chapter 6

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 "Way to go, DeLuca!", the male neurosurgeon chuckled, amused by what he just discovered.

"Open it!", Meredith ordered, very surprised. She knew as well as her biological sister how handsome Andrew looked, but she wouldn't ever have guessed that he was acting on it.

"Please, can we not?", the young doctor begged in embarrassment but it was too late. Carina had already grabbed his phone, just like he had done with hers earlier, and opened the email.

"Hey Andrew, there's a new offer for male erotic models. Maybe we can meet up, like we used to do a few years ago. Would be happy to see you again. There are probably also many hot chicks. Please reply soon, so I can answer the organization's request. Have a great evening, bud! Yours, Mike.", the brunette read her brother's message out loud and started laughing a second later. "You can't be serious! Am I dreaming?"

"Oh my God!", Amelia giggled, watching the intern blush.

"You are a model for erotic?!", Maggie wasn't sure if this was really happening.

"Yeah, haha! Surprise!", Andrew uncomfortably chuckled. "I am glad all of you are having so much fun!"

"DeLuca, this is the best secret yet!", Tom laughed.

"Although we had some shockers already.", Alex agreed and eyed Owen, who was clearing his throat, but couldn't help himself and had to laugh, too.

"Do you have pictures?", Teddy, now a single woman again, wanted to know.

"You should simply stay here. Sometimes he walks around with nothing covering his chest.", Amelia recalled the incident from a few years ago, when Andrew and Maggie were a couple. She noticed how both of them shyly looked at each other.

"You saw him half naked, too?", Meredith wondered, shocked by what her sister was saying. "Andrew, all of us have seen your uncovered chest and that's just so wrong.", she laughed.

"Shut up!", the Italian whined as he put his hands in front of his face.

"I wish we had some popcorn right now!", Jo grinned.

"Excuse me, I need to use the toilet.", Tom said, shaking his head and chuckling while leaving the eating room.

"Amelia, is there something you haven't seen or done yet?", Teddy wanted to know, giggling after having finished her glass of wine once again.

"She never had a threesome.", Link answered for his girlfriend who didn't even seem to care.

"Are you still waiting for us to have one, or why do you remember this?", Amelia laughed, looking at her boyfriend in amusement.

"Could about something like that?", Owen interfered. He didn't need to know anything concerning his ex-wife's sex life as long as it came from the ortho guy.

"None of your business!", Maggie stepped in, rolling her eyes just like Teddy did. The next fight couldn't even start as someone's phone suddenly rang.

"That's Amelia's!", Meredith celebrated, eager to get to know one of the things her sister hid from them.

"Unknown number, here we go.", the neurosurgeon sighed and answered the call, while putting it on speaker.

"Please be interesting!", Alex begged, earning a hit against his upper arm from his wife.

"Hello? Amelia Shepherd here.", the brunette said, waiting for a response. "Hello?"

"Okay, what is going on?", Link asked, feeling like this call had something creepy about it and wanting to protect his girlfriend.

"Just hang up!", Owen suggested, feeling the same way about Amelia like her current boyfriend.

"Hello?", Amelia tried again, as the caller started to heavily breath into the phone. "Who are you and what do you want from me?", she wondered, slowly getting a little bit scared.

"Well, if you could help me with my new brain project tomorrow, I'd be pretty grateful.", Tom's voice suddenly replied.

"What the heck! Tom!", his friend yelled, partly annoyed but also happy that it was just him pulling off a stupid joke as always. "I hate you so much!", she chuckled when her ex-mentor came back into the eating room and joined the group.

"Nothing new.", the male neurosurgeon answered and winked at her. "All of you were busy talking about DeLucs, so I thought I'd make things a little more interesting.", he explained.

"Asshole!", Amelia cursed but grinned and threw a bean at Tom as soon as he was sitting on his chair again.

"Stop that or you will be the one to clean up!", Meredith stepped in.

"Good one!", Teddy giggled. "But you have to put your phone back onto the table now.", she reminded her ex-boyfriend, smiling softly.

"You should have seen your face!", Link finally started laughing too, teasing his girlfriend.

"You should have seen your face!", his best friend corrected him, having seen the worry in his eyes.

"And here I thought we'd get to know some more things about our precious Amelia.", Carina giggled. If she was honest with herself, she had a crush on the brunette, too.

"Can you at least tell us one fact about you, that almost nobody knows?", Teddy pleaded, sticking out her bottom lip for effect.

"No, why would I do that?", Amelia denied the request and chuckled.

"Because we want to get to know you better.", Maggie explained, although she knew her sister very well, but was too drunk to recall that fact.

"Fine!", the neurosurgeon finally gave in. "If I listen to classical music, I fall asleep.", she shared with a proud smile on her face.

"Boriiiing!", Alex commented. "We wanted to hear some news about you not...this!", he complained, taking another sip of his wine.

"You just got a message, Mr. I wanna know stuff.", Jo mischievously grinned. "Read!"

"It's from a number I haven't saved.", her husband wondered. He usually saved everyone in his phone. "Well, cannot be that bad."

"Will you read now, or?", Tom impatiently wanted to know, ready for new tea to be spilled.

"Hi! I am pregnant...with your baby. Thank you for freezing your sperm back when we were married and I had the brain tumor. As my new relationship didn't work out either after several years of being together, I finally decided to be a mother who is raising her kid alone. I remembered how you had frozen some of your sperm for me back in the day and chose to use it to get pregnant. Well, just wanted to let you know, daddy. I hope you are happy wherever you are right now and whoever you are with.", Alex read the message out loud. He raised his head in shock and stared at Meredith.

"Izzie!", both of them said at the same time.


Hey! I know this chapter is a tiny bit shorter than usually, but I wanted to keep the story exciting. Hope you liked the new part! :)

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