Double Trouble

101 6 5

Your POV

It had been a month now since the park incident. Since then you, B/f/n, April and Casey had become quite good friends. You started hanging out after school quite regularly and had even created your own group chat! You guys called it '4 peas in a pod'. B/f/n came up with it. Casey wasn't too thrilled on the name but you found it quite amusing.

Speaking of B/f/n, you guys went to F/r and got F/f along with some refreshing drinks and it was amazing! It was definitely a treat for you as you had been under a lot of stress that past week from a number of different reasons.

You had also talked to the happy go lucky orange masked turtle a more than a couple of times via text or video call throughout that period of time. You had also hung out a few times in the evening and even shared some pizza on your rooftop. You had yet to actually go and visit him though. Even if you could, you wouldn't even know where to start looking in the sewers!

You were suddenly shocked back into reality by your phone falling off your bedside table. You reached down to pick up your phone, quickly checking for any damage. Luckily there is none.

Laying back down in your bed, you turn on your phone to see that you had about 52 notifications from your new group chat. 52 in under an hour. At twelve o'clock too! But at least it's not as bad as all of the other group chats your part of.

Y/n: What the hell are you guys going on about at this hour?

Casey: Yo Y/n! Are you by any chance free this weekend?

Y/n: Yeah.. why?

Casey: Well I was wondering if you wanted to hang for a bit at the ice hockey rink? Ape's coming too.

Y/n: I mean sure but what about B/f/n?

B/f/n: I can't come cause me and my parents are going out for the whole weekend.

Y/n: Oh, I guess I'll go then. I literally have nothing better to do anyway. ;/

Casey: Lol you could at least act a little more exited, I'm not all that bad.

April: Yes you are.

B/f/n: XD

Casey: >:/

Y/n: Wait what time are we meeting?

April: Uhh idk I'm free around 10:00pm?

Casey: Yeah I am probably gonna be around at that time too.

Y/n: Okay it's settled then. Well meet at 10:00pm.

Casey: ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;)

April: tf

B/f/n: Will everyone please SHUT UP? I'm trying to sleep.

Casey: ::::::(

Y/n: Okay seriously just shut up now.


"Hey Y/n! Glad to see you could make it!" April waved over to you as you closed the door your had just entered from and walked over to the pair.

You smiled in return before sitting down on a nearby bench. Casey rolled his eyes at you, "Seriously what took you so long? We've literally been waiting here for hours!"

April sighed, "Casey, your just exaggerating we've only been here for 10 minutes and if I remember correctly I got here before you."

Casey just huffed and looked away, "Well enough with all the chit chat, you two lady's just sit here and bestow your eyes upon true pro at ice hockey in action."

Unexplained Meetings (Mikey x Reader) *ON HOLD*Where stories live. Discover now