Kraang Squad is Back!

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T/n = Teacher name
B/f/n = Best friend name

Your POV

You jolted awake as your teacher, T/n scolded you for nearly falling asleep for the third time this lesson.

"Y/n L/n! Do I have to keep repeating myself? Pay attention! If you keep this up you'll be staying an extra hour for detention!" T/n shouted irritably over to your direction.

You mutely nodded your head, hating the attention you were getting from your curious classmates. Ugh can't they just mind their own business? You thought miserably as T/n then proceed on with the lesson.

Not getting much sleep last night had taken its toll on you. But that was mainly from when you went skateboarding with Mikey last night and the you got back at about 11:00pm. But you didn't sleep until about 12:00pm. Your mom literally had to drag you out of bed today!

You quickly started working again as T/n spared you a brief glance to check you were still doing work. You swore that teacher held something against you ever since you went into 10th grade they just seemed to despise you for some reason. It was like they waiting for you to mess up, on something. Anything! You had promised yourself you'd get them back before you left this school.. you can't wait for that day to come.

But for now you are stuck here. In this school. In this lesson. With your wonderful teacher called T/n.


"Ugh I seriously can't wait to leave this school, then we won't have to deal with anymore annoying teachers!" You vented to your best friend, B/f/n.

"Well looks like someone got out of the wrong side of the bed this morning." She huffed. Ever since you escaped that hell of a lesson you had been venting your pent up anger to her. Pretty much like a recorded message on repeat for the last 10 minutes whilst you guys were walking home from school together. She lived pretty close to you, right at the end of your block whilst you were further down. So you guys would usually walk to and from school together.

Seeing your expression she sighed, "Don't worry summer break will be here soon and then we'll get like three months all to ourselves!"

Your face brightened as you think about your plans for the summer break. It was April, that's two months until freedom. So close yet so far..

"Yeah I guess your right! What are your plans for summer anyway?" You asked, intrigued.

She thought for a moment, her expression suddenly morphing into a frown.

"Well I don't really have any plans. Me and my family were gonna go on vacation this year but then we had to cancel because my parents couldn't get any free days off work this year.." She trailed off, frowning.

Your expression fell. You hated seeing her so upset, especially when summer break is the long awaited three months of freedom everyone's waiting for. It was meant to be fun.

Suddenly you got an idea, "Hey, I know what'll cheer you up! How about we go to that old park we used to go to all the time when we were younger?"

You knew it was cheesy but you figured it would be a good place to go since there weren't commonly many people there. Plus why the hell not?

She laughed. "Why not?"

You didn't have to get back for at least another two to three hours. You had known B/f/n for a number of years and you knew that she was usually allowed out for quite a while like you. So neither of you had to worry about your parents going bezerk because they knew you guys would usually hang out within your free time after school anyway.

Unexplained Meetings (Mikey x Reader) *ON HOLD*Where stories live. Discover now