chapter 1

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"Why are you always hosting everything at our house?", Maggie complained, stressed out. "Like, seriously! Why can't Owen and Teddy for example be the ones who prepare all of that in their home and we get to be guests?"

"Maybe because the two of them just had a baby?", Amelia replied as she set the table and yawned tiredly.

"Amelia has made a point there.", Meredith meddled from the kitchen. "Also, I like hosting these parties and you do too. Otherwise you'd be working right now, which you aren't.", she added with a mischievous grin.

"It's just so much work.", her sister sighed. "And we could have used Amelia as our excuse, if it counts for Teddy and Owen.", Maggie laughed, meaning no harm but not being the greatest fan of preparing everything for two hours.

"What?", the neurosurgeon laughed. "Because I am pregnant?", she wondered.

"Exactly. Because you and Link are having a sweet little Shepherd-Lincoln baby soon.", her best friend grinned, proudly. She couldn't wait to finally be an aunt.

"U huh...", Amelia somehow agreed, pretty okay with everyone believing that this baby was Link's. Suddenly, the bell rang and interrupted her thoughts.

"I'll open the door.", Meredith announced but was beat by Zola, who was happily cuddling her uncle Alex. "Hey! I didn't know the four of you would arrive together.", she addressed Jo, Alex, Andrew and Carina, but let them in right after. "And hello to you!", she grinned at the tiny baby which was carried by her best friend. It didn't take long for Tom to be there and Owen and Teddy were soon ringing the bell, too.

"Hi, my sweet boy!", Amelia greeted Leo as soon as her ex-husband came into the eating room with the toddler. She immediately stood up and took the child into her arms, where he started beaming happily and gave her many kisses.

"If you ask me, they still look like a family.", Carina whispered to her brother, as she and Andrew drank their first wine and watched their two friends.

"That's insensitive!", he hushed his sister, glad that she had been quiet enough for nobody else to hear. "They are both with other people now."

As if on queue, Atticus arrived and went to kiss his girlfriend first. He took his sweet time, stroking Amelia's belly, before he greeted the other guests and hosts too. These were all of those who had time today, besides Nico and Levi. They had decided to have a calm weekend for themselves.

"We are so glad that all of you are here with us today! Cheers to a great evening!", Maggie made a small welcome-speech. "Feel free to drink whatever you can find whenever you want, the first gear of dinner will be ready soon."

"Tired, Shepherd?", Tom asked his somehow best friend as she yawned. He would never admit it to anyone, especially not Amelia herself, that she was the only person he would talk to about his problems.

"This one...", the brunette pointed to her stomach. "Is making me tired all the time. I could sleep all day if I wanted to.", she chuckled. "How about you? Are you feeling better, know..."

"Teddy chose Owen, that's just how it is and I can't do anything but try to win the woman I love back.", her previous mentor shrugged. "The way you did it was really smart. Getting a rebound and now having the rebound's baby, which concludes into calling him your boyfriend and who knows, maybe soon to be husband."

"Oh shut up!", Amelia laughed. "I'll admit that Link used to be a rebound but I was fair enough to tell him that myself. And now, we are a couple. Sometimes things just happen. Maybe it was meant to be."

"What happened to 'Am I hung up on Owen? Sure! Maybe I'll always will be.'?", Tom teased. "Did you completely forget about him?", he asked.

"I don't think we need to talk about that right now. He and I...we are okay with each other. Friends and a family through Leo.", his previous student stood her ground as Maggie joined them.

"Pierce, how is the jobless life going?", Koracick wondered, surprising both sisters with his question.

"What is he talking about?", Amelia wanted to know, not quite understanding what her friend meant.

"I...", Maggie sighed. "I quit my job at the hospital.", she admitted.

"You what?", Alex asked, having overheard the conversation and drawing everyone's attention to the small group.

"I quit. And thanks to Tom, all of you are aware of that now.", the ex-surgeon announced.

"I have an idea!", Andrew started, trying to interrupt his colleagues staring at his friend. "Maggie just got exposed. Something she didn't felt like sharing is now a thing everybody in this room knows."

"Yes?!", Teddy tried to follow his words, a little confused about what was coming their way.

"Well, the kids will be upstairs for the whole evening with the nanny. Why don't we play a game, in which all of us have to put our phone onto the table, visible for everyone.", DeLuca continued.

"You mean as in sharing every message and let people listen to incoming calls?", Link wondered. "Sounds like fun. Especially for those of us who have no secrets."

"That is stupid!", Meredith and Amelia said at the same time.

"Why? Do you have anything to hide?", Owen teased the two women, looking at his ex-wife in particular.

"No, but why would I allow all of you to see my private messages and listen to my phone calls?", Jo asked.

"Well, I am playing. There's nothing I am hiding.", Carina decided and was the first one to put her phone into the middle of the table.

"Me too.", Alex, Maggie, Link and Owen shrugged. Andrew joined them.

"Seems like I am too old to grasp such so called funny concepts of games, but I'm in.", Tom announced and took his place.

"Alright.", Jo shrugged.

"On my behalf...", Meredith sighed.

"Amelia?", the neurosurgeon's boyfriend waited patiently.

"Come on, we can't quit now.", Teddy pitied the both of them, looking at her friend.

"Fine!", Amelia rolled her eyes and put her phone onto the table. "But just so you know, this is crap!", she complained.

"Okay, so we will play for the whole dinner time, right?", Alex asked and Andrew nodded.

"How huge is the chance of getting an awkward message or a weird call during these three to four hours anyway?", Owen chuckled as Meredith's phone started ringing already.


Okay, I was too excited to wait, since I already had some ideas. So, here is chapter one, the other chapters will probably be longer. Feel free to guess the character's secrets. :D

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