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Celeste was so tired that she managed to sleep the whole trip, which surprised the Maladorian. But he didn't mind since she did help him rebuild his ship with Kuiil. Once landing his ship, he got up, and nudged the girl awake in her chair.
"We're here?" She asks still half asleep, clearly shocked at how fast that went.
"Yeah, here—Buy yourself something, I'm gonna turn the kid in." He says while tossing her a credit causing her to immediately grab it mid-air. She then eyes the now awake child in the basket, almost disappointed to see him go.
"What are they going to do with it?" She asks the man, hoping it wasn't anything bad.
"I have no clue, and it isn't my problem." Mando states clearly not liking the idea of her becoming attached to his bounty.
"Oh, ok." She says while watching him start making his way out of the ship, with the basket floating closely behind him.
"Return to my ship before sundown." He states right before exiting, causing the child to peer over the side of the basket to look at the girl one more time, before leaving.
As Celeste makes her way into the small city, she was slightly amazed. While walking around she could smell the different spices in the air due to the food cooking around, along with some smoke of charcoal. She even passed many different types of people, which she's never seen in person. She was only familiar with Rodians, Ugnaughts, and Jawas. So seeing Twi'lek's, and Trandoshans was foreign to the girl. She had only heard stories from Kuiil, and his descriptions of them were pretty spot on. Some of them stared, some laughed, and some just didn't even realize she existed. But the ones who did made her feel insecure about how she was dressed, which she was afraid might happen.
As soon as she passed some shops, she looks to find somewhere where she could buy new clothes, since she was wearing old rags that the Jawa gifted to her awhile back. As she comes to a shop owned by an old female Rodian, she immediately starts looking around. Everything was so expensive, which meant maybe she'd have to pass on it today, and save up enough credits for it. As she was about to exit the shop, the Rodian woman stops her from doing so.
"Oh, Im sorry but I don't have enough credits for anything." She tells the Rodian, hoping she'd understand her English, but she only took the girl in deeper the store, and pulled out something from the racks. As the woman pulled out a dark grey hooded rob, along with some black leather pants, Celeste eyes widened. She obviously wanted to buy anything to replace these dirty rags, but she simply didn't have coin. Celeste then digs into her pocket, and takes out whatever she had which wasn't much. She had 30 credits worth, and that was all gifted by the man she worked for. The Dorian woman then counted the change in her hands, and sighed at the girl. Just when Celeste thought she would be turned down, the woman took the credits, and lead her to the changing room.