A Child

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*So this chapter is so messed up that well umm a male gets pregnant. O_O well you have been warned*
-Third person POV-
It had been 2 months since Mirio and Tamaki got married. Not many people were there for Tamaki's sake. In the time between when Tamaki got back and the presant day they had lost count of how many times they fucked.
-Mirio POV-
Tamaki had been sick for the past week and I was starting to get worried. Tamaki barley ever got sick and if he did it was never this bad. I went back into our room with a cold washer and put it on his head. Neijire had been over just before showing me how to take care of him. I continued to take care of him for another 3 days until he was feeling a bit better.
-Tamaki POV-
I was finaly starting to feel better but I still knew something was wrong. "Hey daddy I'm just heading out for a bit." Mirio replied with "Okay baby be safe and call if you need me." I headed to the chemist and got something that might tell me what was going on with me. I brought some other things so that Mirio wouldn't question it. I headed straight to the bathroon and took out the pregnancy test I had brought. I waited for what seemed like ever but was only 6 minuets I looked at the first test 'POSITIVE' I started to worry. I got the second test and looked at it 'POSITIVE' what was I suppost to tell Mirio? Oh hey daddy so you fucked me so hard that you got me pregnant. What was I going to do? I curled up into a ball in the corner of the room and sobbed. Mirio must of heared me because he came rushing in. He wraped his muscular arms around me and kept asking me what was wrong. He looked around the room to see if there was anything to tell him what was going on and why I was so upset. Then he saw them. The pregnancy test that I had just taken. He looked at it with a shocked look on his face then to me then back to the test. "Tamaki if this is a joke it's not funny. Tamaki what's going on." He looked more and more worried by the second. "I'M PREGNANT OK!" I shouted at him as I tried to cover my face. "I-im pregnant." I said in a bit of a calmer tone. He just came up to me and gave me a hug. "So what do you think about all this?" I asked to try and get what was going on in Mirio's head out. "Well it depends on you Tamaki. Do you want to keep it?" I went silent for a couple of seconds before nodding my head. I could tell that Mirio was starting to smile. It gave me so much relief to know what was going on inside his head. We booked an appointment for the next day. I called Fatgum and said that I wouldn't be able to come to work for a while but I wasn't sure how long and that I'd let him know why tomorrow. When Mirio and I went to bed it felt weird. Usually before we went to bed we would fuck but we didn't want to just in case I was pregnant. Insted we just layed on our sides Mirio holding me firmly around the waist.
*next morning*
We got up had something to eat and got dressed. I wore a black shirt with jeans. Mirio wore a white shirt along with a denim jacket and black pants. We hoped in our 1969 Chevy Impala and headed for the hospital/doctors. When we arrived I started to get anxious. People were staring at us from every direction. Of course they were I was a pro hero and Mirio was known as the boy who lost his quirk. I waited hopeing that the doctor would call us in soon and just as I thought it. "Tamaki Amajiri?" We walked in to the room the doctor directed us to. We all sat down and he asked about what symptems I had been getting. Then the doctor got me to get up on a bed and lay down. I started feeling really uncomfortable and Mirio saw this so he grabed my hand and gave me a kiss on my forehead. The doctor returned with gel and a machine. He put the gel over my stomach and moved the machine around until he found something that would have only been the size of Eri's pinkie finger. "Looks like it's about 2 and a half months." The doctor explained. He gave me some medicine and we booked our next appointment. We headed home and made some phone calls to tell people the news. After we finished we went and layed down in bed and organised what we were going to do. We decided that we'd clean the spare room next to our room so that the baby could still be near us. I woke up to the sound of Mirio breaking something. I went into the room and wraped my arms around his waist. "Morning baby's." He said jokeingly. I just elbowed him. I went to pick up a box of old photoes "And what do you think your doing?" I was confused, we had said last night that we were going to clean the room up. "I'm helping you clean the room up." He just stared at me. "No your not. You are going back to rest." I just looked at him with a look of your jokeing. "Mirio it's just a box of ol-" He didn't let me finish. "No you will not be carrying anything heavier than a book. Understood?" I felt ussless that I couldn't help. "Yes daddy." I gave him a peck on his cheek and left to make breakfast. Mirio came up behind me and put his arms around my waist. I turned around and he gave me a make out session.

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