chaos. That was until Leonardo interrupted them.
"I hate to ruin the mood, but what are we going to do about Y/n? She has a family out there that will be scaling New York searching for her by now." The Leo asks the others, in hopes of forging an answer or plan between them, he spared a glance in her direction. Y/n crossed her arms feeling a bit excluded and knowing that they were obviously talking about her. She dared to interrupt with an important question.

"Not that I don't like it down here, but when will I be able to go home? Like Leo said my mom has probably flipped the whole of New York over by now.." Y/n asks.
The turtles look over in her direction, Donnie then walked over where Y/n was sitting.
"Well Y/n, when Mikey found you, you hit your head pretty hard because you had a mild concussion.." He thought for a moment.
"You'll probably have to stay down here for at least two more days before I can know for sure if your head is healed properly." Donnie answered for her.

Y/n's face seemed to show confusion, shock and disbelief in one expression. An expression that only she could pull off.
"Speaking of which, how DID you get down here in the first place?" Donnie asked Y/n, changing the subject.
Raphael was starting to get annoyed at all the chat. Too much chat not enough action, he thought.
"Does it really matter? She probably fell cause she was too busy looking at her stupid phone, like every human seems to do these days!" Raph half yelled.
Y/n glared at him, heck, if looks could kill.. Raph would be 30ft underground right now.

Mikey interrupted her face off with Raph, asking you what pizza toppings you liked. As he attempted to brush off the building tension in the room. Unfortunately , Mikey's method of de-tensioning the room was also quite loud. Because Leo interrupted a few minuets later.
"Guys quiet down! What if Master Splinter finds out we brought a human into th-"

"Brought whom to the lair?" Splinter walks in questioning the four brothers suspiciously, also noticing Y/n uncomfortably fiddling with her fingers on the examination table.
"My sons, why is there a human in the lair?" Splinter asks eyes roaming around the room
"Well uhh.. you see.." A cluster of murmurs were given as a response.
Mikey interrupted the uncomfortable atmosphere. "Sensei I brought her here.. but it was for a good reason. She was hurt, I couldn't just leave here there!"
Y/n constantly got ignored by her fellow classmates in school, but getting all the attention like right now was definitely NOT what she bargained for.

Master Splinter then studied the girls confused E/c orbs for a few seconds before addressing the quad.
"Michelangelo is right, my sons. She has good intentions for this world, we do not leave the injured behind and suffering." Splinter stroked his goatee as he spoke.
"Therefore if she needs to stay she may stay as long as required." Splinters eyes moves across the five teenagers.

Y/n sat and thought for a moment. She then felt a sudden surge of worry. What about her mom? Her mom would think that she got kidnapped or worse.. Heck, she probably had a search party out there looking for her as we speak.
Y/n hesitates to look up at the mutated rat but then asks, "What about my family?"
"They will be fine Y/n. Donatello needs to make sure your wounds have properly healed before we can let you go to the surface once more." Splinter said to her putting a comforting hand on Y/n's shoulder. Wait how did he know her name?


General POV

It had now been two days since Y/n was welcomed into the turtles home whilst she recovered from her misadventure in the sewers. In the two days of her stay, she had got to know each turtle individually. But the turtles she spent the most time with was definitely Mikey. She's had some issues with Raph. She just wished he didn't direct his anger toward her as much. Mikey says he's got his 'soft side' and he'll warm up to you eventually but he had yet to prove this.

Speaking of Mikey, Y/n and Mikey had lots of fun together over the past two days. Ever since Donnie discharged her from the lab, the two had started to build on an ever strengthening friendship. It turns out, Y/n had quite a few things common with Mikey. They both liked video games and loved to do gaming marathons. (if you don't have much interest in this just roll with it). Y/n admired Mikey's optimistic view on the world and said she wished she has as much optimism as him. Unfortunately she never got to have that game-a-thon with her friends.. But Mikey definitely made up for that. At dawn they raided the fridge, scavenging for snacks. They then chilled on the couch gaming until midnight, filling the lair with laughter all night long.

Which eventually leads us to present date.

Mikey's POV

Donnie told Y/n that she had recovered enough to be able to return home. I think he also gave her a T - phone so that she can contact us in case of emergency. Like if the foot come after her because she now knew where we lived.
I know she's only been here for two day, but I'm sad to see her go.. I finally found someone else who understood what a REAL game-a-thon meant. As much as I love hanging with my bros, it's nice to hang round with other people too. Like Y/n.. She seems like a pretty cool dudette. Hm.. we have each other's numbers, so maybe I can ask her if she wanted to hangout sometime.. Maybe go skating? Or get pizza? Yes! That's a great idea. I am totally the smartest dude I know.


A/n I never thought I'd be able to bring myself to write this chapter.. I'm so bad at writing in other characters POVs! I know Mikey's POV is really short but this shall change soon. I hope the turtles and especially Splinter weren't too out of character..
See you guys soon! 🐢🐢

I just realised nobody is going to read this book lol I'm such a loser.

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