His Reaction

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November 25th

Silence took over the room as the two boys soaked in it. No one said a thing. They both just stared at eachother, Yoongi with fear in his eyes and Hoseok with concern and shock in his.

"Y-You're.. Homeless..? Like, you don't have a home?" he asked, just to make sure he hadn't misunderstood what the elder had said.

"Y-yeah, well, I live at the homeless shelter but I'm still considered homeless" explained Yoongi.

"Holy shit, I'm so sorry. Yoongi, why didn't you tell me?! I'm always complaining about how I want a roommate! You could be my room mate!" he said quickly, before he tackled Yoongi with a hug.

"I know, but, I didn't want to seem clingy or something" he told him weakly as he hugged Hosoek back tightly.

"Well, will you move in with me now?" Hoseok asked in a soft and caring voice as he continued to squeeze Yoongi in a hug. Slightly, Yoongi nodded, making Hosoek explode with excitement.

"Oh my gosh! We can go get your stuff now and we can have a movie night to celebrate!" he cheered excitedly and Yoongi just went with it. He loved to see his crush excited but he would love living with him even more.

11:13 AM

It was now that they were leaving the homeless shelter, never to return to it. Both Yoongi and Hosoek were carrying Yoongi's things until they got to the car, where they then dumped it down in the boot. Yoongi decided to donate his blankets since he wouldn't be needing them anymore. The only blanket he kept was the knitted one which was made by his mother when she still walked this earth.

"You sure we got everything, Yoongs?" asked Hoseok as he slammed the boot shut.

"I'm positive.. I didn't have anything of any value anyway, only my phone" he said with a dismissive shrug before he climbed into the passenger's side of the car, with Hosoek driving. Part of Yoongi felt bad for not being able to drive but anorher part of him knew Hoseok would understand.

10:34 PM

The movie night had started half an hour. After having a conversation where they both said they enjoyed horror movies, they both put one on and decided that they'd watch that. But Yoongi saying he liked horror movies was the fattest lie one could ever tell.

All was peaceful, yet horrifying, when suddenly-

"EEEEK!" Yoongi squealed before he squirmed into Hoseok's lap. There had been a jump scare. A bad one. And so now Hosoek was chuckling at Yoongi's reaction as he held the shaking Yoongi close.

"You don't actually like horror movies, do you, Yoongs?" Hosoek chuckled in his cute little giggly voice.

Yoongi gently shook his head before he sat back where he was before. "N-no, and sorry for jumping on you like that" he smiled softly. He was thankful for the darkness in the room, as it hid Yoongi's bright red cheeks. He was so embarrassed that he'd done that.

"It's okay, I didn't mind. Anyway, I'm pretty tired. Are you?" asked Hosoek with a yawn that Yoongi coudlnt help but think was adorable. He had a hard time not cooing.

"Sure, let's go to sleep then. Where will I be sleeping?" he asked with an eye broke raised as he stood up and stretched his body out.

"There's two beds in my room.. You'll be sleeping in the one next to my bed" explained Hosoek, to which Yoongi nodded slightly and trudged upstairs tiredly with Hoseok following him.

"You can shower, but you'll be paying half of everything. Meaning, you pay half the rent, half the water, half the electric. Is that a deal?" Hosoek said sternly and Yoongi nodded in agreement.

"Of course" he giggled, "im gonna shower tonight since I'm pretty sweaty from that movie" he confessed nervously before he grabbed a towel that Hoseok provided him, along with a fresh pair of black boxers.

Once he got out, he climbed into bed and got settled down. "Just a warning, I sleep naked so you may want to close your eyes when I come out the shower" Hosoek called to him before he closed the door to the bathroom. Soon the sound of running water cold be heard.

I bet he looks nice naked

Yoongi pushed away his crude thoughts, and forced himself to think about something else by reading a book.

"Close your eyes!" shouted Hosoek. Yoongi closed his eyes before he heard the click of the bathroom door opening up and closing again. The fan was turned off and all was now silent. The only light in the room was coming from the bed side table lamp.

Yoongi decided to risk it, and take a peak of Hoseok's body. Luckily the boy was facing away from him and looking in the mirror. All Yoongi saw was his back and damn, it was nice.

His muscular thighs connected to his slim hips which contrasted against his skinny yet muscular waist. All of him was muscular yet skinny and Yoongi swore no one had ever looked so perfect. He wasn't even sexy; he was just pure beautiful to Yoongi. Well.. Maybe that ass was sexy but that'd besides the point.

He's beautiful

Just then, Hosoek spun around quicker than Yoongi could cover his eyes and he prayed and prayed that Hoseok hadn't noticed. "What colour should I dye my hair? I love your light blonde hair and I want something different for Christmas" he said, the cute pout evident on his face. Before he could respond, he heard the ruffling of sheets. "You can open your eyes now" Hosoek informed him.

"How about you dye it... Red? Because red is a Christmas colour?" suggested Yoongi. Hosoek nodded with a bright smile. He really seemed to like the idea of getting it dyed the colour red.

"That's such a good idea! Thanks, hyungie! Good night, now" Hosoek said cheerfully before he reached an arm up and switched the lamp off.

Before the room went as dark as ink, Yoongi managed to get a peak of his muscular and veiny arm along with his equally as muscular chest.

The one thing that topped it all off was the fact that he had a tattoo.

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